Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. I just had an idea. Violet Equius giving anyone he patches up cybernetic hills to make them "better", meaning "more like seadwellers."
  2. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    24/7 hunger games is definitely potential and I'm gonna contemplate this bloodswap now
    Nepeta Peixes universe here we go
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  3. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    keep in mind this is complete with cameras everywhere and forced romantic twists

    queen meulin wants a SHOW, goddammit it
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  4. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    very true.
    I'm gonna flesh this idea out more for sure though like
    I need this in my life now
  5. Re trees: They're a general data structure where there's a node & any number of branches which lead to more nodes and more branches. Rose's sylladex is a specialized variant called a binary tree, and is actually really good for searching something with a large number of possibilities, ie. strings, aka. words, because with each level you go down as you approach your target you halve the number of possible matches, which makes it that much less you have to search. (There are some variants with 3 children for each node, in which case you eliminate 2/3 of the possible matches for every level you go down.) What it's not terribly good at is storing efficiently. If, for example, you have the letters a-g to put in your tree, depending on the order you put them in the tree you can end up with one side of the tree that contains most of the letters, which makes searching inefficient.

    Let's say you have them in the order {d, b, f, g, c, a, e}. Your first letter becomes the first node:

    Then to add the next letter you compare it to the root, d, and if it comes before the first one, you add it as the left child. If it comes after, you add it on the right. e comes after d, so it goes on the right.

    c comes before d.

    Then to add f, first compare it to d. It comes after d, but it can't go to the right of d because d already has a right child. Compared to the right child e it comes after, so f becomes the right child of e.

    By adding all the letters this way you get this tree:

    This is a well-balanced tree. There are 7 nodes and 3 levels with each level filled. Even searching for a letter at the third level of the tree, like e, is going to take at most 3 comparisons, one at each level of the tree. Starting with d, we see that e > d, so we go to the right. The right child is f, and f < e, so now we go to the left. The left child of f is e, and e = e, so we're done! We just found one of seven nodes in 3 comparisons.

    But what happens if we add the letters in order, {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}?

    Terrible. Looking for anything in this tree takes just as many comparisons as the original set, 7 in the worst case (looking for g), and will probably take more time because storing trees and moving from node to node is more complicated than storing a set as a flat list, as in an array. The same thing will happen if the data set is reversed, as in {g, f, e, d, c, b, a}. And it's fairly easy to end up with an unbalanced tree even with a random set. {a, g, d, b, f, c, e} creates this tree:
    Just barely not as bad as the previous tree. So what Rose's sylladex is designed to do is autobalance, that is when it sees that a lot of her objects are ending up on one side of the tree, making things hard to find, it'll move the roots around so the tree can be balanced again. What this means, in practice, is that her sylladex drops a bunch of items so they can be added to the tree again when the tree is better formed, and will place those items in a more easily accessible place. So she has to be very careful about what she puts in, because if she upsets the balance of the tree a bunch of things go flying.

    Outside of inventory systems (holy fuck why would you ever do that) binary trees have some pretty neat properties. For example, if you traverse all of the trees above starting from the leftmost node and picking the nodes off in the order left child, parent, right child, they will all result in the set {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}. Binary trees are used in some (maybe not all?) compressed formats, like zip files, for reasons I don't remember well enough to explain right now. Point is, like stacks and queues, they have their purposes, they're just not all that great for inventories.

    (As a side note, the only really good alternative to an array inventory IMO is a hash map, but then the only people who use them don't have the name of the object as the key which is really ???? but that's Striders/Homestuck for you I guess?)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
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  6. tfw autocorrect makes your post into complete nonsense. I meant "gills." fuck.
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  7. Also, I just found "spider8ite- thief of lounge mix" and this is a really really good song, listen to it.

    need more songs like this.
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  8. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    ...while going through really old audio posts, i found this clip* from 2011 that appears to be an early version of the beginning of Oppa Toby Style (featured in [ S ] Collide.) interesting to see how it's changed since then!

    (*the link is to a reblog of toby fox's original post because toby appears to have since deleted the original.)
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  9. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

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  10. Okay, so I'm doing prepwork for the bloodswap fic and am trying to come up with chat handles for the earth 1 kids and alternia trolls. Suggestions/comments would be appreciated, either here or via PM. Here's what I have so far and what I still need.

    What I have so far-
    Jade Egbert, aka empiricalBotanist
    John Lalonde, aka gratuitousTomfoolery
    Karkat Megido, aka catastrophesGenesis
    Terezi Captor, aka grotesqueCognition
    Aradia Vantas, aka arterialAberration (too obvious for the mutant? or a bold, good choice?)
    Vriska Leijon, aka astoundingGambler
    Sollux Pyrope, aka technologicalAdept
    Nepeta Serket, aka apexCarnivore

    What I still need-
    Rose Strider, TT
    Dave Harley, TG
    Gamzee Nitram, TC
    Feferi Maryam, CC
    Eridan Zahhak, CA
    Tavros Makara, AT
    Equius Ampora, CT
    Kanaya Peixes, GA
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
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  11. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    teleologicalTactician for Rose?
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  12. ... the tactician part sounds good, I'm considering that one. I was also thinking something with thaumaturge. (also I added Vriska and Sollux to the completed list)
  13. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    /casually replies tho things from pages back

    at least watch the first National Treasure. then again, he's not weird in that one (much). if you want weird, watch Face Off

    One Of These Days I am going to cosplay as Jade Harley and do a photo shoot with my white german shepard

    the clouds on prospit tell the future, yeah.
    the seer/witch thing... eh it's a theory some people like it, some don't. the canonical reason for the visions is Prospit.
    (and yeah i think you do have a bit of SBURB powers before the game. the scratched trolls did (the Signless and Darkleer). Hmm, that might be just scratched players though...
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  14. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Vriska had amazing dice roll luck before becoming the thief of light. Also amazing bad luck.

    Hearing the soon to die may be a reasonably normal yellow blood power but Sollux almost certainly has it because of his aspect.

    So I guess it's possible to have some pregame power or species powers relevant to the game.
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  15. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Yeah jade sees visions in Skaia's clouds. The non seer trolls do as well I think.

    Also I'm not sure if it's 'power' so much as... your aspect is likely to meddle with things in your life even before the official start time.
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  16. Kurloz had the mind-control thing b4 the game, so. My theory is the only reason chucklevoodoos are rumored to exist in Indigos is his & Gamzee's powers.
  17. If chucklevoodoos are just a rumor, why the recouperacoons with sedating sopor slime? And the mentions of nightmares that plague their entire species? On the other hand, how would the indigo bloods be giving nightmares to every other troll in the empire? Hmm.
  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    My general headcanon is that there's this psychic field surrounding the planet and ships that trolls generate? And when trolls who leave ghosts die they move to exist entirely in that field, and the nature of troll society for a shitbillion years means that nightmare stuff is constantly being bounced and echoed and refracted around the planet until it turns into a low level but consistent horror soup. Which then turns up in dreams unless someone has been dosed with sopor.
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  19. Okay so I know there's a bunch of demon AUs of Homestuck, but what about Disgaea AUs? Maybe the Trolls are overlords of various netherworlds and the humans accidentally create a portal to one of their worlds, the Midnight Crew follows them in and an interdimensional gang war ensues. Disgaea is a pretty good source material to cross with Homestuck, I think. It's got great character designs, over-the-top combat techniques, and side-splitting humor along with good drama.
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  20. Uh yeah I think that has more to do with the Edrich Horror at the bottom of the ocean and/or the general violent culture of Alternian trolls.
    • Agree x 3
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