shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    Omega squints, leans to try and see a bit better, and then grunts. "Why that color though? It's hard to see. Is it like one of those secret things? Hoping everyone else has issues seeing it? Anyway. You blow their shit up?"
  2. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    What Ignis said [he gestures at the badge in his arm. It's clearly been repainted a few times but it's still purple and probably easier to see on the off-white plating it sits on.]
    Our species had what has to be record making four Million years of war over this.
    [He lowers his voice] and Zeta can eat slag for the Rest of eternity, too.
    [Oh look there go the spark pains again. Seems to be the occassion for them this time around. Yay]
  3. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    You could say that.
    [She squints her optics with the grin, making a broad gesture with one hand to summon holographic models of Very Big and Very Deadly bombs]
    • Winner x 1
  4. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    Now he's keenly interested, however he's shifted position to where he's crouching over his junk food as if to protect it from everyone else. "That looks like a party. When I'm wolf shape I can make electricity dance on my fur, so I used that to set off an oxygen tank. Nearly died but it was so fun."

    Ah, much easier to see. "That's a while, I don't know much about stuff that old. You know, I'm guessing you guys have vision a lot like humans? I was turned pretty young so my vision took a hit, I see like a dog sorta. Colors are fucking stupid and evil."
  5. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    I mean, it was for a while, sure, but-- [just be a contortionist just do it. Ignis trying to look at the flat of his own wing without a mirror is objectively hilarious but is his badge okay????--] it should be visible? Unless you view light in a different way, I mean?

    No arguments here. [The arm squished under Updraft curls around him in the closest Ignis can get to a hug right now--]
    [--and tightens further at Nichrome's display. It's fine, it's fine, he can't get more dead...

    ...can he?]
  6. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    "Don't got no red or green cones... I'm sure I have some but you mostly uh look yellow with little bits of blue I guess? Dark yellowy-- It's hard to explain. Wasn't always like that though."
  7. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    [she makes a slightly alarmed noise and pets Ignis gently, vanishing the bombs again. To Omega she says, with a bit of a frown:]
    well it varies vaguely depending on frametype and how sophisticated your optics are. A bunch of people can't see more colors than red and purple, it's kind of a common set up in mid-war MTOs and stuff.
    • Agree x 1
  8. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    You are the undisputed champion of blowing things up. [He sounds probably fonder than he should, but well it's Nichy. Though Ignis seems understandly distressed and he Angles bis wings to be sort of between him and the projection and cuddles him tighter.
    • Useful x 1
  9. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Cones...? [Ignis is many things but a scientist is not one of them. "Vaguely uncomfortable for indefinable reasons" is, though.] Uh. I mean, if you can't see red that'd do it, I'm mostly red...
  10. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    [Birb is hug. He settles down again once the bombs are gone, leans his head on Updraft's shoulder. Shh. Nothing happened, he's fine.]
  11. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    "Seems efficient, though annoying. I miss being able to see shit that well, like red. I like red, red's a pretty color, but I can't see it anymore."

    "Some science thing with how like... Human and animal eyes work. They're the uh-- sensors? I guess? Well, you must be very pretty because like I said red's a good color. Just can't see it." He hums, shoving more cheetos into his mouth because he deserves this. "You all have bits and bobbles, I think maybe wingy things? Can you fly?"
  12. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    It's so very nice to have that sort of thing said in a friendly tone of voice instead of the "What the slag is wrong with her" tone.
    Oh it is very efficient, especially if you have someone who needs to have specialty optics installed anyway due to their job. If you can cut corners on which colors someone sees, giving someone optics which make electro-magnetic-fields visible is suddenly a lot more feasible, you see. A good chunk of mechs are fairly bitter about it anyway, which is also understandable.
    • Like x 1
  13. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    I hate to ask this, but... Cheaper that way? [He hates this all so much, how many people got thrown into the smelting pit right after construction over this and opts to disteact himsrlf by summoning up a schematic of an eye for Ignis and explain the thing to him]
    They are called Rods and cones because of the shapes of the Sensor cells
    [Thank Primus for xenobio this is much less upsetting]
    And I can confirm, Ignis is very pretty.
  14. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    Yes regretably this was a concern that a lot of the MTO-medic-divisions were forced to consider.
  15. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    "I mean, I'm pretty bitter about it. I use to paint things, nature paintings mostly. Hard to do that when you can't see half of the colors."

    "This guy gets it!" Omega pauses, "You're a guy right? Uh..."
  16. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    [He makes a distressed little sound and for a split second he is tempted to tell her why this is so upsetting, knowing that maybe there are splits of his still out there build from cheap materials and lacking function for it. Or worse That /died/ because someone cobbled their frames together from spare parts or just about]
    • Witnessed x 2
  17. Updraft

    Updraft While you fought I studied the Organics (18+)

    I am, or at least most organics would identify me as such? [Then again considering some organic modes of Reproduktion... They might not]
    • Like x 2
  18. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    'Course if your whole purpose is to shoot the slag outta fraggers from a distance you get to have SPECIAL optics which don't work for no one but your user. Lucky me, they stole my face and fixed that problem!

    Not that it was too big a deal anyhow since me'n sib were shootin' through walls mostly.
    • Winner x 2
  19. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    "Is that what you want to be identified as?"

    • Winner x 3
  20. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Humans...? What's a human? But frag yeah I can fly! Just... not right now. I mean, I can. Don't want to, though. [Ignis somehow manages to snuggle spitefully. This is his cuddlepile and he's not leaving it 'til someone makes him.]

    Of course I'm pretty, I'm gorgeous. [He preens a little. Still spitefully. He will be the prettiest, fastest jet that ever flew a dance ever.

    But also he's going to listen to the cute not-dead medic explain Science. Not like he has anything better to do.] And the different kinds of sensors are optimized for different kinds of light?
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