shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Undertow

    Undertow The prettiest thing you'll find in the deeps (18+)

    [Oh that's explainable even if it's one of the strange looking mechs asking] The Deep is a... you can't call them by their real names you know, because you don't wanna attract their attention? So you use a nickname. They're 'the deep' because that's where they live? In the deep waters? You know, the bits where if you go down it makes your plating creaks and bend and everything is really dark and kinda cold? Been told that space is kinda like that except in the other direction, so your plating creaks outward instead of inwards.
  2. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    So you´re a Warrior. But what do oyu have to do to dead bodies besides eat them? It´s sparks that are important!
  3. Beacon of Praxus

    Beacon of Praxus To light our darkest hour | 18+

    What? Don't you dare-!
    [His voice goes just a tiny bit screechy at the end there and his optics burn brightly cyan]
    Taking care of yourself always comes first, even if that juts means keeping your head low. As long as you're kind to yourself you're good in my book.
    [He grins, crooked and mischievous]
    I think we've got half a theological convention here by this point. Should we be comparing notes?
  4. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    Is that more than one? I´ve never been out in space.
    Maybe? I´m not a sparksinger, I´m just a maker. The Ground is where our sparks come from, and where fuel comes from. The Ground is everywhere where there can be sparks! And He is the one who lets us eat!
  5. Seascrap

    Seascrap waste not want not | 18+

    S'm 'umans put th'bodies'a their dead on display, s'm like t'bury 'em.

    How'd I go'bout doin' that frag? Primus'd kick m'in th' shell an' shoot m'cross space. Jus' pullin' yer spike.
  6. Undertow

    Undertow The prettiest thing you'll find in the deeps (18+)

    [She's by now out of it enough to be replying properly. Sort of. It still makes no sense] How am I supposed to do that??

    What's a sparksinger? And we don't know if there's more than one. People who see them don't come back. Not in one piece, sometimes bits wash up on the beach and then you gotta be quick before the guests see them. But there's a lot of water so you can probably fit more than one?
  7. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I never would! ໒( •́ ∧ •̀ )७
  8. Seascrap

    Seascrap waste not want not | 18+

    o slag w'up
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  9. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -waves- Hi! I like your shell! I wouldn't hurt you!
  10. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    But why waste all that metal? Metal is important! you need to bury the sparks so the Ground can make more!
    A Sparksinger can find where the Ground makes new sparks! And they put the old ones to rest.
    -Greeting chirp- You tell them!
  11. Seascrap

    Seascrap waste not want not | 18+

    frag ev'n daddy dom Primus' all nice an' slag. I'd be mean t'me.

    Dunno, make pretty sculptures. M'b I'll stick t'organic animals.
  12. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -greetingchirps back and fistbumps the bug. Friends!-

    Awww, how come? へ[ •́ ‸ •̀ ]ʋ
  13. Undertow

    Undertow The prettiest thing you'll find in the deeps (18+)

    Oh that sounds interesting. They don't do that here I don't think. [She does not actually know where people that aren't taken by the Deep go when they die. They just vanish]
  14. Beacon of Praxus

    Beacon of Praxus To light our darkest hour | 18+

    Hm. Sounds sensible. See I was told that all sparks come from Primus, but since that means he must make them from something I theorize that Primus is actually a gateway from other universes and sparks are suns, encased in frames to give shape to power and light. Many alien cultures worship suns so it stands to reason that we should all treat eachother and ourselves as we would gods. With kindness and reverence for the wonder for life.
    [He.... doesn't get her at all. He'd rather she didn't pull his spike, only Pillage is allowed to do that.]
    Oh, child. By allowing yourself desires and luxuries whenever you can afford them. By being lenient with yourself and not too harsh. By believing that your opinion and your actions have worth and impact. You are special and you should appreciate yourself for that. Only you can be yourself.
    .... So much for my Primus is a blackhole theory then.
    [He sounds actually a little annoyed at that.]
    What an honorable profession. Do you suppose I may be allowed to speak with one at some point?
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  15. Seascrap

    Seascrap waste not want not | 18+


    Still borin' though.

    Bet Primus' got a black hole.
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  16. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    I mean I could be a black hole if you liked...?

    You seem pretty cool to me! (*≧▽≦)

    Good luck ever finding out! (✿´ ꒳ ` )
  17. Beacon of Praxus

    Beacon of Praxus To light our darkest hour | 18+

    [Embarrassed and grumpy priestly sputtering. Seascrap no you broke him. He'd be blushing if he could. But like angrily blushing]
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  18. Sprocket

    Sprocket The One Who Makes Stuff Go

    Well I suppose you can eat the sculptures if you do need food.
    -Happy chirping- The Sparksingers say we might get new sparks on our ship if we stay longer!
    -nods- That´s his job. -gestures to Primus- the Ground.
    No he isn´t He is the Ground!
    Maybe? I haven´t seen any come here but I could ask them if they want to.
  19. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    That's awesome!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ More newsparks are always good!
  20. Undertow

    Undertow The prettiest thing you'll find in the deeps (18+)

    You misunderstand. I can't do those things.

    Um. [Looks at Primus looks to Sprocket, looks back] That... doesn't look like ground to me? [What sort weirdass ground were they having elsewhere? Where were the green bits?]
    • Like x 2
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