Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ooooooh, so, Ten got painted up all pretty with flowers. That was Grotusque who did that for him. And when I was a thinking of that, it brought me around to how we've seen very few people ever do a KIND thing for Ten. And Grotusque was one of the mutineers who ditched them on the planet. And Ten knows that Grotusque did that. But hey, Ten has other friends here. And.... it looks like those friends are completely ignoring him as he tries to tell them an important, helpful thing. When Ten goes out to follow/help Ravage, he is aware that he has been rejected by just about EVERYBODY he could have expected to treat him decently. And... then Ravage shamelessly sets him up to draw all of the DJD's fire.

    Everybody in the stranded group is having a really rough time of it in their own ways, but godDAMN, Ten is making me sad.
    • Witnessed x 3
    • Agree x 2
  2. Petra

    Petra space case


    This is a whisper into your satellite dish
    This is a death threat in cross stitch and I demand a hostage
    And then I want a motor boat
    And then I'll let your hostage go

    It's like life is a death bound train
    And every day is just a stop along the way
    And every era is the modern age for the people in it
    Every prayer is paramount for the owner of the steepled fingers

    I knew better but
    I'd hope for better boy
    Boy, I'd hope for better than this
    A veteran never forgets no matter what she forgives
    No matter what she forgives
    • Like x 1
  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Dust Up/Jumpstream, roughly 2k, nsfwishhh

    And it is a tragedy that I haven't gotten around to playing with these guys before now, because oh my god, I LOVE THEM. This worked out so nice and natural that I'd really, really better play with them again soon. My archives do not have nearly enough f/f in them, but these two are a delight just on their own merits.
    • Winner x 2
  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I have had
    A Terrible Thot
    things which are true:
    1) we don't know yet how bringing someone back to life with the Mystery Hand Artifact works
    2) Anode has only successfully a blacksmithing with Kaput involved
    3) Kaput is a sneaky suspicious little unicycle and most if not all of his plans are Very Sus

    consider: if the Mystery Revivification Object only brings back the spark, and Skids needs a new body... cue things going wrong when Anode tries to go it alone? Or things going right and Lug's force-growth being called into question
    I am
    • Winner x 2
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    There are suspicious fake brittle/old/WRONG bodies lying around for some reason. And presumably the materials to make these bodies. Anode doesn't have another crystalized snowflake doodad like she did for Lug, but... what if she could use some of these other body ingredients instead! She totally blacksmithed right once, so she can definitely do it again! Right?

    Basically, the freaky young-but-old mechs she ran into... imagine Skids coming back as something like that. Where there's something intrinsically wrong in how his body was made, a la how @coldstars wrote about Rung and the crystals for cold constructed mechs, and being able to tell that they weren't strong/stable.

    Also, from a meta perspective, I'm pretty sure that JRO said a thing a while back about how he regretting having Red Alert survive the self-decapitation suicide attempt, because it made it feel like death didn't count. I'm..... feeling very very nervous about how Skids is going to come back, because unless something EPIC happens, a no-strings resurrection is going to feel way more forced than 'we found red alert right afterwards and managed to stabilize his spark'. The best doctor on cybertron was standing over Skids with equipment to monitor his spark, and pronounced him dead, and then he sat around being dead for at the very least a day or two until Kaput got situated.

    Honestly right now the most likely best case scenario I'm seeing is mmmaybe a very temporary resurrection thing where his body is not sustainable but he can say goodbye? But I'm really kind of doubting they'll even make it that far. There are soooo so many things that have been glossed over by the characters that are primed to go wrong at any moment.
    • Agree x 5
  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    I am. SO worried about Nautica and Lottie in LL9. Just from the covers!
    • Agree x 1
  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    • Like x 4
  8. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    i'm five pages in and i'm already dead
  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    Uuugh I want it to be on viewcomic! I should definitely be getting Lost Light from Comixology at this rate.
  10. Petra

    Petra space case

    Okay got it from Comixology.
  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    So Nautica ends up worse off than when she came for nothing, imo. Her grief was destroying her, but... to remove her feelings for Skids is only slightly healthier than what Chromedome does to herself. This is gonna have echoes.
    • Agree x 1
    • Witnessed x 1
  12. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Holy shit man. Wonder how it wound up in Mengel's possession...Roddy, where'd you leave it that you thought it was safe?

    And I'm glad Velocity called out how implausible some of Kaput's stuff sounds, even if I'm so fucking sad that Nautica doesn't have any feeling left in her memories of Skids. To the point where she doesn't even understand why she'd do any of this, up to the point of selling her grief and friendship, to save him
    • Agree x 6
  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Super glad she finally decided she wasn't going to lose Lottie and hurt Lottie just to maybe get Skids back.
    • Agree x 4
  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    yeah but... kind of in the worst way, right?
  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    Her timing could have been better and there's a definite implication that she could only think through that clearly once she no longer loved Skids, yes. Which is why I am saying that Nautica gained nothing from this attempt and lost a lot. Not just Skid's brain, which I'm guessing is going to come back later to bite them, but her love for Skids. And also now she's got scary people who saw her and Lottie and are going to want to take care of witnesses, even if Anode and Lug kind of already drew the attention of that group.
    • Agree x 1
  16. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I mean I don't even think it counts as thinking clearly - she didn't realize why her reason was bad or what the consequences would be - she had her reason for wanting to do taken away. She can't even figure out why she felt so strongly about it at all.
    • Agree x 1
  17. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    If I were wordsing better today, I would love to draw parallels between this and what was done to Shockwave. When Nautica loses the feelings (or maybe just loses access to the feelings...) that were a vital part of her grief and her memories of Skids, she loses that whole entire perspective on her own decision making process. It's not quite the same, because Shockwave got all his emotions scooped out like ice cream, but you can see how Nautica's sudden lack of grief impacts her logic
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
    • Agree x 3
  18. Petra

    Petra space case

    Although it's definitely good she stopped the process, right? Unless... oh god is this going to cause neurological damage beyond what it'd normally do?

    Oh man this is going to CRUSH Rung.
    • Agree x 1
  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    bingeing comics is totally what people do with their sick days right
    Shut uuuuuup sentinel

    staaarscreeeeeeeam you self-sabotaging trash fire

    "pursuant to blah blah blah" starscream

    hot damn
    lead baby lead

    Razorbeast looks rad as fuck, I wanna see their alt

    (I feel like half this liveblog is just "starscream" in varying tones of voice)

    god that would be beautiful animated

    awwwwwwwwwww breakdown

    oh my god those puppy eyes
    starscream baby

    fuck I forgot ll9 came out last night okay revolution readthrough temporarily on hold
    I like this dude

    correction: I like this chick

    nautica no
    goooooood Lost Light really is "grief fucks everyone up"

    bitch don't you even

    "I'm more offended by that than how you say it" bless you anode
    anode and roddy should have a sass-off

    anode is just

    anode what
    I don't think anyone expected that alt


    flame needs to stop looking like roddy
    cmon roddy come back and punch this rip-off

    lotty deserves better


    oh my god what


    "how are we going to get past the guards?"
    bl e s s

    I wanted creepy revivified skids...

    "first self-repairing cybertronian"
    well there goes fanon

    I'm still gunning for an artifact of Mortilus, but I think I'll be happy with whatever is goin on with this ball.
    okay back to my regularly scheduled crossover leadup

    well that doesn't bode well
    lovely detailing on the broken optic band, but uh

    ...god it just hit me that this is gonna be one more 'proof' for starscream that he can't ask anyone for help, they'll just leave him to die

    knock out murdering a fucking zombie titan for messing up his paint job is so fucking him I just
    love my boy

    genuine admiration
    Starscream<3<Windblade is canon yall

    power pitch couple here to wreck your shit

    "15 minutes and one harebrained scheme later"
    the narrator continues to be a snarky shit

    god I know red guy isn't swerve but
    he looks so much like swerve

    "I think you underestimate the depth of my pettiness"
    bless u starscream
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
    • Winner x 4
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Well that cover is doing me a worry
    Nautica- Nautica no holy shit don't sell your arm off
    secondhand grief discreetly imported oh my god. I love that kind of weird shit
    Yep here's the pay-off for that seeded bit about brain/spark cross contamination we got from Kaput.
    Poor lotty :c
    UM??? NO???? WHAT THE FUCK?
    Nauts don't do something stupid D:
    .... i love you anode.
    asdfghjk honey no you're pissing him off.
    BLESS YOU ANODE The good old 'Look what I found in my pocket, oops it's a fist to punch you with' trick
    Nautica what the actual fuck
    How can anyone be mean like this to poor sweet lotty??????ß
    Nautica no. JRO how dare you break up my beautiful adorable girls :C
    "The infinite" huh
    Mengel is a really really weird name tbh But I like that she's a she despite not looking a tiny bit feminine.
    You fucking douchewalnut
    Poor Lotty I hope she will fix things somehow
    "I'm saying he turned into everything" Shiftersshiftersshiftersshifters!!!!!!!!!!!
    "This is where you stand aside." "This is where you make me!!" Oh my god I love you Velocity. You go honey! Knock 'em dead!

    Bless them all
    Awww Nautica!!!
    God Velocity is extra pretty this issue. The look is good on her.
    .... oh
    that's.... that's sad :c
    (Probably a plothook to go back into CDs issues tho i'm betting)
    """"The magnificience"""" dude that's even worse than resus cradle
    (also the framing suggests I should know who this is. I do not know who this is. Who is this?)
    • Agree x 3
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