shitposting rave 5: discount rejects from every genre

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by SHITPOSTING ALPHYS, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    [Vector laughs.] I know, so tragic. Most of them don't even know what a Klingon is and they're still disappointed in me!
  2. Not The Batman You Want

    Not The Batman You Want But The One You Deserve | 18+

    [He points at him with a pizza slice]
    This is why you're my least favorite brother.
    • Informative x 1
  3. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    Well, yes, but "sitting in an etheric pit waiting for your next body to exist in the physical world" isn't quite the same as what most humans mean by "dead," now is it? And for that matter the Well's quite nice, there are plenty of things worse than that kind of death.
  4. Connor Kent

    Connor Kent Superboy, NS

    -This seem a satisfactory introduction! And there is probably enough pizza for two wolves. Wolf play bows-
    -Sphere beeps hello back! She introduces herself a New Genesphere, still in beeps incomprehensible to non robots-
    I thought Klingons weren´t real.
  5. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Yeah, I'd give it a 3 out of 10 on the weird scale. Notable, but not really relevant past the first surprise. Wait until you meet one of the dead guys in here.
    That's family for you. Or, I assume that's family for you, because to be completely honest, I could give fewer shits about family and find the whole... thing pretty stupid. Having kids is like painting a big red target that says 'hurt me now!' and you know what? Not really my deal.

    [He waves a hand vaguely, then drinks. Who needs pizza when you have frankly lethal amounts of alcohol.]
  6. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    *shifts to wolf shape again and play bows back before running circles. CHASE*
  7. Vector Prime

    Vector Prime Primax 1005.24 Gamma

    I don't think I've heard of those before! It's a pleasure, at any rate; I am Vector Prime, one of my universe's protectors.

    Everything's real somewhere!
  8. Red Hood

    Red Hood mad, bad, and dangerous to know | 18+

    Somebody's gotta be the family disappointment.

    Depends on your religion. We got a lot of those.

    -he laughs-
    I'm a former dead guy. Be nice to meet some of my own kind.
  9. Karkat Vantas


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  10. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    u mention ded guys?

    *He's floating upside down while sitting cross legged. Defalt has learned to take advantage of this space.*
  11. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    No shit, huh? How'd you go and become not dead? Asking for a friend.
    It doesn't count if an actual alien is speaking it. That's pretty much just straight up cheating.
    Theeeere you are. Hey, look, there's a former-dead guy here, go make friends or whatever. You can do that, right? Make 'friends'?
  12. Connor Kent

    Connor Kent Superboy, NS

    -Definitely Chase! for such a grim looking animal, wolf can be remarkable goofy-
    -Pleased greeting beep. Sphere is currently taking care of earth and also Connor and his friends, who are very brave but not very bright sometimes-
    What do you mean former dead guy? Once you die you´re dead.
  13. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    no im allergic. If i make friends i end up pissin' em off or something, idk.
  14. Omega

    Omega The End | 18+

    *Gets so hype over chase that he sparks a little across his fur before skidding to a halt and play bowing again. PLAY.*
  15. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead dave ver 3.0.4 |18+/NS

    ive always wanted another hot mom
    oh dude
    i got legs for DAYS
    if youre bad at it sure
    • Like x 1
  16. Not The Batman You Want

    Not The Batman You Want But The One You Deserve | 18+

    Yeah but you don't gotta hog the position. You usurped my throne for that y'know.
    [Oh it's really hard to keep a straight face about that. Oh boy.]
    Nnnnnot really. At least not always. Death is complicated.
  17. Not The Batman You Want

    Not The Batman You Want But The One You Deserve | 18+

    Yyyeah you cna tell her that, Not it.
  18. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    r u fuckers tellin me that I can come back from being killed by neurotoxins? Cause. Dish. I got albums to make, fukkers to kill, systems to hack
    • Like x 1
  19. Jordi Chin

    Jordi Chin not the pizza guy |18+

    Ehhh, depends on how you died, don't it? I mean, faking a death ain't that hard, and there's all sorts of people who get their hearts restarted after being dead as shit for twenty minutes or something. I've seen it on TV before.

    [He sips at his drink, then grins.] They don't often stand back up after I'm done with them though. My success rate's pretty high.
    It's fucking exposure therapy or something, go trigger your allergies for science.
  20. Defalt

    Defalt 10% testicle by volume | 18+

    • Like x 1
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