shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Ignis of Vos

    Ignis of Vos Definitely 100% Dead

    Eh. [Awkward shrug.] It's... weird. I'm not used to Cyb-- to mechs not having the context most of us do for the title of "Prime," that's all. Nothing for it but to get used to it.
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  2. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    That's pretty much the Ideal for the house of Sloth. Increase entropy by encouraging people to do fuckall. Coziest beds-for-sleeping-in on our plane, and the second best tea. Greed has better if you're looking for a flavorgasm but Sloths' good for a nice mellow. Think they mix poppy milk in it. Jammies are soft but I can't sleep in them, have to get those from Lust's bordello. I don't do any real work for them, not aligned enough to actually work the dream network, but they're always up for helping a sister out when I don't want to be doing real work. I can always donate [ichor] -the rave translates it to the one word, but it comes with connotations of 'lifeblood,' 'power,' and also, interestingly, 'poison'- when I nap.
  3. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    [eep. dave rolls over in midair and puts his chin in his hands. he's still projecting Cool Calm and Collected, but it's just that--a projection. he likes hentai aunt lav better >:c]

    if you lure a god to sin do you get extra vacation time or is it all the same benefits wise
    guess hell wouldnt be great about worker morale and benefit packages huh
    anyway sounds great and all but ive never had a palate refined enough for tea
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  4. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    Mostly it means I don't have to project onto earth or find a hole here to hang out. Also every new sibling as a blow to the angels, glory to the cause, nikodemos, so forth. Mostly I prefer talking about life as a demon because being a human was kind of shit and demons are team "do your thing." I've got a boss because I'm a special case, got a shard Order stuck to my soul so they want to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't start trying to hammer the universe back into shape from chaos's side. But mostly we arrange into factions, like the Deadly Houses, based on our inclinations, but even those are mutable. My boss is pretty firmly Pride but that's just how he is. Lots of my friends, and myself, move between the other Houses. Effect the world through the holes you can find however you want. Recruit people because you want them at your back. And maybe because now we can feel the chaos singing in our veins, in our heads, so clear and beautiful and it's a damn shame nobody else can.

    Sloth ain't just about tea, but I had a lifetime of cheap generic shit so things like soda taste... generic. I'll drink anything canned and fizzy you put in front of me, whatever, but I'll kill a man over a bad mocha. Unless it's the Gluttons offering and then I'm not touching anything. I'm still not over the Garlic Coke incident.
  5. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    garlic coke sounds like it was too damn powerful for its own good
    before its time
    [he mimes wiping a tear from his shades]

    the thing about cheap generic shit is appreciating it for how singularly nasty it can be
    im all major brands all the time now though motherfucker
    we do not kick the wicked elixir in this home

    anyway whats all this about chaos and order cause our fancy pants dichotomy was
    justice and heroism and that wasnt even really split good vs evil it was just kinda there
    have you got order on you because you used to be human or like whats the deal with that
    is it like an angelic tracking device
    throw a holy batarang soulsward and watch as they lead you to the secret base and slash or start gluing shit together from ~within~
  6. cT's NPCs

    cT's NPCs [WT/18+] Non-Player Characters

    Wolf also play run around and pounce back! Wolf does not even understand religion! humans and cattes and big buildings go blablablah!
  7. Lucio

    Lucio Can't stop, won't stop

    Honestly sometimes I wonder why people just can't get along
  8. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    They had shrimp Coke but I wasn't even touching that.

    Actual food spoiled me. Cheap generic shit tastes like poverty and not-my-brand despair.

    I think I explained it before but our-the angels and demons and shit at home- universe was meticulously designed by a Grand Architect. They wrote a great big ol' book on how the universe was supposed to work, down to the function of subatomic particles, and created the angels to make sure it stayed working the way it was supposed to. Angels are... like clockwork. There's nothing in them. No souls, no will, no independent thought. They're made of pure Order, one of the forces of the universe. The Creator, once they had this neat little system all worked out, decided to make humanity to see what happened. Humans were given a little bit of chaos so they could think and want and decide- those things can't exist in perfect Order. According to demonic myth, an angel was tasked with delivering that chaos, but pure order can't handle even a little Chaos, and ended up going a little nutty and tearing a hole that let chaos in. That's the genesis of both the Prometheus myth-archetype and Lucifer. If that genuine fallen angel existed they're not around anymore. It's all fallen humans and bits of chaos that got stuck to things and developed identity that make up demons now.

    Demons are mostly Chaos, but the original plan calls for absolute Order. And the angels are made to carry out the plan, we call it the Design. Also the architect fucked up or was a bad scientist and wrote down what they wanted/expected humanity to do- to shake off Chaos and become a society of perfect Order, eventually- and it was left with the Design. So the angels are trying to make it happen no matter what humanity wants, because they follow the Design blindly. So we demons are around, making messes for the angels to clean up so they have less time to spare to try and herd humanity as a whole towards the pestilence of 'utopia'. And we break order in other ways, subtle chains the angels have crafted that keep people from thinking for themselves. Chaos is chaotic, but its core is free will. If humanity manages utopia without destroying that I'll be impressed but the angels still won't be happy, because as Chaos and Order are anathema, so too are Order and Free Will.

    It's not as clear as good and evil. Many consider the angels evil, but they're just hollow. No room for morality. They're mechanisms. Plenty of demons are evil, but we're as varied and complex as humans. Who's good? You choose. I may consider it the wrong choice, but I'm biased. And compelled to leave you with your shitty choice if it is one, because free will is the ultimate expression of chaos.
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  9. WarSeer

    WarSeer Devouring death like crows 18+

    -play, play, pounce GOT THE BALL! Victory! Dog goes running back to Letha. Of course, he also stops to make sure wolf friend is following before taking off again. He sets the ball in front of Letha, who pretends not to notice (she's obviously hiding a smile though) until he's nudged it so it rolls against her leg-

    -SQUEAK! There it goes!-
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    micromanaging the frog sounds like a recipe for fucking disaster
    and anyway i cant say im all for whatever it is youve got goin on but ive spent long enough being a cog in a big self serving machine
    one slip up and youre done no room for anything that doesnt ultimately result in what paradox space wants which is naturally to propagate itself
    shit fucking blows so i gotta say the design sounds boring as fuck
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  11. cT's NPCs

    cT's NPCs [WT/18+] Non-Player Characters

    And off goes the wolf! He leaps up, grabs the ball and he brings it to Lissa.
  12. Dogmeat

    Dogmeat Man's Best Friend

    *Dogmeat hears the squeak of a ball and perks his head up and trots over to the pack wanting to play*
  13. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    Lissa giggles, winds up her arm and throws!

    "Hi," she says to the blind girl. "I'm Lissa Beijada-Pines. Our friends seem to be having a pretty good time!"
  14. Poisoned Silk

    Poisoned Silk The dream of your hottest night 18+

    It's not really a clear split either. It's just easier to mess with the angels when you've got demon powers. But there's plenty of humans who've chosen neutrality over war, or to fight without the dose of raw chaos.
  15. WarSeer

    WarSeer Devouring death like crows 18+

    -dog chases! He doesn't actually made a grab for it- the wolf got it fair- but bats at his new friend's tail whenever he gets close. And a new friend has entered the fray! His ears are perked up happily, but Dogmeat's gonna have to compete if he wants that ball!-

    They are. Badulf always likes to play when he's not working. -she smiles and tilts her head in Lissa's general direction- I'm Letha. Aletheia Ua Briain if you're feeling formal.
  16. Dogmeat

    Dogmeat Man's Best Friend

    *Dogmeat jumps around and bumps into the wolves happily and friendly*
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  17. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    well yeah nothins a clear split i dont think
    its all just a fuckin gordian knot of nuance and conflicting opinions and bullshit that you gotta sift through like its your own personal swamp of feces
    [with a tone that implies he's dispensing some great wisdom:] because people
    is assholes
  18. Lissa Beijada-Pines

    Lissa Beijada-Pines [WT/Reverse/18+] love me and despair no more

    "Nice to meet you!" Lissa smiles. "Missha tore a swath through my garden looking for rabbits so we had to make friends. He's actually quite wild, but he's decided that my family is his pack."
  19. cT's NPCs

    cT's NPCs [WT/18+] Non-Player Characters

    Missha the wolf is deeply amused.
  20. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    I don't got time to wait around a thousand or so years for you to find a justification for the jetfuel you're dispensing. If it's some spark frequency slag does that mean I'm a primus damned Prime too because my spark sings a lil different from any other forged mech? Because if you want to give me power or declare I have wisdom I think there's people who would liek to have words with you.
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