Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

    Hello everybody :) Authors have been revealed for the Polyship swap! So, ahahah, lemme show off for a moment
    And we just go on
    A Lyricstuck for PM/WV/AR
    Link is image heavy and contains blood and character death
    sresd19.png sresd20.png

    Be still, Terrible Heart

    a loose Narrative Fanmix for this loose Demonstuck AU for Sollux, Karkat, Eridan, and Feferi
    eta Bonus Aradia
    it is image heavy
    edgy description eyemoji
    Reality is broken, and you've got 2 guys who've just been driving for days, and 2 upper-tier demons who have escaped their plane into the human world
    And you've got Death, just doing her job

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
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  2. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    GOSH DAMN!!!!
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  3. so. Bloodswaps? Pm me If you don't wanna clutter up the thread.
  4. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl


    mine are 100% dancestor focused but my FAVORITE ones aaaaaare......

    -everyone is moved one up the hemospectrum chain (e.g: rust peixeses to fuchsia amporas)
    -fuchsia captors
    -cerulean amporas
  5. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Give me jade or olive Amporas, and violet or tyrian Vantasses.
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  6. I gotta do a bloodswap I have wanted to for years

    My ideas are usually troll focused because duh but I've never been super into the ancestors? And you gotta swap the kids around too.

    Red Dead Virgo is good shit and I gotta read it again!

    What are your thoughts on leaving the lusii in place? To me, the way bloodswaps "work" is the trolls and kids, and only them, shift. The houses, non-player family members, lusii, etc stays the same. To examine how they react under different circumstances. Like making Vriska a greenblood but having her still have a deadly troll-eating spider lusus kinda defeats part of the purpose, which is to see what she would be like without that.

    (Note- Mom, Bro, Nanna and Grandpa would shift. Dad would not.)
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
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  7. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    lusii are a liiiiittle tricky bc theyre technically caste-locked but changing them also fucks w animal themes

    the way i like to do it is keep the same general theme but adjusted for caste (e.g: cerulean amporas get sleipnir knockoff, fuchsia serkets have Giant Ass Water Spider, etc)
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  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I'm really, really fond of candy-red Leijons and jade Peixes. I also really like fuchsia Maryams and Megidos.
    and personally I like to kind of....mash up the lusii, sort of? like, I wouldn't give Nepeta Makara Gamzee's lusus--I'd give her like, some kind of cat-like sea creature, or goat land creature. keep the cat motif, but add the sea part from Gamzee's goat-like sea lusus, or keep the goat but subtract the sea part. I like to...sort of squish the characters together, in a way? like, I like to take some of the original characters and then smush new things from a new situation into it, but to do that I keep some of it the same but change some of it too. so like, in the first one, I'd keep part of Nepeta's original characteristics, and then add new stuff from the changes in her life and lusus. in the second one, I'm basically giving Nepeta part of Gamzee's original character, and then adding new stuff from the changes in her life and lusus, but also would probably use some of her previous traits--like, I'd probably base her quirk off of a link to her goat lusus, the way original Nepeta's quirk is based off her cat lusus.
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  9. I usually mix traits to some degree but... not quite like that? Not sure how to explain how I would do it.

    Okay, purple nepeta- she would probably be a lot like how she is now, but even less restrained. More violent due to being a high blood, by not cruel about it, just vicious. She might be involved in the Angels of Double Death cult like Gamzee due to being in his spot on the hemospectrum. She would hunt for food, not to bond with her lusus, but because she's mostly abandoned by her goatdad. Equius, if still her moirail (he is), would act to help keep her impulses in check rather than keep her safe.
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  10. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    one universe my RP partner and I had fun with (and mind, we didn't list up EVERYONE) was like
    violet captors, yellow peixes, mutant amporas
    then we did tyrian serkets, cerulean vantases, uhhhh b100 megidos? don't remember what else

    we've pretty much tried almost every bloodswap though bloodswaps are SO FUCKING FUN
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  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Oh man I was working on a bloodswap once, a while ago... I had, let's see. Rust Equius, bronze vriska, gold Gamzee, mutant Nepeta, olive Eridan, jade feferi, teal Sollux, cerulean tavros, blue aradia, indigo Terezi, purple karkat, and tyrian Kanaya.

    From what i remember... gamzee was still taking sopor but as a psionic suppressant because he had really strong telekinesis, Sollux was still a hacker but he used it to fuck up the days of people/get information from the empire, tavros and aradia worked to collect animals to feed tavros' massive, injured lusus...
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  12. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    mutant eridan was SUPER focused on tradition, a lot of yellow fef's psionics centered around "constructions", and violetlux was a fckn genius at paperwork + bureaucracy
    in another run we had, it was cerulean sollux, and he was a fckn, white collar criminal, black hat hacker kinda thing
    (my rp buddy comes up with RIDICULOUSLY fun backstories)
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  13. This sounds like good stuff

    Do you plan out your swaps, or just determine them randomly and come up with a backstory around that? I usually go with the latter.
  14. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    usually a swap starts with 'hey what if [x] was [y]' and a basic concept for that character

    then i pick the fuchsia swap and then from there, all the other swaps
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  15. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Yeah I usually start with one or two characters that I have an idea for and flesh the rest of it out around that.
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  16. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    imo people underestimate the utter importance of the fuchsia swap

    a difference in ruler was enough to turn the dancestors into the ancestors and a lot of people dont even treat them as the same characters

    fuchsia cronus alternia is gonna be radically different from fuchsia latula alternia is gonna be radically different from fuchsia horuss alternia
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
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  17. That one and the mutant/candy red swap are the big ones- fuchsia because it's so important to troll society, and mutant because it's so important to the plot and the game. Also any swap that alters Vriska and/or Tavros' psychic powers is important if you plan on having the Cycle Of Revenge occur, you gotta make some important changes there.
  18. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    tell that to my jade dualscar/mutant darkleer swap where dualscar literally just steps on him >8P
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  19. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    much like everyone else, it's been ONE OR TWO AND BUILD
    on Occasion I've planned things out more in-depth, and that's actually been pretty fun imo
  20. I like the challenge/thought exercise of doing it randomly. It can be a challenge to make some of the swaps work but that's part of the fun, right? Sometimes I get ideas for specific swaps but I rarely want to make stories based on them.

    Also latula explain that last one to me.
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