Flight Rising/that dragon game

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by siveambrai, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    BTW, is anyone here HellfireLover, or HavenLee? I got added as friends but have no idea where these peeps came from so I've been confused XD
  2. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    I'd abandoned Flight Rising, but @wes scripserat 's eeeeevil influence made me get back to it in full swing. Here is my lair. I have pretty dragons and several of them have bios (though some are outdated or incomplete and need to be reworked) :D

    I'm in Nature. Absolutely nobody is surprised.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
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  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Man Peregrine looks nice. I just went out and got it for my (now entirely gened-up!) custom progen. Lookit:
    It looks like so sky-like! And it looks way better than I expected with her primary there.
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  4. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    holy crap that's a hot derg. the solar blades really accent the blue nicely.
    I would assume Hellfirelover is @hellfirelover.
    • Like x 1
  5. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Oh woooooow *_*

    I need to get my hands on a Peregrine scroll, and I don't want to pay a sniper because light has dom discount this week, dang it! >_<
  6. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Yeah, I bought one from the AH, since I didn't know when the next time Light would have dom would be. I'm really happy with the results, and I'm so glad that the solar blades look so good with that. Sun in the sky motif and all!
    • Like x 1
  7. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    @Raire Hey! I've been going though the thread adding people. Sorry for the confusion!
  8. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    No worries I just like knowing from where someone is adding me ^u^
  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    First, in advance, I'm super sorry for this. I just have a massive pile of homestuck dragons (plus more in progress that I'm not posting yet) and I'm super excited to share them and I'm about to get out of hand. I think there will be three posts, for ancestors, dancestors, and kids, with a few other random trolls in the mix. All spoilered! But I think the upload limit is ten per post. My limits for myself were no breed/sex duplications within a generation, and no duplicating breed/sex for the same family(?) across generations

    So the ancestors! These are all of them I'm mostly happy with so far. Redglare is still an infuriating breeding project, and the Disciple got left off because she still needs a primary and the others are fairly complete.

    Dragons - Condesce.png Dragons - Dualscar.png
    Condesce: obsidian/magenta/obsidian
    Dualscar: midnight/mulberry/mulberry

    These guys make super pretty babies together. It's pretty spectacular. And one in four are crystal/facet! I guess there is a universe where dualscar does get some.

    Dragons - Grand Highblood.png Dragons - Darkleer.png
    Grand Highblood: storm/midnight/storm
    Dualscar: navy/obsidian/white

    I'm pretty convinced there is no more perfect accent for the GHB. I love it. And I really enjoy the way Darkleer looks in this armor set.

    dragons - Mindfang.png Dragons - Dolorosa.png
    Mindfang: caribbean/caribbean/caribbean
    Dolorosa: midnight/emerald/white

    I'm thinking about switching the Dolorosa's tertiary to glimmer (since it's her rainbowdrinker glowing skin), but that will change the color of her spikes too, so I'm still waffling on whether or not I want to do it.

    Dragons - Signless.png Dragons - Psiioniic.png
    Signless: crimson/crimson/crimson
    Psiioniic: obsidian/gold/magenta

    I'm torn on whether I want the signless this way or with ripple/current, or whether I want to hold out for peregrine and whatever looks good with that. Choices are hard. And I want to make the psiioniic a spiral, I just haven't coughed up money for a breed scroll yet.
    Dragons - Summoner.png Dragons - Handmaid.png
    Summoner: obsidian/fire/red
    Handmaid: blood/blood/leaf

    The handmaid was the first dragon of this bunch I found, the only blood/blood/leaf in the auction house and she was a coatl and she had plague eyes and all the genes I wanted, it was just meant to be.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The dancestor dragons aren't as finished, because I've been working on the ancestors for a lot longer. I worked on getting dragons with the right-colored eyes for the ancestors, but the dancestors I went for all dead white ice eyes. Cronus is a breeding project (THREE fricking breeding pairs, I just want a white/blackish/violet coatl this should not be so difficult), Meulin is also still in the works, I'm holding out for breeding a perfect Mituna instead of buying the genes for the one I already have, and Damara needs to be bred for ice eyes and have a breed picked out. I don't even know about Rufioh. But here we are!

    Also plus Gamzee and Vriska.

    Dragons - Meenah.png Dragons - Kurloz.png
    Meenah: obsidian/obsidian/magenta
    Kurloz: obsidian/royal/white

    I kind of wish there was a little more magenta from Meenah's tertiary, but I think spikes is just a great gene for her. The (relatively) new jewelry is great for her too, I hadn't found any apparel for her that I really liked until that came around. And for Kurloz, it's not anything like his canon stitches, but I was just so pleased to find an accent that left splotches going across his mouth.

    Dragons - Horuss.png Dragons - Aranea.png
    Horuss: slate/navy/grey
    Aranea: caribbean/obsidian/obsidian

    Both of these suckers need primaries and secondaries. I think ripple/current is probably decent for Aranea, but I kind of think I'd like peregrine for Horuss. Aranea's okapi looks like thigh-high boots in some breeds, but it doesn't come across as nicely as I might want for spiral. I'm torn because I like this breed for her (and paid for the scroll), so I'll have to think about that.

    Dragons - Porrim.png Dragons - Latula.png
    Porrim: obsidian/emerald/obsidian
    Latula: teal/midnight/red

    Really love this accent for Porrim. She deserves more bling, but I already gave a ton of jewelry to a few of the others, so I need to go purchase some more the next time I remember. Latula, I'm not sure about these genes or the breed, but I'm not hating guardian for her. It would just be nice to have one of my dragons in expensive sunglasses with a forward-facing head.
    Dragons - Kankri.png Dragons - Damara.png
    Kankri: crimson/obsidian/obsidian
    Damara: maroon/red/blood

    Kankri needs a different secondary, and I'm really loving peregrine. I don't like pearlcatcher at all for Damara, but I don't know what I do like. She has the perfect colors, but I'd rather breed her at least once to get true ice eyes instead of light.

    Dragons - Gamzee.png Dragons - Vriska.png
    Gamzee: royal/purple/lavender
    Vriska: orange/caribbean/banana

    For the trolls, I'm doing god tiers all around, whether they managed it or not. And all of them will be crystal/facet because I never learned to love myself. Vriska's looking pretty good, I just need to pick out a tertiary for her (I like glimmer but my poor, poor treasury). And Gamzee. This asshole. I shelled out like 2400 gems for that tricktrouper crown because there was never going to be anything more perfect for a god tier Gamzee. What. A. Jerk. And while I was at it, I bought the pharaoh belt or whatever it's called from the gem marketplace because it reminds me of the ridiculous codpiece pants. He needs crystal and facet (or I just need a new dragon, because WOW, that's a lot of gems), and by far, he will be my most expensive baby because of that stupid, perfect crown.
    • Like x 1
  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And finally, the kids! Plus Terezi and Aradia. Again, I'm aiming for god tier colors, crystal/facet all around, the right eye colors, basically I just spend AGES lurking in the auction house and spending all my money. Some of these kids need a gene or two and I'm not sure on a few of these breeds, but it's coming along.

    Dragons - Terezi.png Dragons - Aradia.png

    Terezi: seafoam/teal/jade
    Aradia: crimson/blood/red

    You can't see it with her accent in the way, but Terezi's wings are pretty much the same color as her accent is at the tips. And Aradia, I love her a lot. I'm torn, I kind of like the new fire accent on her, but it's a very lava look, which might be better for Dave... but making him a spiral would conflict with John's proposed breed, hmm.

    Dragons - John.png Dragons - Rose.png
    John: caribbean/blue/sky
    Rose: sunshine/tangerine/ivory

    These two might be getting breed changes, but making choices is hard. There's a shadow accent for John that would be good if he was a spiral, and there's a light accent that would be perfect for Rose if she was a guardian, but I'm holding off before I commit. Also, for John, I'm kind of waiting for the new colors to be released, I want to see what kind of blue color contrasts I can really work with.

    Dragons - Jade.png Dragons - Dave.png
    Jade: black/black/platinum
    Dave: carmine/maroon/red

    Okay, I'm not a huge fan of fae dragons in general, but Jade looks fucking ADORABLE with that accent. The platinum okapi is supposed to look like her striped stockings, which comes across in this breed less clearly than almost any other but. That accent man. Dave needs a breed change, but idk what yet. There's a choice accent I could use for him if he was a spiral, but if he's a female spiral and John's a male spiral, I'm not so sure I want to set things up that way :T

    Dragons - Jane.png Dragons - Dirk.png
    Jane: beige/stone/leaf
    Dirk: maroon/blood/magenta

    I just want to say that both these jerks have extremely difficult color combos to find, and I resent it a lot, even more than I used to since now I am trying (and failing) to shop for Feferi and Nepeta.

    Dragons - Jake.png Dragons - Roxy.png

    Jake: banana/lemon/ivory
    Roxy: blue/navy/azure

    I love this accent on Jake. He is a precious child who deserves a badass shiny accent, and I couldn't be happier. Also the swirly bits look kind of like hope wings. And Roxy. I love her to bits, but ohhh Roxy. That tricktrouper crown makes Gamzee my most expensive child, but Roxy and her night sky silks sure gave him a run for his money.
  12. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    @spockandawe Your homestuck dragons are amazing and all those accents are so on point. I can sympathise on the searching for rare colour combos, too, my Handmaid is maroon/blood/leaf and Condesce is obsidian/pink/banana. Oh, and out of curiosity, what are your breed/colour/gene plans for your Mituna dragon?
  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Dragons - Mituna.png
    This is my current best Mituna! He's gold/obsidian/gold, and the only thing I could wish was different was a crystal primary. I couuuuld just buy it, but I'm breeding him with an obsidian/gold/orange crystal/facet nocturne, and it's something like a 1/12 chance they pop out the perfect baby. And then I need to pony up for a circuit tertiary. I'm not sure on breed yet, but I'm thinking about skydancer, to call visually to a lanky, awkward Mituna. So something like this: Dragons - Mituna (ideal).png
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  14. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    @spockandawe Gorgeous! Best of luck with your breeding :D
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  15. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    @spockandawe i am SO IMPRESSED holy wow ur dragons are incredible??? are you spockandawe on fr so i can friend you because im just
    //fans self

    hot hot dragons
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahhh, thank you! And yes, that's me! I can't credit my dragons to anything more than way too much time spent playing a silly dragon game and lurking in the auction house, but I'll totally pretend like that's a positive on my part >_> But I'm glad you like them! :D
  17. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    i sent you a friend request, mrattus would be me u___u
  18. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    @TwoBrokenMirrors (sorry for such a late reply!)
    Hugs for the situation- it sounds sad and stressful but you can make it! FR wise-
    Getting food is fairly easy! Most flights have a soup kitchen where you can ask for food to help you get back on your feet so you can get well fed bonuses and build up a food storepile. And it helps not to think of exaltation as a punishment, but as sending the dragons to have a cool sky party with the gods, doing cool stuff! If a dragon's been made once, it can be made again, so trust me, if you really get to regretting an exaltation, you can probably get a very similar dragon with a minimal breeding project at most.
    Lair stories are fun, but hard! (trust me, I have been agonizing over the specifics of mine since about December 2k13) Still, you can probably keep the core of your story with what dragons you keep, and then build off that, excising the lore that is shared? I'm sure that if you post ideas and questions here people would be happy to help! (actually, lair stories sharing would be a cool thing to do...)
    Hope this helps! :D
  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Golly gee wiz look at this FR thread. I'm also going to shamelessly dump some Homestuck dragons. Kanaya FINALLY has a decent secondary, at last I can sleep peacefully at night. I bred all of them except Kanaya and the Condesce. Condi and Psii are in a nest right now if anyone is interested in their hate babies.


    Kanaya - jungle/emerald/leaf - got her on my first week on FR, and I decided to keep her as kanaya despite the lime green tert (not canon but hey, I like leaf). Spent ages getting her all those crimson silks, but she doesn't look like Kanaya without them. If only FR had chainsaw apparel...


    Terezi - teal/blood/red - my last completed HS project! I haven't found any good clothes for her yet.


    Karkat (my longest project, it took me six months to breed him)
    grey/black/red - the april first sweater completes him.


    Gamzee :o) - royal/obsidian/grey - he was originally clown but Vipera makes him look more sinister.


    Eridan - mulberry/navy/silver (never bred, forever alone)


    Nepeta - avocado/jungle/blue (may have to redo when ultramarine comes out)


    Condi - obsidian/maroon/gold - the front of maroon shimmer is the closest to tyrian blood color that FR gets


    Psii - Coal/Maroon/lemon - I bought a wildclaw scroll for 5k gems for this trash child before it was rereleased


    BEHOLD THE HAMMER OF ZILLYHOO - lemon/blue/magenta


    Grandia (Makara) half of the pair I used to breed Gamzee, he's less a literal representation of one of the Makaras and more an embodiment of everything that makes them terrifying.

    @spockandawe I'm in love with your condesce, skydancer M is perfect for her. Your handmaid is criminally adorable too.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
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  20. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @mizushimo Oh gosh, your Kanaya dragon *_* I think the leaf tert works REALLY well, better than others would - for one thing, it sets off the brightness in the peregrine, and makes for a generally amazing accent color. She wouldn't be as striking without it!
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