Undertale - Pet dogs and date a skeleton!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Piratical, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    i feel like if this thread ever did want to avoid mining stuff, it was like... back in the first few months of the game's existence, when everything was still shiny & new and there were still potentially undiscovered secrets? idk

    but at this point i'm super curious to know whether there's something new on the horizon (or buried within an update.)
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  2. Salted Earth


    thanks for letting me know, i popped that stuff under a spoiler!

    and yes i am INTENSELY CURIOUS about secrets and things, i love the fact that undertale is getting updates after forever, it's the best thing
    • Agree x 2
  3. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Demonx strings aren't actually necessarily lines from that character.
    They're lines that never play in the game and are preceded by demon[letter] in the strings.

    A few use that character's style of speech but at first they were just messages from Toby Fox telling dataminers to not post unused assets until people had gotten a chance to actually play the game.

    Then they were weird messages where that character was talking about being your humble servant.

    Then in the 1.05A update one of them got added and was just HE IS.
    And now it's gone, some text is faster, and for some reason the game is twice the size???
    • Informative x 3
  4. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Okay so apparently the " " thing is people saying that that's the content of the demon[letter] string demonx.
    A single space.
    • Informative x 4
  5. Toby fox is as bad as Hussie.
    • Witnessed x 1
  6. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    you're just realizing this now??
  7. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    The dataminers just realized that if you take the demon[letter] string changes in these past two updates as a sentence it reads " HE IS [blank space]"

    Like. "HE IS BLANK SPACE" or "HE IS SPACE" or "HE IS [a name that has been erased]".

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  8. Salted Earth


    a name that has been erased.............. you know, like how when you input gaster's name it restarts automatically now????

    gaster confirmed
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  9. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    probably not actually silliness, that is probably what is actually going on

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  10. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

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  11. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    a new headcanon on human vs monster magic, replacing my old one:
    monsters obviously innately have magic, although it generally takes them a while to figure out how to actually consciously use it.

    monster magic isn't really powered off of anything. they just have it-while they can exhaust themselves with magic use it's like physical exercise in a way with them.

    meanwhile human magic doesn't develop unprompted. at all. humans never, ever innately have magic.
    while they can get very very limited magic via like, whatever alphys did to frisk's phone, this is temporary and doesn't actually make the human a mage.

    humans can only gain magic via having positive bonds with monsters. and not just via letterwriting you have to at least be in the same room or general area a few times. it's partially pheromones and partially the interaction of the souls.

    of course just because a human can develop magic doesn't mean they will develop magic, and just because they have developed magic ability doesn't mean they can actually use it well or in the ways that they'd like.

    finally, unlike monster magic, human magic must be fueled. this can be emotional energy, external energy (some things can just be cast off of ambient heat energy if you don't mind chilling the room (some mages use this as free AC)), or like, a sacrifice

    the seven mages were blackmailed into casting protection spells on the human armies and also into making the barriers. the price they paid was horrific.
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  12. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    I have a new Undertale theory!

    Specifically, I was thinking on how...odd it was that Asgore didn't seem to really remember Chara. He mentions them like once, but mostly he talks as if he had one child. Despite this, his house is covered in golden flowers, and his weapon has a golden flower design on it. Really weird.

    And then I realized: none of the monsters seem to know Chara's name.
    It's seriously weird.

    They have the most lines in the game (as the Narrator) and do have a text sound most of the time, implying that they're speaking aloud, but the tapes don't have their voice and are blacked out, even the ones where it doesn't make that much sense.
    Their own father doesn't seem to remember them.
    History books seem to just...skip over them? That might be them just not translating mentions of them or whatever for Frisk but...still weird.
    There's a memorial statue of what looks like Asriel, but none of Chara-although the Asriel statue has its arms out like it's holding something and broken stone is around its feet. You know. As if it was originally holding a representation of Chara's body...which then shattered.

    It's as if they've been partially erased.

    You know. Like a certain royal scientist.

    Yup, I now theorize that as well as Gaster and his followers, Chara was erased-but they had a few advantages over Gaster.

    Firstly, they were more determined than Gaster, being a determined human kid. Determination is stubbornness itself-metaphysical inertia. That's probably going to help them, and mentions of them, stick around.

    Secondly, their title. "Hope of Humans and Monsters". Not very relevant in a magical context when what you're dealing with is fully real, probably, but when dealing with something only half real-say, someone who is being erased from reality-metaphor's probably as good as fact. One human, maybe, you can erase that. But can you erase an emotion from an entire world?

    And finally they're dead and buried, not anywhere near whatever caused the erasing.

    In this theory, the interaction of being dead, being almost entirely but not quite erased from reality, and being weirdly tied to the existence of hope (which is not dead) resulted in Chara being a near-undetectable human ghost (as distinct from a ghost monster) who could wander the Underground...but nobody remembered them, they were intangible and couldn't interact with anything, and while they could talk to ghosts the ghosts would forget. Possibly really quickly. Potentially "can only remember them in short-term memory" quickly-that's like, 30 seconds for a human, short-term memory is Short.

    But. Someone with enough metaphysical inertia-determination-would remember them. Like, say, Flowey.
    Or Frisk.
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  13. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    what if Enemy Approaching and Stronger Monsters were Frisk's battle themes
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  14. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    so apparently if you go all the way back to the ruins in the walkaround and have frisk try to sleep in the bed the narrator notes that the bed feels too small for them now.

    apparently frisk grew over the course of the game.
    • Informative x 4
  15. Did they have a growth spurt over the course of two days?? Or is the growth more metaphorical.
    • Agree x 2
  16. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    It's entirely possible they had/were having a growth spurt the entire game.
    Like i don't think metaphorical growth would make the bed feel smaller to them.
  17. It was like three days. How much did they grow?

    I mean seriously. One night at Toriel's house, plus one night at Snowdin, there's nowhere for them to sleep at in Waterfall, and one night in Hotland, that's three nights unless they spent extra time preparing before the confrontation with Mettaton and the trip to New Home.
  18. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    *shrugs* the game says they find the bed seems smaller if you backtrack. presumably they had a really ridiculous growth spurt?
  19. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    see, i assume it's a metaphorical thing. like how after this huge journey, they don't feel like the same child they were when they first fell into the underground and stayed at toriel's house.
    • Agree x 10
  20. Salted Earth


    i always took it to be metaphorical rather than literal

    frisk feels they've grown a lot during their journey and they don't feel like they 'fit' the bed toriel tried to give them at the beginning of the game, because they've done so much and pretty much saved monsterkind

    no growth spurt necessary

    eta: woops looks like this exact idea got posted while i was writing this
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