I didn't know it was possible to verbally convey the usage of 'you're' instead of 'your' until @inchwyrm threw the bag I keep my packer in at me while I was goofing around, and proclaimed "You're dickbag!" I am. I am dickbag. (When questioned whether she seriously just said 'you're', she said 'Yeah, but I wasn't sure whether it was just going to sound slurred.' Her talents astound me more every day.)
On the subject of Britt coming out by way of me pulling up in a uhaul the day she moves out, wearing the gayest apparel possible...
Part of a conversation between me and so while gaming. DH: Hey quit stealing my kills go away! ME: Nope your stuck with me :) DH: I know and I couldn't be happier <3 He is such a sappy romantic and I love him for it.
Britt, referring to pizza itself: Yup, that's just a good ol' pizza boy. Me: Is that your Griffin McElroy impression? Britt: ...It SHOULD be.
Terms of endearment that @inchwyrm has used towards me - one after the other: "you are a gorgeous gourd" "my favourite squash" "wonderful aubergine"
important things: my boyfriend trying frantically to explain why my contact name in his phone is "Kittentits" (this is my fault. i changed it. because of an a softer world comic i saw XD)