Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Let's test that:
    • Winner x 1
  2. Do you mean that in a good way, or a bad way?
  3. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    upload_2017-8-13_14-14-21.png upload_2017-8-13_14-14-25.png
    oh speaking of bloodswaps
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  4. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    this was done for a nixon <3< hippies amporacest joke and does not have an actual bloodswap backing it up
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  5. I knew that was out there somewhere.

    Actually, I kinda like it. Seems very mellow.
  6. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    good way, that's so freaking accurate to what the heiress would be doing and it's still harkening to kanaya
    • Like x 1
  7. Bloodswap progress part two- ancestor boogaloo. I'm mostly done with them, at least for the backstory, but some are being tricky.

    Kankri Megido- the Servitor. Not too different from the Handmaid, but angrier and more self righteous.

    Kurloz Nitram- the Cavalier. I'm not sure how the summoner's rebellion will go with Kurloz at the helm. Needs backstory.

    Latula Captor- a follower of the Apostate, she becomes the Engineer of the empress' flagship after she's captured but I don't know what to call her before that happens. Needs another title.

    Damara Vantas- the Apostate. A witch who sees visions of a world very different from her own, one where everyone is nurtured and treated kindly. Angry at being an outcast and hated for her strange magics, she becomes a rebel who rejects the empress' rule and seeks to overturn it. She fails, and is captured and executed.

    Aranea Leijon- the Scriptor. A follower of the Apostate, she recorded her speeches and sermons for posterity until her eventual capture. Most of her writings were burned, but some are said to have been hidden away, waiting to be found.

    Meenah Maryam- the Deserter. She worked in the caverns, caring for the mother grub, but one day she found a certain bright red grub who fell from the stars. Born outside the caverns and outside the hemospectrum, this baby had no place in the world, so Meenah deserted her post to raise it. She remains a loyal follower of the Apostate, and captain of her ship, until their capture.

    Mituna Pyrope- the Justicar. A fledgling Legislacerator with a lot of potential and passion, plus a dragon for a lusus. He was sent by the Enforcer to hunt down the Apostate and her followers, but after an encounter with Latula, he gave up. As punishment, he was sent to capture captain Wildmane and her crew of gamblignants, and only survived thanks to his lusus. He would have succeeded, but the Contessa had help from a traitor, and the Justicar was executed for his failure.

    Meulin Serket- the Contessa/captain Wildmane. A blueblood who ran away to seek a life of adventure and romance as a gamblignant, she eventually becomes captain of her own ship and feared across Alternia. A master of the quadrants as well as claw to hand combat, she avoided capture thanks to her charms, deadly skill, and the help of a certain Seadweller. After the capture of the Apostate and a crackdown on piracy, she goes into hiding for years, only to reappear during the Cavalier's Rebellion.

    Cronus Zahhak- the Minstrel/the Penitent. A follower of the Apostate who sings songs of her exploits and teachings, he is captured by the Enforcer and sells her out to save his own hide. After the Apostate is executed, he is set free, but is overwhelmed by grief and becomes the Penitent. He spends he rest of his life traveling Alternia and telling the story of the Apostate in secret, ensuring her teachings live on.

    Rufioh Makara- the Enforcer. A highblood serving under the empress, he is tasked with the capture and execution of the Apostate, captain Wildmane, and numerous other criminals. Has a very laid back attitude that clashes with his violent behavior. Not too different from the Highblood except he's not as funny.

    Horuss Ampora- needs a title. Also kinda needs a backstory. A seadweller with a lot of potential but no accomplishments to speak of, he serves under the Enforcer. He is supposed to capture the Contessa, by ends up becoming her moirail instead and helps her avoid capture. The Enforcer eventually finds out and executes him.

    Porrim Peixes- the Empress. Needs another title to go with that. She rules Alternia and cares for her subjects like a mother, but like a very overbearing mother. In her Alternia, every troll has a set place in society and is expected to serve for the good of the empire. Those who disobey are disciplined severely. Those who try to overthrow her, like the Apostate and the Cavalier, are executed. She rules for centuries, until the Vast Glub and the meteors from Sgrub destroy her empire.
    • Like x 3
  8. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Meenah as the caretaker for the Vantas is very interesting to me given the difference between her and Porrim's mothering styles.

    Interesting and fun bloodswap you got going. Thumbs up.
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  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I love Empress Porrim's character
    • Agree x 1
  10. Thank you! Remember, Mo+her knows bes+ 3:)
    • Winner x 1
  11. Okay, officially done with the Ancestors! Here's the finalized stuff from my notes.

    Name- Kankri Megido
    Ancestor Title- the Servitor
    Despite being an Ancestor, Kankri is actually from the future of Alternia. Born on a distant meteor centuries after the Vast Glub, Kankri lived a quiet and peaceful life until he was taken in by Doc Scratch. He was then trained to serve Lady English, and as his training progressed, the anger inside him grew. He served his mistress well, drifting through time and intervening in history in just the right way to steer things down the proper path- plus terrorizing the common folk to vent his frustrations.

    Name- Kurloz Nitram
    Ancestor Title- the Cavalier
    A lowblood with an unassuming demeanor and powerful psychic abilities. He opposed the Empress' system of governing and assigning roles, and sought to overturn it by proving his superiority to those born into military castes. He lead a rebel army composed of fellow lowbloods and wild beasts under his psychic command, with the Contessa by his side and fighting for control along the way. Their rivalry and kismesis pushed them both to new heights, but eventually the flame burned too hot and the rebellion collapsed. The Empress spread the empire to the stars to prevent such a rebellion from happening again.

    Name- Latula Captor
    Ancestor Title- the Renegade/the Engineer
    A radical follower of the Apostate, she escaped from her role as a telekinetic labourer to join her and spread her teachings in the hopes of justice for other psychics. However, upon the Apostate's capture and execution, she was binded into servitude again- this time onboard the Empress' ship. She became the Engineer, powering the engine with her telekinesis and maintaining the integrity of the ship itself, until her untimely demise during the Vast Glub.

    Name- Damara Vantas
    Ancestor Title- the Apostate
    Angry leader of a rebellion against the Empress that created a new religion inspired by her teachings. A child with no place in the world who saw visions of an Alternia far different from the one she grew up in, where everyone was nurtured and raised to their full potential as individuals. She grew angry at her own plight and those of others, and plotted rebellion against the Empress. Over time her influence grew, along with her circle of followers, until she was finally captured and executed. Though her teachings were banned as heresy and treason, there are still those who believe in her til this day...

    Name- Aranea Leijon
    Ancestor Title- the Scriptor
    A dedicated follower of the Apostate, she recorded her teachings and accomplishments for posterity. Most of her work was destroyed after her capture, but some tomes were hidden away and can still be found.

    Name- Meenah Maryam
    Ancestor Title- the Deserter
    The first follower of the Apostate. She formerly worked in the caverns, caring for the mother grub, but after finding a bright red grub born outside the caverns and outside the hemospectrum, with no place in the world, she deserted her post to raise the child. She cared for her, encouraged her visions, taught her about society, rebelliousness and justice, and even captained a ship for her to sail the world, spreading her teachings. She refused to surrender when the Apostate was captured, and was executed.

    Name- Mituna Pyrope
    Ancestor Title- the Justicar
    A tealblood with a powerful dragon lusus and a lot of passion, he became a legislacerator and was sent to track down the Apostate and her followers. Upon finding them, he had a run-in with the LATULA and let her go. His superiors were not happy with this, so they sent him on a suicide mission to fight the legendary gamblignant Captain Wildmane. While he succeeded in detaining her, she managed to escape thanks to help from the Seafarer, and the Justicar was executed as a result.

    Name- Meulin Serket
    Ancestor Title- the Contessa/Captain Wildmane
    A blueblood noble who took to a life on the high seas, full of adventure and romance. She was dramatic, emotional, and could be surprisingly kind when not slaying her enemies. A mistress of the quadrants, she used her charms and personality to escape capture from the Seafarer, and later from his underling the Justicar. As the law became more tightly regulated due to the Apostate's rebellion, she went into hiding- but not before learning of her future rivalry with the Cavalier. It would be a hate that would burn like a black sun, but alas, it would also be her downfall.

    Name- Cronus Zahhak
    Ancestor Title- the Minstrel/the Penitent
    A pompous follower of the Apostate, he spread her teachings in song, but was captured by the Enforcer. In a bid to save his own hide, he sold out the Apostate and was set free, but after word of her and her remaining followers' execution, he was overwhelmed with grief. He then became the Penitent, living on the road and spreading the word of his former teacher wherever he went.

    Name- Rufioh Makara
    Ancestor Title- the Enforcer
    A prominent highblood serving under the Empress herself. Tasked with finding and eliminating the Apostate and her followers, he employed the Justicar and and the Seafarer to do most of the dirty work for him, and eventually succeeded- though he let the Minstrel go free in exchange for his cooperation. Violent, capricious, and surprisingly calm despite his behavior.

    Name- Horuss Ampora
    Ancestor Title- the Seafarer
    A seadweller with vast potential but no experience to speak of, the Seafarer was tasked with helping the Enforcer track down the Apostate and her followers, which he only succeeded at thanks to the Minstrel's help. After this he was sent after the Contessa, but she got the better of him and he let her escape. Once this was found out, the Enforcer made an example of him.

    Name- Porrim Peixes
    Ancestor Title- the Empress, Her Magnanimous Contemplation
    The Empress of Alternia for most of its recent history, possessing the noblest fuchsia blood. Her reign began some time before the Apostate's rebellion and continued until the Vast Glub signaled the end of troll civilization. In her empire, trolls were not “discriminated against” by gender or caste per se, but everyone was expected to fulfill their assigned role. Lowbloods were laborers and farmers, midbloods were hunters, merchants and craftsmen, and the highbloods formed the military and bureaucracy. Not everyone liked this, however- the Apostate had visions of a world free from these constraints, where everyone's unique talents were nurtured as much as possible and everyone's needs were met. Later, the Cavalier raised another rebellion inspired by the teachings of the Apostate, and this was quelled as well. From then on, the Empress sent the adult trolls to space, segregated by purpose, leaving Alternia as a well protected home for the young.
    The Empress is motherly, but an overbearing mother who thinks she knows best. She truly cares for those around her, and as the Empress she must look after trollkind as a whole, rather than individual trolls. Thus, she was very active in her rule over the empire and laws were strict for those who went against the "greater good."
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  12. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    • Winner x 5
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  13. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    • Winner x 9
  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

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  15. It'll come out eventually.
  16. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    yeah and 'eventually' is in 2 weeks. September 14, 2017.
  17. Yeah sure, and I'm afab. Look these guys do great work, but Hussie and his associates cannot be trusted to keep deadlines.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017
    • Agree x 1
  18. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    I'm so excited
    • Agree x 3
  19. Corvus

    Corvus old fashioned hurgusburgus


    Joey, what the hell is that doing in your house?
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  20. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    also, finally found a pic to explain the majority of my Homestuck shipping preferences.

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