Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. The only person I know with an actual camera is my mom. And no, I can't borrow hers, it's for her job.

    But even besides that, I just... have a long way to go.
  2. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I mean yeah, that's any art. It's not a competition unless you're specifically entering into a competition.

    • Agree x 11
  3. Okay. I'll keep working on it! I'll improve my Kanaya, try fairy Vriska, maybe do dolorosa or the handmaid in the future!
    • Winner x 4
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  4. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    fun fact the first time I did cosplay I stuck on clip-on cat ears, painted my nose black and added whiskers and called it a day
    we all start somewhere
    and I think you're pretty good, honestly, like
    from what I have seen of your cosplays you are pretty good
    • Like x 1
  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    and now, I commence my very first reread of Homestuck.
    here goes nothing.
    • Witnessed x 5
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  6. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    • Agree x 3
  7. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    well, since I got caught up playing puzzlestuck instead of actually reading, your wish is my command.
    I'm going to spoiler my comments because I'm gonna keep as many as possible to each post because I don't want to like.....post a million times in this thread.
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  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    ....so was the first panel always animated or
    anyway. moving along.
    ....oh my god the Problem Sleuth poster, I forgot all about that
    I also forgot that John is apparently an amateur programmer? and a magician. this adds a lot to John's character for me. somehow my brain had just shrunk him down to "paranormal, pranks" but he is clearly so much more
    ah yes, the good old 'squawk like an imbecile and shit on your desk' page. I will never forget that page. it haunts me.
    also, the face John makes at the end of that animation when he's looking towards the desk is.....it's me, right before I succumb to making a horrible decision. it's so relatable.
    ....you know, for all that Nic Cage is such a part of Homestuck, I still barely know who he is. part of me thinks I should remedy this and part of me rejects that idea forever and always.
    "Morgan Freeman's genteel, homespun mannerisms were perfect qualities for a president residing over a crisis." MORGAN FREEMAN FOR PRESIDENT 2K20
    hmmm. so you know, I always wonder--if the SBURB beta launch was supposed to be a public thing as it is implied to have been, are there other kids who played SBURB? are there other sessions? were any of them successful? are there other universes they spawned?
    or maybe anyone else who got a SBURB copy just died before they got into the medium. that's probably actually it, but it's fun to consider the first idea.
    awww, Slimer. good background, John. 10/10.
    SBURB was reviewed by a game magazine??
    is SBURB just super magical and selective in that if you play and you aren't a Chosen One, you just get a normal game or something, but if you are Chosen, you get the real game?
    I need to think on this more. files away for future
    honestly tire swings are overrated. you need someone to push you or there's no point. I'll take a regular swing any day thanks
    "The clockwork of friendship turns ceaselessly, operating the swing-lever dealies of harassment in perpetuity!" I relate.
    that said, while I understand John's resentment for having time taken up, it's taken me this long to realize that his dad probably just....wanted to chat. the first time I read Homestuck, I assumed that John was avoiding like, a lecture on how he'd fucked up today and how he shouldn't do that, or yelling, or something, and I was like "yeah John I feel you" but I kind of don't feel that so much now because his dad seems....okay. and probably just wanted to chat in a non-shitty manner. and it is weird for me to consider that this is a thing that John is avoiding.
    oh my god three of the games on the shelf are links to other adventures I DIDN'T KNOW THAT?? this is great
    oh my god Dave no.
    "my bro taught me a few tricks he basically knows everything and is awesome" I.....have feelings. I have too many feelings about this?? excuse me while I have ALL THE FEELINGS
    ....so what if you're trying to allocate your strife specibus and you're me and you misclick
    man that would be bad
    ....does everyone in this world have a strife specibus? is that just A Thing? like are you just expected to pick a weapon type to use for the rest of your life at some point?
    talk about pressure.
    "Now that you've got some space in your SYLLADEX to work with, you figure you might as well start squandering it immediately." me
    hey quick question can John's dad adopt me that would be super cool k thanks
    scrolled down, saw a trailer mention. HEY GUYS HIVESWAP IS OFFICIALLY A CRYPTID, RIGHT
    oh my god the first strife. I love these things so much
    John is very relatable. like, super relatable. like damn.
    "i discovered a comet that is going to destroy the earth" I appreciate the fact that this is both foreshadowing and a reference.
    time 2 b meta
    okay but getting an actual movie prop from a movie you really like, that's actually an amazing gift. like goddamn, Dave. well done.
    .....I should never play SBURB because I guarantee you I would either accidentally or intentionally drop something on the person whose stuff I was moving. and also probably wreck their house, that too
    aesthetic over practicality. same Rose, same
    it is a clear, sunny day. don't mind the fact that the sun is a Homestuck aspect symbol. what do you mean that's not what all suns look like. of course it is.
    "no I have it under control" lies. but also I would say that too if I'd just ripped out the toilet from my friend's bathroom.
    I kind of appreciate that Rose's response to John's "ugh relatable" is "right, harlequins and your dad's unending love and support, that really compares to my mom being a neglectful alcoholic, clearly we are in the same boat."
    :D spriteball!!
    ....look I know they have a real name but I can never remember it so THEY'RE SPRITEBALLS, OKAY
    you put stuff in the glowing ball, it becomes a sprite, it makes sense
    oh yeah the bathroom's definitely fixed. no bathroom and no toilet, but it's fixed. everything is fine.
    ....so. Rose says the walkthroughs for SBURB vaguely suggest an impending threat before they cut off. so--there are other players, then. other games. the question is whether they made it into the medium or died, I guess. also....does that mean a meteor just suddenly starts heading for the house of every single person who plays SBURB?
    Dave I love you

    okay at least for the moment I'm gonna cut posts by character introductions.
    or just when I stop reading, but, y'know, failing that, character introductions.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
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  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    or at least she's one of the top two. it's a hard choice between Rose and Roxy.
    Rose is not having your shenanigans. no writhing like a flagellum
    okay, but that's actually some nice violin. I love me some violin.
    ....so 'tree' sorts things by.....putting the most recently captchalogued item where it goes in terms of alphabetical order according to where the thing falls between the previously captchalogued things? basically like, K comes before L, but L comes before V, so L goes in the middle, or becomes the 'root' card, while the other things that lie outside of the new 'center point' go to either side? like, if the thing captchalogued is before the thing on the right side of the tree but after the current root, then it becomes the root. if it's before the root, it goes to the right side, and then gets sorted accordingly there (it goes in front of anything it comes after alphabetically and after anything it comes before alphabetically) and then I assume it would sort the opposite way on the left side (in front of things it comes before alphabetically, after things it comes after alphabetically), and it goes to the left side if it's after the current root.
    ....I don't really know, why am I doing this, this is a waste of time
    and if you remove the root card then all the items get dumped ouT WHY AM I STILL DOING THIS
    focus, Cedar. focus
    ....John lives in a suburb, doesn't he?
    also yes John bite that apple
    is the apple made of rock? or can you actually like, eat it, eat it?
    I guess I'll find out. or maybe I'll never know.
    end of act 1....I could cut it here, I guess, but this one's so short. nah, let's keep going.
    a bab
    love WV
    okay time for act 2.
    so....okay, if Rose writes her own walkthrough for SBURB because they're all partaking in the end of the world and a walkthrough to survive might be helpful, but then she keeps writing hers after the others stop--is it just that Rose is the only one who wanted to keep going? is she the only walkthrough writer who survived and got into the game? or can other games just not access the regular internet or something anymore, their sessions have to be interconnected somehow to see what people in the two sessions are writing on the internet?
    so many questions.
    zero answers.
    ....why does the kernel divide
    how does it divide
    what happens to the two halves
    is the apple gone or can John finish eating it
    that last one's the most important question here.
    hmmm. okay so like the end of the world is something that happens alongside people playing SBURB, and gets worse as it goes on, which is why John&co. are--as far as we know--the last to enter a session before the world esplodes. but did the other people playing actually enter sessions?? I WANNA KNOW, DAMMIT
    so many sessions could create so many universes but can they even interact with each other or is this just a big sprawling never-ending universe tree
    is every session even guaranteed to have an alpha timeline as long as you have a Time and Space player? or can you have a Time and Space player and still, in every timeline, your session fails over and over and you just die?
    it's WV!
    trust him, John. he is shaped like a friend
    ....I know you can't see him but just trust me on this John
    hmm. well. that might be an issue.
    hey guys, my dog is a solid white dog too, maybe she's secretly a First Guardian
    aaaaaaand new character, but I think I'm gonna at least take a break from reading here. am tired. and hungry.
    • Like x 3
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  10. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Actually if you read the game bro review it turns out they didn't play it at all.

    And tree is an actual data structure type. CS class makes you think weird things are funny (turns out queue and stack are useful, unlike in homestuck where array is basically good for every situation.)
    • Agree x 2
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  11. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    ....yeah that makes sense for Game Bro, given what I DID read of the review

    aaaaah. I'mma Google it and work out how it functions then.
    why is this important to me? we don't know. but it is. thanks for the information!!
    • Like x 1
  12. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    The name "tree" for the data structure probably makes more sense if the root node goes on the bottom. Then you have branches going up, and branches splitting into branches, and then the nodes at the end are called leaves.
    Rose's sylladex does some shenanigans to try to balance the tree, which makes it more efficient for finding things but does mean that things need to shift around every time something is added.
    • Informative x 2
  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Or removed, since removing a node drops everything descending from it.
    • Informative x 2
  14. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    subjects i've taken in school that homestuck-derived knowledge ended up being slightly useful in:

    -astronomy (zodiac; not that we studied a lot of astrology but we were expected to know the constellations in the zodiac & what "order" they wre in)
    -computer science (data structures, wrt sylladexes; as has been said, queue & stack are actually quite useful in comp sci. just maybe less so as an inventory.)
    • Like x 2
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    • Informative x 1
  15. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    "so I see you're taking....astrology and computer science, those are interesting choices, what are you studying?"
    "you heard me."
    • Agree x 4
    • Winner x 2
  16. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    I can't judge anyone I took college level oceanography because of homestuck
    • Winner x 8
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  17. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I'm pretty sure it's to be implied that the walk throughs cut off because the other kids attempting to play run out of time and are meteored. Rose does eventually stop her walkthrough, but she signs off professionally.
    • Agree x 5
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  18. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    hmmm. a sparkle in his glasses when you get Dave's name right--is that better, worse, or the same as a slight nod? is there hope for me yet, Dave
    I....feel like Dave's room is the most cluttered we've seen so far.
    wait a goddamn second....
    bands no one has ever heard of? photography?
    that said, darkroom photography is pretty cool.
    but Dave's still a hipster. I'm convinced of this now.
    okay, Dave actually files away the suggestion 'bleat like a goat' for later for 'ironic humorous purposes'--how is bleating like a goat ironic?
    I feel like being cool really shouldn't be this complicated? it probably actually is. but I feel like it shouldn't be.
    ....okay I feel a little bit sad that Dave wanted John to be excited about the found apple juice and John was not really excited about it
    you can't convince me Dave didn't want John to be excited. he said John would be excited but John is not very excited over the found apple juice, so I therefore think that Dave just wanted John to be excited about it.
    god. good thing Dave made that promise because it will be very important to save Rose's life by playing that game in the near future!
    apple juice is ruined now. oh well
    whoops. now the turntable's ruined too, probably.
    ....Dave's whole "my bro is totally awesome and amazing and the best" thing at this phase makes me feel kinda...mmmmmmmmmm. I mean I know why it's a thing, but I just. it makes me uncomfortable and kinda sick-feeling.
    poor crow.
    .....I see how Rose's mom bronzing the vacuum cleaner gift would be annoying, especially if it still WORKS and is just run randomly sometimes, but I do think she was trying to show genuine appreciation for Rose's gift? she just. isn't very good at it
    I think Rose has genuine reason to dislike her mom, given the whole alcoholism/probable neglect thing, but I also feel like in some ways Rose's mom was trying to encourage Rose, albeit in a very loud and strange manner--like by buying a $15,000 frame for a child's drawing and then....welding it to the fridge. she probably meant well and was trying to encourage little Rose's art and poetry skills? but it's also a really weird way to go about it, like, what kid is gonna want that there in a year or two.
    Rose and her mom do genuinely have a very weird relationship. like. Rose: tries to spell 'shrew', can't find any w's, uses two v's. Rose's mom: buys a sheet of w's, does not otherwise respond to the 'shrew' message. Rose: leaves a legally notarized thank you note marked with blood. Rose's mom: apparently is not remotely concerned about or perturbed by the blood part, puts a pillow under the end of the letter so it's not touching the floor.
    ....yeah okay they have a REALLY strange relationship
    that said, I do think Rose's mom is, uh....I mean.....I'm not really sure why there's no water in the mop bucket. I don't think it's actually an ironic act like Rose makes it out to be, I think Rose kinda doesn't realize or doesn't acknowledge that this is probably not an act and just an actual sign of something really wrong? sort of similar to how Dave acts like his bro is actually perfect and awesome, but less so, because Rose at least realizes her mother is an alcoholic and not a great parent, but even then she's kind of....I dunno. she's treating some of the things her mom is doing that are probably not intentional and just a part of her alcoholism or repercussions of that as things that are definitely intentional?
    not sure how else to describe it.
    Lil Cal has been mentioned.
    oh my god I love that Rose's 'aggress' button has a 'passive' marker that's beautiful
    ....yeah, Rose seems to think that her mother's negligence is at least partially ironic, and I really don't think it is. I think her mom is just actually negligent.
    that was fun.
    NANNASPRITE!!! I love her.
    oh hey, it's the first time Dave mentions that hey maybe some of this stuff his bro does is weird and abnormal.
    I am actually proud of Dave for this like
    it sucks to realize your guardian is abusive but also yes Dave, please realize
    "hey Nanna where's my dad?" don't worry John he's fine he was just kidnapped by some imps he was beating with a broom. it's all good
    wow. the premise of the game is actually really interesting? and it's nice to know what the deal with the kernelsprites is.
    John can save his dad! John is HAPPY!!!
    John's planet is still super doomed. John is SAD.
    such is life.
    or....SBURB, I guess, not really life so much.
    such is SBURB.
    CANS!!!!!! and a plant and book but mostly CANS!!!!!!
    Rose and Dave: the irony siblings.
    gently pats Dave.
    I warned you about the stairs blah blah
    dead joke
    it's dead
    ayyyyyy refrigerator level up
    oh my god I get it
    WV suddenly starts talking all polite and stuff because of the fucking Human Etiquette book holy shit
    that poor book
    I've decided I'm not gonna comment on Dave's interactions with his brother. I'd rather not. some of it is too close to home for me.
    ....so what is the deal with Jade's seeing things anyway? that's just because she dreams on Prospit, right? I've seen people saying it's because she started as what would have been a seer and ended up a witch in the game, but that doesn't make sense to me. do you even have SBURB powers before SBURB is played? I don't think so, right? and plus, she'd already awoken on Prospit, and Prospit dreamers can see the future and all that jazz in the....clouds of Prospit, right?
    John, you're outta luck, Rose has no power in her laptop. the generator hath fried.
    what pumpkin?
    ....wait, why does WV have a bar code on his wrist?
    hghbhghjf I like how each time an edible thing not in a can is pointed out like "examine (thing)" WV eats it and the response is just "what (thing)?"
    CAN TOWN!!!!!!!!
    awwwwwwwww, hi PM!!
    so cute.
    WV has ascended. things are happen.
    new character time.
    • Like x 5
  19. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    Dave never did bleat like a goat

    0/10 worst end hussie is a hack
    • Winner x 3
  20. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I'm love Jade.
    what pumpkin?
    there is no pumpkin.
    okay I love Jade's flowers and all but how does she make those. how are those a thing.
    this flute part is fun.
    don't worry Jade you'll be part animal in the future
    just wait
    your furry wishes will be fulfilled
    awwww man the base sounds GOOD.
    ......can I have Jade's computer?
    awwwwwwwwwwww yeah the Midnight Crew
    um, rude, worm, don't just eat people's mail.
    Jade's grandpa collects some.....weird stuff.
    o hi CG.
    ....okay I'm too tired and hungry to persist in reading, let alone actually posting things, so I'mma cut this one here and then get food and stuff.
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