Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, brand new meshes are still out of the question. Retexturing a good-enough mesh would be your best bet.

    I personally use the big owl throne and one of the avaar beds for my really elfy elf.
  2. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Which one is the owl throne?

    Also, for your consideration: a warden/hawke/inquisitor who took the Wizard's Oath. Solas as one of the lone power's agents or as one of the key players during the elvhen's Choice (the people of Thedas have in general not done well with the Choice.)
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  3. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I honestly can't remember, I haven't played in ages. Possibly one of the legacy ones?
  4. What's the Choice? Am I forgetting something?
  5. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    it's from Young Wizards!

    The central mythology is - let's see. When the universe was being created by the Powers That Be, one of the Powers went off on its own and created entropy and death*, and spread it among all the worlds there were. For this, the Lone Power was cast down from its family. Now, when a species becomes sentient, it appears to them in some disguise or another and tries to trick them into accepting its 'gift' - something which will seem very tempting and inviting and even good, but will ultimately serve entropy. That's the Choice! But it's quite hard to know what the right decision is. And, if the peoples of Thedas made some poor decisions in their Choice, that could easily lead to some of the situations we see. The Blight, the sudden mortality of the elves, all of that.

    And it'd be interesting if the PC was also a wizard. Wizardry works essentially by using the Speech - the language the universe was made in - to describe an effect, and then it happens (if you have the power for it, and described what you wanted to happen exactly right.) it'd be interesting to have such a careful and precise system run up against magecraft. And the wizards are all bound by the Oath, to guard growth and ease pain and heal the world, which in a world like Thedas would be a hell of a task to undertake.

    *it's worth noting that death is not necessarily always bad in the series - I think there's a line in Deep Wizardry, the second book, talking about how before the Power there was death, sort of, but it was peaceful, and not something to be feared, unlike the death that the Lone Power created. then again it's been forever since i read Deep Wizardry SO.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    • Informative x 1
  6. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Also the Choice and making it is important in more ways than just "now you have to deal with entropy and death." In Wizards on Holiday

    Some aliens managed to kinda go "fuck the Choice" by trapping the Lone Power's local incarnation indefinitely. And because when the Lone Power did their thing they made entropy part of the universe, the whole universe, it was causing some local fuckery because you can't just go "how about nah" to a cosmic force like that.

    So it's not just "now you're fucked, deal" but also how you deal with it, what manner the Choice was made, how interactions with the Lone Power go down. So all that re:Thedas would be interesting.

    My guess? 'Badly' on all counts.
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  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Yeah, you have to deal entropy one way or another, you can't just opt out.

    Which probably came as a big surprise to the Elvhen. to the detriment of all involved. any wizards in Thedas would have their work cut out for them.

    ....man i need to get ahold the the New Millennium editions and marathon them. I remembered that the Holiday aliens managed to avoid the Choice somehow, but not how it made things go wrong, or how that actually got fixed.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
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  8. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Saaaaame. I remember how they avoided it sorta, and kinda how it got fixed, but not the specifics.

    ETA: OK BUT what about the dwarves. I'm sad we know so little about the dwarves.
  9. What's there to know? They're short, have beards, like alcohol, and build things. Probably. That's what 90 percent of Dwarves are like.
  10. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Dragon age is pretty built on subverting that 90%, so I'm eager to see what more they reveal with the dwarves.
    • Agree x 2
  11. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Well, there's the whole "might potentially be part Eldritch Entity because of their connection with the Titans" thing, depending on which way that goes. Have we ever seen a dwarf/anything mix? I know the Qunari can't (don't?) mingle outside of their own Vashoth race, but humans and elves have thrown out plenty of mixed kids.

    And if dwarves have been around as long as elves, that makes their interactions with the Fade even more interesting. Solas has some real nasty things to say about dwarves if a dwarf Inquis gets low approval with him.
  12. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Really? Like what?
  13. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    If a male dwarf Warden does the Dark Ritual with Morrigan, yes.
    • Useful x 1
  14. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    When I'm on the desktop I'll see if I can find a video. But even his approval scene isn't very kind to dwarves as a whole, and I'm pretty sure he calls all dwarves unimaginative and stupid when you've got disapproval.

    He doesn't seem fond of people who can't touch the Fade.
  15. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Today I have been rereading the highlights I saved from my liveblog of Dragon Age two years ago and cackling.

    On a mana regenerating cowl in Origins:
    On the Dark Ritual:
    On reloading because I couldn't bear saying goodbye to my dog:
    On Solas:
    On my favorite quest in the game:
    On fucking up the Keep and getting a random m!Hawke instead of my f!Hawke:
    On Cole:
    On... this is really just nonsense but it still makes me laugh:
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  16. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Have actually been working a bit on this. Everyone's still welcome to leave comments if you feel like it.
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  17. Hawkeguy

    Hawkeguy struggling to complete this thought

    i'm late on the whole dwarf thing but i once saw a really cool meta post about ancient dwarves being the titan's private ant army/servants and sort of a hivemind and it struck me as pretty awesome...and now i want to kill a titan whole just to see what happens and if the lyrium is still active and most of all what effect it has on surrounding dwarves.
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  18. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    We know the Evanuris hunted Titans. Mythal is said to have killed some, then mined their bodies for lyrium. So that implies that it doesn't lose its lyrium-ness when the Titan dies. Not sure what effect it would have on the Dwarves. I'm hesitant to take the hive-mind/soulless thing that literally, because we know through Solas that the ancient elves don't think much besides them are actually real people. Like Solas compares everyone in modern times to Tranquil, and one of the reasons that's both wrong and super shitty is because Tranquil are still people! It's something they emphasize in Inquisition that Tranquil still have free will and self awareness. They are vulnerable and often abused and neglected, but just because they've been mutilated doesn't make them any less of a person. (I have a lot of feelings about Tranquil...)

    I am really interested to see where they go with dwarves though. Also I need them to answer my question: do Titans feel pain?? I need to know because I am DISTRESSED.
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  19. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    Well, lyrium and some mysterious other thing.

    I think that though the ancient elves calling the dwarves soulless was probably due to bigotry, there's quite a lot of evidence for the hivemind - there's Dagna's war table quest where she studies the fade and later says she could feel the thoughts of all her people, Varric and Solas's conversation sequence where Solas talks about dwarves being like the severed arm of a mighty hero, and basically everything about Valta in Descent.

    (i wrote this post ages ago about what i think is going on with the dwarves and titans, but it's a bit disjointed and speculative and it's absolutely full of descent spoilers)

    Really, what I want to see more information on is the humans. There don't seem to have been any back in the time of Arlathan, and there are no clues as to where they came from.
    • Informative x 2
  20. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I put my fic on ao3 because I apparently want bigger, more public acknowledgement that I can't finish anything
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