
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    there are those wire covers? (they might be for pipes too I havent checked em out much) They are from buildcraft I think, and in almost every block.
    flower covers, full block covers.. *shrug* the flower ones might look good against a wall in the witchery place?
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  2. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Yeah I was considering those. But the house isn't built for pipes so I'd still have to change the architecture.

    (Also I forget, what mod is the Mining Dimension from?)
  3. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    i would say make a fluid conduit, and cover it with cable facade painted to look like the block it's replacing. it'll be indistinguishable from the real thing unless you are holding a yeta wrench.
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  4. Hobo


    @seebs Yo, I should probably tell you that something weird is going on with what seems to be mob griefing in the End. My enderman farm is missing multiple items (sticky pistons, redstone, some end stone, a lever that shouldn't actually be accessible to endermen), the portal out has bedrock missing and is all jacked up, and there are dozens of holes in the ground where end stone has been moved or... mined out or something? It's really weird. There's also no sign of where the items might have been moved to (granted, I didn't look particularly hard). Jesse was thinking that maybe one of the special endermen is still able to pick up blocks. Is there some way to work out what's going on with that?
  5. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I don't know, apart from maybe watching it?
  6. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    Ender security officers spot vigilante landscaper, call him a big dumb "CRCRRCRRRCCRCCCBLEAH!"

    ok so first of all i'm really sorry. second of all, holy shit!

    i found an item called a Temple Caller in a dungeon chest. it got stuck in my ender pouch because automation ignores it for some reason, so i went to put it in my ME storage inventory by hand. thing is, i had it in my hand as i right clicked the interface and the item disappeared. nothing seemed to have happened, but i remembered reading something about an item like that before. according to the wiki, a temple caller resets the end and revives the dragon! OH GOODY! >:(

    it also mentioned some kind of ritual to do this, though, and i only right clicked with the thing in my hand (and it had an empty durability bar). i'm kinda anxious about going to the End to check because iirc if the dragon is back i'll be stuck there til she's dead and that's no way to approach an endgame fight D:

    so, to hobo and anyone else doing end stuff: if i just killed your shit, i apologize. please post the stuff you lost and your ender chest color code if you have one. i'm rich with materials and devices and am happy to replace whatever was lost.
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  7. Hobo


    @Vast Derp Yo dude, guessing your connection dropped or something but I've really gotta go, don't worry about the conduits! It's cool. I'll see if I can get this packaging system set up tomorrow. Also, is it just me or did your post about your set up disappear? o3o
  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    well, now if i find something named a temple caller, i know to be careful with it. :D
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    @seebs i woke up a colossus in the mining dimension, crashed, and now i can't log in. whenever i try, i get 'connection timed out'. is there anything you can do to get me away from that spot without me logging in? send me to my spawn point or something?
  10. Hobo


    Argh, would someone be able to take a look at these conduits and help me work out what I'm doing wrong? Trying to transfer them into a tesseract which is set to send items receive fluid/energy, which further transfers into other caches via transport pipes. The tesseract shouldn't be the problem, since I've had no issues with the items transporting once they reach it... the items just aren't leaving the original caches at all.

    [​IMG] The overall setup.
    [​IMG] Settings on my conduits. Do they need a hopper or something? Redstone is set to always active.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  11. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Conduits do not need a hopper. Be sure the other end is set to "insert", though? Note also: "Extract" means "remove item from inventory". "Insert" means "deliver item". So if you want things to go from cache to tesseract, the cache end should be "extract", and the tesseract end should be "insert".
  12. asterismThreefold

    asterismThreefold edgewitch

    so, @seebs, I just signed in to find myself still plastered to the wall of your obsidian tower, able to move a block or so left and right but not at all in any other direction. Additionally, my hunger bar doesn't seem to be depleting, and no monsters have spawned. is there some way to force respawn? also, is someone keeping track of the locations of hungry nodes? because I've stumbled across a few and marked them on my map. is there a good way to warn others?
  13. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    ping me here with the coords if you find one anywhere near villagers or anything worth protecting, i'll be along with my sord to fix its litle red thaumwagon

    seebs: do you suppose resetting the special node gen to normal values is a thing you could do, or are you still hunting for that special swirly something?
  14. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    i will put blocks around the obsidian, if you come back online you should suffocate in them and respawn. in case you haven't died before, do not worry: you keep your stuff.
  15. asterismThreefold

    asterismThreefold edgewitch

    thanks, and yeah I've really appreciated the stuff-keeping, and the lack of grief from creepers

    eta: at least one was near-ish a village, I'll look up the coords when I get home this afternoon
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
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  16. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Ohh, geeze, I even saw you there but didn't realize you were stuck.
  17. asterismThreefold

    asterismThreefold edgewitch

    lol, really? I guess I shoulda been more vocal about it in chat. Ah, well. I had my thaumonomicon on me and now I think I get how to go about setting up an infusion altar so,,
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    HEY KINTSUGIJIN! another stage of my ULTIMATE PLAN has come to fruition!

    now w/w/w ender chests/pouches empty automatically into an ME storage unit housed in a fancy white and gold building i'm calling the DEPOT.

    remember, w/w/w is 'free for all' inventory, where you can leave anything and take anything! no more need to query everyone like "hey does anyone have a spare stack of obsidian" -- check the depot, chances are there'll be plenty of what you need!

    disclaimer: the storage system still needs some upgrading, it tends to fill up pretty fast if you dump a lot of non-stackables like bees or weapons. i'll occasionally be cleaning it out, putting food in b/b/b and dumping random enchantloot in seebs's ender chest and suchlike. it IS inside the radius of the farm's chunk loader, so it shouldn't stop pulling from w/w/w unless it's full. so if you put something in w/w/w and it doesn't go away, chances are the depot grid is choked with potions or sth, and will clear up next time someone takes stuff out.

    if you visit the depot (just ride the rails to the 'jacktrash' and 'cafe' stop, you can't miss it, it's a big marble cube with automatic doors) you will note that there's a lot of empty floor space. there are two ender chests by one wall, labeled 'seebs' and 'jesse'. that's the plan for all that empty space -- to line the walls with people's personalized ender chests, so anyone can give you stuff by going to the depot. please do place one of your personal coded ender chests there, with a sign above it with your name!

    and here's where it gets REALLY cool: once you've got a personal chest there, and the w/w/w storage is accepting everything that gets put in it, you can put a sign in front of your ender chest with any ongoing requests you might have, an i (or anyone who gets the urge to sort the surplus inventory) can have a look when i happen to be there and if i see any of what you're asking for, i can put it in your chest for you. say you're working on a building project and you want a green limestone floor, but you checked the depot and there wasn't enough in there. you put a sign in front of your chest (or on the wall above your name or whatever) that says 'need green limestone'. next day maybe i check and lo and behold, someone's been on a mining expedition and dumped a bunch of decorative stone in w/w/w; i take the green limestone and put it in your box. you don't have to come back to the depot to look, and i feel Useful and Important. everybody wins!

    in order to build the depot, btw, i moved the cafe. it's still yellow, it still has a patio with cherry trees and a bunch of balloons. i think it's even prettier now. i'm gonna hire a villager to run the counter. :)
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  19. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    If bees are a problem to this syystem, could we consider using a bee bag? (black/yellow/black or yellow/black/yellow)
    Not sure how much of a problem bees are, but if there are lots causing problems. *shrug*
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  20. Lily

    Lily New Member

    Hello, may I play with you? My brother's minecraft account which I have appropriated is RichardConway. Edit: or maybe Aegis20 I am really new to this.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
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