Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    had a weird fever dream last night
    it started outside my house, but there was art everywhere and also 'catnip' which i don't think it was catnip, because i don't think catnip has the bright pink flowers
    also there were Many cats
    the cats had eaten some catnip and then became able to do art with their tongues, they'd done all the art that was drying everywhere
    then suddenly they were catpeople who still did art with their tongues after ingesting 'catnip'
    there were also dwarves who had had a war with the catpeople, and for some reason were amphibians
    they lived in a pond that had to be bigger on the inside because it was an ordinary pool in size, not big enough for a nation of dwarves and all their farms
    then there were cat/dwarf peace talks, that went so well they had a diplomacy feast, and then my mother showed up for some reason and was upset about dwarf eyebrows being messy so she did the lick thumb, rub on eyebrow thing
    this was so incogrious that i woke up
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  2. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    dreamed that people were validating my gender irl without me having started transition and it was nice
    • Winner x 3
  3. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Weird crossover dream between Hetalia and Pirates of the Caribbean. Too bad the timelines wouldn't work out as it had Germany and Italy at their WW2 age or I'd totally be fanficcing it.
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  4. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    So I didn't sleep for 2 nights straight, binged The Black Tapes and Tanis last night, and had the weirdest dream. Already I'm losing a lot of it, because I kept waking up and falling back asleep. Usually when I sleep fitful like that it's a different dream each time but these all interconnected.

    It had some kind of lead in to the rest when I fell back asleep, instead of a usual 'track switch' when I have more than one dream while asleep. I don't remember what it was though.

    I had a friend in this dream, not much younger than me but an age gap of note. I was a late teen, she was in middle school and had a collection of dolls that was her Secret Shame because "what kind of girl her age still plays with dolls?" Not Creepy Antique dolls or anything, but pseudo-barbies. A little smaller, more realistic body type, and serious quality clothes in a variety of styles. Little buckles on the boots quality. She had a whole room for them, with little houses and things. Again, not plastic manors but quality, wood and cloth and real shingles not just carved in and lights that worked. We played like my cousin and I used to, building elaborate stories with them, worldbuilding and continuities. Sometimes things changed it was shown as an RPG-Maker style video game, or from the perspective of the characters. There was a heavy influence of the Silk Road and the Middle East as seen through myth and storytelling. At the start of our story it focused more actually on the center of that inspiration, but gradually shifted- throughout ages (we were very dedicated)- to more how the Victorians saw it and Asia (and, I believe, our actual setting shifted to match as well).

    I was remembering this, now-ish and here-ish. That is, as an adult and where I live, but with standard off-the-mark dream shit. In my dream my time in VT was earlier, enough that I was in high school for part of it, and VT was different. This isn't uncommon. There's a pseudo-VT location that's sort of recurring in my dreams, an idealized (but sometimes subtly Wrong) version with the beautiful forests and the snow and being free from all the shit that happened in my hometown, being able to have a chance at making friends without fighting history. Just (usually) without the influence of my crazy maternal grandmother. I was thinking about making a deal with my family, spending half a year up there and half here, mostly because I wanted to see my friend again. It was very important that I saw her again.

    I was remembering where we met. There was a gazebo somewhere. It was a very large gazebo, given the only ones I've ever seen were the little garden-party ones. I don't remember where it was. This is notable in that, usually when a place is Vague and Nebulous my brain simply doesn't fill in the details. There would be the gazebo and nothing else. But there was a background, a gradient of green sky to blue below. There was no visible ground. Just the gazebo. I met my friend on the stairs. I don't remember anything else, but I remember that still frame very clearly both in my dream and now. The gazebo, despite its size, was empty except for us. I was leaving, and she was waiting... there.

    She had a favorite YA author. I never read her books, but they influenced our game the way both of our interests did. They were naval romances and I suppose in a way matched our game's theme of things- culture, artifacts, spices, myths- coming in through trade. They were fantasy but had the feel of 'finally figured out decent water routes to fucking Asia' Earth, suddenly a much more direct connection to ~strange and exotic~ places than the land routes provided, and the discovery/exploration/colonization of the Americas. There was smuggling and pirates and uncharted islands, and islands that moved around and could only be found certain ways.

    I don't remember how/when (in the internal timeline) she told me that I had to remember the author's name. It was towards the end. I don't know if I'd had some kind of vision? Or if I'd somehow managed to get back to VT to talk to her like I was trying to.

    But I had to remember her name. It was absolutely imperative that I remembered the author's name when I woke up (that's another common thing. I call it 'false lucidity.' As a plot point, I become aware that I'm dreaming. But I'm not actually lucid. I'm still carried by the story, I can't actually change anything unless it fits into the narrative. Like if a character in a video game 'became aware' they were in a game as part of the plot, and the game had mechanics that allowed them to 'manipulate' the game's code, but that's all still part of the game). I would interrupt the flow of other things- I don't remember what they were, things were becoming more disjoined perhaps because I kept overriding everything else in the dream doing so- repeating the author's name. A few times I did wake up, for Reals, but I hadn't slept in two days and I'd fall right back asleep. But in those brief moments of awakeness I'd remember and repeat the name.

    Unfortunately after a couple rounds of this the rest of the dream happened, so I ended up remembering only half of it: Marigold H. Maybe H0-something? Something that had a stereotypical feel of author-yness to it. I had a longer period of Actually Awakeness, which is probably why I managed to remember that much. When I ptfo'd again after that the dream had some kind of natural-feeling scene shift I don't remember instead of a feeling that the dreams were separate like usual, and a couple of themes show back up. But not my friend or the dolls or the gazebo or the name.

    despite that feeling I don't remember how dream 2 started. I did the wake up/fall back asleep dance a lot more, and spent longer stretches awake. So this is a lot more disjoined and I've lost a lot more details. I thiiiink this is mostly in chronological order. As I dreamed it, not as events occur. (whee timey-wimey bullshit!) Also count the obvious Spoopy Shit Podcast influences!

    There's a place that I gathered was between universes. It was huge and stone and ran 100% on dream logic, able to fit everything and be navigable and Consistent Enough. It was a sort of colosseum-type place in build and somewhat in intent. A place mostly to stand witness, where trials and punishments both were carried out. The natives of this place were mostly human, and though they usually didn't have a point of reference for human scale they had the feeling of hugeness beyond the fact they were all built like brick shithouses. There was a sense that they, and this place, were also very very old.

    One of them had committed some sort of crime and was being tried. I don't remember the crime ever being mentioned- there was the sense that everyone present knew what it was so it didn't need rehashing. Also that the guilt of the accused wasn't really what was being determined, so much as whether he was right in doing what he did. They decided that it would be a trial by ordeal, to take place in that colosseum place, and it would end "when it ended." It wasn't said, but again there was the feeling that instead of how the ordeal ended being important the accused actions during the Ordeal were what was important. The judge's name was Blind.

    The colosseum wasn't quite like the famous Roman one. Instead of expanding out in tiers, it was a straight cylinder. On one of the higher floors (a vague term; the 'audience' area had defined floors. the 'stage' did not, except when it did) stone beams trellised across inside of the cylinder. The accused was hung by his wrists and it was announced his ordeal would end if his feet ever touched the ground. He could touch the stone the place was made of (and I think I later learned, other substances) but not the dirt.

    Oddly enough for the weight of the whole procedure, the audience was largely empty. The only ones visible actually were Ford and Valiska Pines of WT. They were watching with horrified fascination, and a fearful apprehension that added to the feeling that what was happening here was important on a multi-universal scale. After the Ordeal was started- after the accused was hung there- they left their seats. The place was so huge that each floor of seats had living quarters below. They had wide windows without glass so they could continue watching. Neither of the Pines said anything, but I had the distinct impression they were less than enthused about that.

    In another universe someone looked over nautical maps and marked storms. People had been sent to an island to start a colony, and a storm had vanished, assumingly wrecked, the ship. A ship had been sent, from another direction, to see what they could find of wreckage or survivors. Another storm, in another place, had vanished them too. An unrelated ship had been in the area, caught in a third storm. A woman had survived, landed on a small island chain off a larger coast that despite the proximity was difficult to reach intentionally except under highly specific circumstances. She now claimed she was a witch, had gathered the locals and started an excavation.

    The accused continued his Ordeal. The space below him, where he was hanging, bled into another universe. He balanced his feet on a small ledge on a stone post and handed plush monsters down to another man. Somehow, in the other universe, this translated to life and the monsters to some kind of domestic animal? Dream logic, man. The man started off talking about how blessed they were, but once the plushes piled up around his ankles he was saying, almost verbatim, "yes we're very blessed now fuck off already"

    On a floor of the cylindersseum that was somehow not the ground floor, a group of humans acted out a punishment that was somehow tied to the original Ordeal though I don't recall how. They dug into weird silty-clay-stone, carving out square little houses, everything down to their beds made of the material. The man the dream followed spent a long time thinking about the proper angle for carving his pillow for maximum neck support.

    The accused wasn't just hanging from stone beams anymore, and he had acquired... allies of a sort? People who were on his side, who weren't allowed to prevent him from touching ground or provide him with places to step, but could help in other ways. He made his way along a glowing white wire with other glowing white bits hanging from it, concentrating intently. He rested at a post and contied down the wire but the end of one of the little dangly bits behind him started glowing, an intense spot of pale green. He tried to make his way back in a hurry, but wasn't fast enough. He told an observer, one of his allies, that he wouldn't make it. It was just out of reach. In another universe something terrible happened, an earthquake or a tsunami or both, and his ally left to go deal with it somehow.

    I don't remember what exactly was going on right before I woke up, but the Ordeal had been going on for eons and the judge, Blind, had just returned. This was Very Important, because another judge had been standing in for him apparently?
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  5. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I dreamt last night that I was a vampire who got paired with Kanaya as part of a sort of mentor-ish cultural exchange thing when the trolls finally came to earth. (I was also looking boarding Sollux because I was big into beekeeping and he wanted to figure out if earth bees could be adapted to silicomb XD)

    Also yesterday I had a clutch of weird SU related dreams? Probably because of the trailers that came out? The non-spoilerish one was kind of where Steven figured out how to re-birth Pink Diamond as part of a peace deal with Yellow and Blue - it involved their co-operation, and also eventually each chipping a tiny piece off their own gems to re-seed her's (because the only thing that should be able to cut diamond is another diamond, you know?)

    The resulting Pink was REALLY REALLY young-looking. She looked kinda like the titular character in Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea, except she looked about Steven's age. It was revealed that she had never really wanted to turn Earth into a fully-functioning Gem Colony, but it had been what was expected of her. I didn't get the rest of the details, but YD and BD DEFINITELY were willing to humour their little sister, and BD in particular started to turn her anger inwards towards White Diamond before I woke up :/

    The spoilery one was a space opera with a Peridot (she was a back-of-the-head Gem, not a forehead Gem like CG!Peri) and a seafoam Pearl, let's leave it there XD
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  6. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    fell asleep waiting for plane
    dreamed that parents had abandoned me in the airport
    woke up and they had moved slightly and I couldn't find them at first
    • Witnessed x 3
  7. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i dreamed i got (unwillingly, i think) involved with some sort of weird cult and got ritual tattoos, which, after the cult got taken out by authorities, were covered up (because they look like bruises from the front??). i think the authorities thought i was a victim

    so the tattoo i saw was a pretty badass blue-red wheel/gate thing below my right ear and down my neck, with an eye in the middle

    and if you pissed off the goddess associated with it enough, the middle part opens up to an eye and it sucks out your soul
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  8. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    oh wow brain wtf.

    so i was called to some sort of orphanage type via mystery tape. there were puzzle pieces and stuff lying around, in one room some had been collected and somewhat sorted, and i was like "looks like im supposed to collect and solve all that stuff", but one of the kids was "i rather you didn't"

    one of the video puzzles showed different things depending on which year you set on the player, the implication being that stuff got recorded over it, and the knob you could turn to different years overruled that and showed what the tape showed in that specific year.

    thats where the weird shit started

    (the video: a raging robot person, half-dismantled. i knew this entity to be an "angel")

    ((im missing some stuff in the middle there, because there was a different dream there. something about a quest to find an asia mart i don't have to take public transit to because i just want some spring rolls and not pay for fare, and a goodwill as school supply store only it was also a larp store with some really cool leather bags. and i could send my spirit to inspect things and during that time i was incorporeal and invisible but still messed around with the bags?? idk)

    back to the original dream i watch a different video puzzle reward that i think is on repeat until i realize that the person shown running is being pursued by some first humanoid, then slowly more sprawling shadow entity that first kills the other people (whose actions i thought were repeated), and then the running person. i know this person to be one of my predecessors, and the shadow to be the Shadow

    at some point there was a flashback to the past where i'm killed by the angel and sent into a cycle of reincarnation because i have some sort of job to do. and the knowledge that there are different paths and they all have to do how you interact with the Shadow -- one being submitting yourself to its judgement whenever you come across it

    and the last part of the dream i don't know if it has any connection, but me (suddenly male) and my sister (no resemblance to my sisters...) were rescuing the President's son (implication being some sort of hereditary governmental presidency. wth?), but his caretakers, instead of being friendly and caring like they'd been before the rescue, suddenly started treating him different, like he had some sort of grim purpose and cruel job to do. the kid was maybe 4, but they treated him like a monster.

    and then it turned out the kid was actually the Shadow, my sister was a Fake Person TM and the shadow took over my body.

    (and restructured it a bit. part of it being to female. also laughing like mad. wtf.)

    (added a bit from the end of the dream i just remembered)

    tl;dr: walkaround puzzle games + ruby quest honestly it's more nan quest with the reincarnation cycle... + amnesia + slenderman = not sure if want.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  9. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I dreamt that it was raining heavily and our waterbutt and pond planter were both full of tiny red-black frogs and giant green ones. The green ones looked like a hybrid of american bullfrog and white's treefrog, and I picked them up in both hands to sort them out of the way of the little ones, which were sick.

    Also I was trying to get our houseplants out on the back step for watering, but I was distracted by the frogs and the houseplants kept trying to go back indoors :|
    • Witnessed x 1
  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    The trend of weird af dreams with survival horror elements continues.

    this time i broke into some sort of medical research facility. there were lasers. some parts of it were on fire, but that was not my fault

    i was constantly hounded by nurses or security personel and running up and down stair and taking elevators and hiding in assorted rooms to shake them off

    i wrestled one down and stole her id. she was from a group of nurses that looked identical. well, the card readers didnt care...

    it got calmer when i found a group of... people my age? i was apparently a teen in the dream there, because the staff stopped actively hounding me and i could sort of blend in, but that mightve been because they knew exactly where i was.

    but the teens were overall nice and helped me out -- they didnt really want to be there and cooped up either

    i fumbled a stealth check at some point and we got chased by security guards

    and the thing with the highest "oh shit" quotient were called the nursebans, but pronounced nurse bann, and that was two rows of them, shoulder to shoulder, advancing up a staircase and that's when everyone ran, because those ladies had a target and that was me

    fled to a room that was a cross between a huge-ass auditorium and an office -- wood everywhere stacked with computers and printers and documents, but all in strange, fluid tiers and you could just sort of climb up over the desks.

    i know i broke in to break someone out, but i dont know who, and i never even found where they were...

    (the last one at least had decent game elements and a mix, this one's resident just without the guns and the zombies)

    last night's was plain boring in hindsight so i didn't bother trying to remember it.
  11. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I think the frog thing must have been a subconscious homestuck thing, because I had a VERY homestuck dream last night -

    It was non-SGRUB, and Karkat's hive was like trapped in a storm just as he was on the verge of his adult moult? Gamzee was involved with Equius (I was POVing as Equius and had a really intense pale session with Nepeta, which was about him learning how to control his STRENGTH and her absolute trust that he wouldn't injure her) and Gamzee was pale with Karkat - he convinced Equius to host Karkat while the storm calmed down, without telling him he was on the verge of moult or about his mutant thing.

    Equius had like a real crisis of faith while Karkat was in his bright red cocoon, but ultimately realised that Karkat was too important to his friends to cull? Especially Gamzee, who he actually like respected in some way (this was non-sopor Gamzee who wasn't like, completely nuts on withdrawal) although I'm not sure if they were pitch or flush. It seemed more like flush, but Gamz was still flipping pitch occasionally.

    And then there was like a half-century timeskip, where it turned out Karkat actually had a FUCHSIA lifespan, not less-than-rust, and the world was post-Second Signless rebellion. For some reason a bunch of red clones had been made as cheap workforce, and Karkat was pissed off so he infiltrated the factory they were working at as another grey wiggler, to repeat his gospel and turn over the slowly going-back-to-hemoist society. It involved Tavros with Summoner wings in a staged battle with Eridan with lightsabers, as well - it was really cool.

    The main image I got before I woke up was like a billboard-type poster with adult Karkat in the middle, with Aradia and Tavros to his right, and Feferi and Eridan to his left, illustrating that his colour made the chain into a circle.
    • Informative x 1
  12. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    you know i'm just realizing that this is when i became a furry

    anyway i had another really weird, vivid dream last night
    so me and my family were in Asia and we were taking a boat somewhere but my family was keeping it a surprise
    and we got on the boat and my family revealed to me that it was actually the Titanic that had been recovered from the ocean floor
    so anyway we were on board and someone said "hey kid wanna waterski off the back" and I said sure
    so i was waterskiing off the back of the Titanic, which then was going down this narrow, indoor canal inside a mall
    i tripped and fell into the ocean after being distracted by a merchant on the side of the canal
    i got out of the canal. the waterskis disappeared or sank or something. the Titanic was going really fast and nobody cared enough to come back and pick me up
    so i walked across the mall, to the train station attached to it. there were a few trains there, I got on the one that said 4x - new york on it
    i sat there for a little while and then i was in new york
    so i went over to my friend's apartment and said "my family abandoned me in asia" and she said "okay" and i stayed at her apartment for the rest of the vacation
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  13. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    i just had one that seemed like a flanderized version of my job?? Or like a dramatized version for a tv pilot or something.

    Featured something that was some combination of my current and last jobs, except i was just starting out and got the tv-style character-establishing moments or w/e for everyone.

    Complete with getting into a crowded elevator with people i cant remember, and then this one guy steps on and tells me and other new people "oh yeah, if you smell something that's probably me, so just (??some method to cut down on the smell of this guy smoking weed, which he did in his actual office irl). Don't tell (Everett's boss, who was standing within earshot of the elevator)"

    i mean irl that guy got fired for reasons unrelated to smoking, at least as far as im aware, so lol thanks dream for characterising him that way in the pilot so people would expect him to get in trouble

    Me and some other new people piled into a jeep or something and got driven thru a part of the city that doesnt actually exist but was likely supposed to show that it has Problems

    At some point it was established that a former coworker who in reality had relocated to another location last year had actually died? This was shown via a headline i saw, because not only was she apparently a minor celebrity but she died in a weird way and left a bunch of journals?

    We ended up at a building?? Where idk, there was some sort of dramatic talk show being filmed, about her death and the """shocking truth""" or w/e

    I got roped into participating but that plot thread got dropped. I was sitting at a couch and there were these thin notebooks like i used to use in primary school, but they had something scribbled on the front to show they were Her Journals?? I thought they were props and that they were going to have me and other people read out what she'd supposedly written

    At some point either before or after we went in that building, me and a coworker(who i had i texted after i got home from work irl) were like... taking stock photos of ice cream? And we were standing in front of a fairly reflective building, he questioned something like the flavour i chose, i was like "whatever idec" and he started taking selfies of his reflection holding the ice cream cone he'd gotten.

    and then i was like, whoops time for dysphoria about my reflection compared to his? And threw my phone on the ground and stomped off to lie down or something

    Also an earlier dream or plot in the same dream involved... some sort of space where workshops were probably held, where i got involved in some sort of play or skit with two people in my dnd group. This went on for a while, I think i messed something up at some point.

    That turned into just casually hanging around with my brother, who was playing Ingress on a laptop(?) And said he liked getting outside or some aspect of the game

    Some new friend of his showed up and sat right between us on the couch and was like "hi!! I'm (name) what pronouns do you use?"
    (Lol what is it with Gender Dreeemz)

    And i was like "(shit how do i get out of answering this)" and just said i use they, which she conveyed to my brother. He didnt really have any reaction to that, which may have been when the dream jumped to the office plot? Shrug
  14. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    Guys I may be a deity-like thing with the power to alter reality and fly and become intangible and/or invisible (when I remember, which I often don't) but all I want to do is fly around and see new places and maybe play pranks on people sometimes. I am not a good fit for this suspense thriller mini-series about some government agency trying to take control of all the reality altering deities where the villain somehow has the power to predict their every move. I know I'm supposed to rewind time to try and beat him but I *suck* at the time-rewinding. Also I feel bad when the normal human characters are in danger and that guy is going to take advantage of it. And did he really *have* to
    be all creepy about his prepubescent daughter?
    We already know he's bad from his "aren't you glad you had a pawn to discard there" line. Throwing that other stuff in is just tacky.
    • Witnessed x 1
  15. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    So, I was taking a short test for my university, or some tech firm, possibly both, I think it was part of one of those degrees where you get a guaranteed job as soon as you graduate.
    Basically, it was a "Are you fit for this field?" test for a tech job. It included the usual HR platitudes, as well as coding and stuff like that, most of the things being online tests except the coding one. But then one of the competences was "Shitposting". I went "?????????? What the fuck, but also at least I'm not gonna have a hard time doing that", and then I did the test for that part. I failed, complete with a red frowny face on the online form. The correction explained to me how that competence was necessary to Get Hype With Your Fellow Kids or something like that, and then it turned out the guys who had made this test had no idea what shitposting even was, they just vaguely heard some teenagers use that word and decided it was going to improve sales.
    And then, time for the coding test, which was an incredibly easy "Calculate the area of a triangle of given side lengths". Well, it would have been easy, had anything been given. Like the formula. Or the language it was supposed to be written in. Or what they exactly meant by that very specific adjective I can't remember specifying the type of area. Of course, I was really confused about that last one, and asked for clarification, and apparently there was a different type of area that was higher than the actual triangle's area, used in some medical fields for computing graphs or whatever, but that wasn't what they were asking me to do, it was the other kind of area.
    "So... The regular area?"
    "You can't say that, "regular" has a specific meaning in math."
    So, anyway, I had to write the code on a whiteboard and it would then be run on a computer (Makes perfect sense), and I was trying to figure out which language they were exactly expecting me to write it in. I was distracted for a few seconds at the "Which operating system is the best?" poster on the wall. According to that poster, Linux absolutely sucked for every purpose, had no features, Windows was way better and it was hard to understand why so many people were recommending it. I was confused for a moment, but then I read it in more detail, and whoever had made this poster was actually writing detailed criticism of the GRUB rescue console as if it were the actual OS.
    But anyway, I then get back to writing my code, which I had decided to write in Python because that's the only thing I actually know how to use (BTW, once I woke up, I realized the formula I was using was wrong, because, again, not given). I had barely even gotten to declaring variables when they told me "Time's up! You failed!". Turns out the initial asking for clarification part had eaten up most of my allowed time.
    At which point I punched a hole in the drywall, left the room and tried to throw myself out of a window.

    I mean, tbh, the only unrealistic part in any of this was that I didn't punch the exam supervisor. And that I was actually offered clarification, probably.
    • Witnessed x 2
  16. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I dreamt I was an elf and I was grumbling because being from such a long-lived people and Ancient Culture meant that there was a proper, ritualized way to do everything, down to how each and every foodstuff was eaten. And I just wanted to eat some goddamn corn on the cob, which in elvish is literally called "the food of seduction".

    So I went into the woods and happily stuffed my face in peace.
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  17. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    A train. I was there with employers of sorts, who were supernatural beings, but they looked fairly humanoid. The train was empty.
    The train was full, in a different sense.
    "The train is empty for your convenience. The train is at full capacity at the same time. Please do not talk to other passengers, or leave it at frivolous nothings that can be interrupted at any time, as you might have to leave the conversation at any time."
    The train was on its way to a small airport, deep in rural England, only known to a select amount of people. I pointed out little towns I saw through the windows for some time.
    My late grandmother was there, but she did not answer any of my attempts to talk to her save for looking at me.
    At first she ventured out the door to the front part of the train, which had the door to the train driver's room (bright light, violin music, they were watching ballet I think), and a door to some kind of host space, which was an abandoned building. She sat down at a small table there and began eating. I tried to coax her out, then remembered, wait, she's a Narc, she'll do the exact opposite of what I tell her to, so I told her to stay put and not move, then returned to my seat.
    Where some fucker had thrown all my stuff to the floor and placed his stuff. I went and gave him a dressing down. He asked me if I knew who he was (some police person). I told him I'm here with angels, strangled him some, and then kicked him to a different set of empty seats. Like, it's not like the train was crammed or anything.
    Went back to my grandmother. Told her I misjudged her. She raised an eyebrow.

    We never arrived at that damn airport.
  18. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Elvish girls make do /meme

    Just to be clear I am not calling you a girl, just wanting to make a dumb joke
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  19. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I had a long dream about shopping for mugs at a secondhand shop. None of them met my criteria.
    • Witnessed x 1
  20. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    I dreamt about going to a sauna/spa with my family, and we went there several times. At one point a former coworker who i had a crush on showed up and was like "oh let me wash your hair" because ?? Apparently thats what youre Supposed to do at this dream spa/steam bath/hot tub place.

    also the plot before that one was another gender related thing? I had apparently gotten bottom surgery for some in universe reason and my boss was somehow involved in monitoring my recovery?? It was very handwaved and all i remember him doing is telling me to send a dick pic to my (male) coworker?? Wtf, brain. The state of my junk was never brought up again in the spa plot despite it being like, nude baths or whatever.
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