Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I have an answer, but whether you use this or not depends on whether you want the vast glub to sound like a deranged drum solo or not.

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  2. emcapi

    emcapi Well-Known Member

    • Agree x 3
  3. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    why would I not want the Vast Glub to sound like that this is perfect
    • Agree x 1
  4. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    does Vriska have a drum set in her bedroom?
  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    yes. yes she absolutely does.
  6. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    mutant: Nepeta/Meulin
    Tavros/Rufioh. I can't really explain why, but I feel like jade Rufioh would be the type to steal tiny Meulin grub and raise her rather than let her be culled. I also kind of feel like he'd be revolution inclined.
    teal: Gamzee/Kurloz. so again, been a while since I read Homestuck, but what I recall of Kurloz's personality is like...he's manipulative, sinister, he's at least a little bit "the ends justify the means", and he also used chucklevoodoos on Meulin at least once. I feel like that personality as the legislacerator of the story has potential for fun things.
    cerulean: Feferi/Meenah. PIRATE MEENAH! also, revolution-leading Meenah. these are the two with the vision eightfold and natural mind control abilities. I'm thinking of making Fef's lusus something pirhana-like in nature--or like, a carnivorous lizard or something, not super sure. I want to keep something of her original motif, but a cerulean wouldn't have an ocean-dwelling lusus....
    Kanaya/Porrim, probably. I just feel like I could do interesting things with this.
    Vriska/Aranea. Vriska's lusus is this weird combination of the dark fish spider and the jumping spider. its 'everyone dies if I'm not fed' noise is called the Vast Tremor--because vibrate spider noises?

    I kind of want to make Damara and Aradia either bronze or olive, and I want Terezi and Latula to be either gold or bronze. the only thing is that whoever ends up bronze is going to have to lead a revolution with Meenah, and I don't know who's best for that...

    I'm also very interested in the idea of violet Sollux and Mituna but have NO IDEA what that would look like. I also sort of want to put Mitula in the ancestors somehow, but I dunno how I'd achieve that with what I'm leaning towards blood-color-wise rn for the two of them.

    I want Aranea to have done a Condy and experimented on herself, but I have to refresh my memory on what all the powers do before I can really decide if that's what I'm gonna do.

    also, in the way of ancestor titles, does anyone happen to know if puppetmaster or marionette have eight-letter synonyms...?
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
  7. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    Not quite right but marionette could be figurine and puppet master could be operator?
    • Useful x 1
  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    oh my god the first one, at least, is perfect.
    thank you
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  9. I am all for fuchsia Vriska, is she gonna be under a ton of pressure to be the best because she's the heiress? Is she gonna be all snobby because she's saving everyone by keeping her lusus fed? I need more info on this pls.
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  10. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    Vriska is under a ton of pressure to be perfect. she's being groomed to be the perfect empress....with the lovely threat hanging over her head that if she fails, or disobeys, then she dies. she exists to become the next ruler once she proves she's ready. once she proves herself ready, though, she has to successfully kill Aranea. fail and she's still dead. basically: Aranea doesn't tolerate failure or imperfection, and neither should anyone else.

    of course, Vriska isn't the type to be fine with every aspect of her life being controlled so she can learn to be a perfect Empress and just like Aranea. she objects to these limits and rules! and since Alternia's 100% kids, she starts finding ways to get around the rules and limitations without Aranea knowing, learning things about Alternia and its inhabitants that Aranea herself doesn't know. she's going to do things her way as Empress, she's determined of it. failure isn't an option for her because Vriska says so, fuck what Aranea wants. Vriska disobeys all the rules, and seems pretty in control of her situation, and comes across as all about doing what she wants.

    at the same time, she's well aware of the consequences of Aranea finding out what Vriska gets up to. disobeying is, after all, not part of training to be the perfect Empress in Aranea's image. so Vriska's actually a lot less relaxed than the image she presents. and that's not even mentioning the part where she's tasked with feeding that monstrous lusus that could murder all of Alternia if she fails. there are some limitations you just can't escape, and Vriska hates that. she gets snappish very quickly if anyone mentions Aranea, or Vriska's lusus, or suggests that Vriska should toe the line on any rules. Vriska hates being reminded of any limitations on herself and her situation.

    nevertheless, she's diligent in her studies and in feeding her lusus--she just quietly grinds her teeth and hates every second of it. she refuses to let anyone help with her lusus or anything, though, both because she's determined to rely only on herself (relying on others is weakness) and because she's trying to keep the people who would offer, her friends, out of the biggest dangers on Alternia. after all, they'd be an easy target if Aranea wanted to remind Vriska to toe the line--so Vriska keeps her friends as secret as possible from Aranea, and demands that her friends follow her in rule-breaking but never do any of this by themselves. she comes across as demanding, dominating, and a little bit arrogant, but she is actually well-intentioned, if a little misguided and trying too hard to be purely independent, which can put a lot of stress on her. it isn't easy to conceal your actions and the existence and actions of eleven other people, after all, especially when said others don't really know the reasons behind your rules and demands--revealing everything means giving up some of her freedom, to Vriska, because again, letting people in makes you no longer completely independent, and that's a limitation, something that makes you weak and holds you back.

    she's also a dangerous enemy, because she's great at convincing people she likes them, they should trust her, look at her friends, look at her, they've been doing this for years and never gotten caught! and then suddenly you're on the execution block, and Vriska is nowhere to be found.
    • Winner x 5
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  11. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl


  12. I love it!! Man I gotta work more on my own bloodswap, I haven't made any progress since I got the ancestors set up.
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  13. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    there definitely was. it was Latula and Meenah. Meenah is our cerulean, Latula's bronze. they led the revolution, and actually came incredibly close to succeeding, only to fail at basically the last hurdle (thanks in part to purpleblood Porrim), die, and have their whole revolution crumble. this being the second prominent revolution attempt since Meulin's life, and the most successful yet, Aranea, in all her wisdom, decided it was time to take precautions--every adult troll would be sent to conquer other places, and only children would remain.

    Vriska was expected to join Aranea at 9 sweeps, to finish her training directly under Aranea's instruction. if she lived to the end of that, she was supposed to challenge Aranea at 10 sweeps. on Aranea's chosen turf. what do you mean this sounds skewed in Aranea's favor?? how dare you imply Her Illustrious Splendor is being unfair, she knows what's best always

    dooooo iiiiiiit
    I'm working my way through ancestor titles and roles rn, and then figuring out the beta trolls' personalities and positions as I do that.
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  14. We can work on this together! We can be bloodswap buddies! :o
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  15. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    hell yes
    • Like x 1
  16. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Aaaah Hiveswap and my Tower is in repair and I have no idea if my tablet will be able to handle it with recording D::

    ... Might go and hijack a friend's PC, there was someone who offered...
  17. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    so, do we know how much hiveswap act 1 is going to cost? or at least a price range?
  18. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    okay RPS says it's going to be $8 never mind
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  19. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    and it'll be on Steam?
  20. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    the article doesn't mention steam at all, just says it'll be on Windows and Mac. Since it was on Greenlight, though, I can say it's almost certainly going to be on Steam
    • Informative x 1
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