Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member


    I need to refine the texture a little but fuck yes I'm going to have my bitter-as-death former Tranquil playthrough~
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  2. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful


    a former tranquil inquisitor is such an awesome idea.
  3. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    There was a post going around a while ago that was backgrounds the OP wish had been in the game, and the former Tranquil was one of them. After some thinking I figured that with some headcanoning and careful managing of conversations I could make a playthrough like that work, but I hesitated because I really wanted the tranquil brand so the Inquisitor looks right, too. I started poking at complexions some days ago, but I realized today that the tranquil brand texture had to be in there somewhere... and there we are. :D

    I've almost got it looking right, now. :D Just a little more tweaking, and then I'll figure out how I want this character's skin to look otherwise.
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  4. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

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  5. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @Mercury, that looks awesome! If/when I have a PC to play DAI on, I'll def use it. For now I'll throw it at my moirail and make her use it for me and take some screenshots :DD

    How's rping a former tranquil? Most of the Quizzie dialog seems to be too calm and collected for it to be easy.
  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I haven't done it yet, but I got an anon a day or two ago who has who said it worked out pretty well for them with judicious skipping of some conversations and some heavy headcanoning of their freakouts. That works okay for me, since I have to headcanon a lot for my playthroughs anyway.

    I kinda think the freakouts of former Tranquil are a bit overstated by the fandom, compared to what I read in Asunder. Pharamond was having mood swings, but tbh they weren't as bad as I was when I was at my worst without medication, and he'd just gone through a hell of a lot and was headed back into a potentially terrifying situation -

    In his research into a Tranquility cure, almost the entire population of Adamant fortress had been killed or turned into abominations. He'd been possessed by a demon, but isolated himself in a summoning circle so that the others would be safe (which clearly didn't work), so he had no idea what had gone on until the main characters came and freed him. His 'breakdown' at that point was pretty understandable horror and grief.

    Further emotional swings were just him crying a lot or laughing at inappropriate times, and then when they got back to Val Royeaux he found out the Templars were going to make him Tranquil again, and was terrified.

    Since this all happened over the span of two weeks, he barely had any time to get used to having emotions again; we have no idea what the long term recovery would look like.

    Based on all of that, I'm going to have my former Tranquil Quiz get more stable over time since there's not really any reason she wouldn't. But yeah, headcanoning and fic are going to play a big part of it since the Inquisitor isn't allowed much opportunity to get super emotional or react inappropriately. (Maybe purple!Hawke used up all of the inappropriateness in Thedas and didn't leave any left for the Inquisitor...)
  7. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Yeah, i think with some tweaking it could work pretty well. It's certainly a much more interesting origin for a human inquisitor. As for the freakouts, I think it'll probably vary depending on how stable the quizzie is to begin with. But yeah, I don't think they'd be completely incapacitated. If anything, being Tranquil might have established some mental habits letting them handle situations with impressive calm. Basically, they'd swing wildly between a lot of states at first, but they'd probably settle down after a while.
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  8. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    That's my take on it! My planned Inquisitor is going to go through a long stage of being very, very bitter before she really starts coming to a place of acceptance and peace, all the while struggling with her faith - she's going to be one hell of a True Believer, because who if not Andraste would have brought a Tranquil to the right place and the right time, and then had them touched by the Fade so they could make the world better? But why then was she made Tranquil in the first place??? And so forth.

    For sure. I tried to start a human rogue playthrough last night (I'm setting one up for each romance I haven't yet played, and I have so very many elves already), and I was IMMEDIATELY bored. Once I was past the prologue, everyone was kissing his ass.

    I wanted to play a Qunari but the armor on the male Qunari clips through itself... >:T
  9. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    the only way I can play a human noble is making her my rude and awful playthrough, so my Maxine is a narcissistic asshole who loves all this unconditional validation that she is, in fact, The Greatest. I'm trying to see how many people I can terribly disappoint and/or punch. otherwise it's... the most.... boring thing........
  10. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I played my human noble as a skittish, standoffish older lady who spent her adult life exaggerating her brainweird to convince her parents to funnel cash towards her frequent travels just to get her out of their hair and away from all the important nobles and their important noble opinions. She's an archer-rogue and a history buff, and the least diplomatic creature in all of existence. She's the only Inquisitor I have that I think would get along even slightly well with Solas, but she's also terrified of magic, so that sure as hell ain't happening.

    Basically, she's like an autistic Indiana Jones if Indiana Jones went out of his way to alienate everyone around him and also really hated his family.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
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  11. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I've never had Solas mad at my Inquisitor before but hoo boy is he pissed at my terrified-of-magic dwarf. :') She did recruit the templars as equals and didn't banish the Grey Wardens, so that didn't help, but man. He sounds so nasty when he greets her now, and she has the option to confront him about a couple of things, like tell him he's addicted to the fade. o_o;

    I actually like the big dumb egg so I'm stupidly scared of trying those options out. XD
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  12. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I like him too, weirdly enough. My first playthrough, I had my Adaar avoid him, just cause he's such a weird little jerkoff, but my too-nice-for-his-own-good dwarf dude had no choice but to try and be good to him, and he's honestly a pretty interesting dude. Shame he's such an unrelenting jackass, though. That fucking speech he gives, the one where he straight up told my dwarf about how all dwarves are ignorant, and my guy very gently suggested that the fact that he's a dwarf who is not ignorant means that it's not an inherent trait of the race, and Solas just shoots him down! Rude.

    He and my Adaar agree entirely too often for comfort. I spent a stupid amount of time in my first playthrough screaming "i didn't do it for you, you fucking egg-headed jerkoff, stop agreeing with me!" at my television. My choice to accept the mages as equals was entirely diplomatic, stop thinking we're friends, Solas. >:[
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  13. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I haven't yet had a playthrough where Solas disliked my character. I think that's only because my most dislikable character, Teifi, romances him, and he finds her enthusiasm for knowledge and slight sociopathy sexy. I really need to play more asshole characters. I get anxious picking the rude options. It's kinda sad. or hilarious? Hilarisad?
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  14. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I find it difficult to be a jerk too, both for the anxiety thing, but also cause the games can make it kind of obnoxious. Different game, but my ME1 jackass is more Paragon than Renegade at this point, entirely because the game gives you a butt tonne of points for fulfilling basic requests, even if those requests get you money and items and were't even difficult to fulfill in the first place! If it's not out of my way, and I get stuff for doing it, why would I refrain?? Just cause I'm a jerk??? I'm a jerk who likes money and gun upgrades, thanks.
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  15. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @Kittenly don't feel bad about having a hard time being rude to fictional people - during my playthrough I got so anxious that I was making all the companions mad at me I was legitimately freaking out a little. >_>; I eventually settled down when I got used to the system - it feels less like companions disagree with me hugely over petty things, and more like my characters can have legitimate philosophical disagreements without having to worry about someone suddenly turning on them because they're two points of friendship short, or something.

    So Solas isn't mad at my Cadash because she's an asshole - I mean, she is an asshole, her motto is "life is nasty, brutish, and short - just like me", but she's not an asshole to him - but because she's really scared of magic and kind of flung herself into Andrasteism with both feet, and makes decisions reflecting that. So basically, he's mad at her for continuing to be scared of magic!

    I really should see what happens if they have it out with one another. She's never going to hit him - he saved her life and gives good advice so she still feels like she owes him one (although if she knew how entwined he is in all of this she would be so mad) - but he might need a good yelling at.
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  16. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    omg best dwarf philosophy. *gigglesnorts*

    I know it shouldn't be a big deal (and playing Teifi, who is a raging asshat is sooo much fun). But I still get anxious >.<

    I can do better when I'm RPing my more developed characters, like Teifi in DAI or Greta "Smash Now, Talk Later" Aeducan in DAO. I find playing Purple Hawke easy though. But I guess that's more because I like snarky jerks and the snark is usually a defense mechanism for my Hawke.
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  17. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    So here's something interesting - Solas was definitely really pissed at Lamia when I last played, which was some time ago now. I just loaded her save and went to talk with him and... He's fine. He's completely fine. Perfectly pleasant toward her.

    I guess I must have judged Erimond after I talked to him and that sweetened his disposition. :T
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  18. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I've been reading too many HS threads an now I've been assigning the DA characters classpects. I'll remove this post if people object, but here's the bones of what I'm thinking:

    Alistair is definitely a Page. The whole "bastard son of a King" screams unfulfilled potential, and he also has the weirdly passive attitude of some of the Pages we've seen. He's bad at standing up for himself.

    Thinking Leliana is Hope player, perhaps Seer. Particularly for Origins, her devotion to the Maker seems typical of a Hope player. Though with her spy-ness, Void is also a possibility

    I'm growing fond of Zevran as a Life player. Though oddly enough, I could see him as Doom also.

    Anders would be a Breathe player. He's got the right temperament for it in Awakening. Also his whole Freedom for mages thing. Perhaps Maid/Sylph for healing purposes? (No wonder my Knight of Blood Hawke shouts at him so much).

    Fenris is totes a Thief of Heart. Because he steals people's hearts. eheheh. get it? /bad joke
    But in all seriousness, Fenris is totes a heart player because of how obsessed he is with trying to find his identity.

    Bela's a thief.

    Merrill is a Void player, taking secrets from blood magic and history and demons and such.

    Aveline is maybe Space? I say that because that seems to be the aspect the more stable/sane characters share (Though this is Homestuck, so take stable with a bucket of salt)

    Carver's a Page. Inadequacy issues up the wazoo.
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  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

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  20. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

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