Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Or perhaps it's the shittiest (and by that I mean BEST) trope ever and we are getting fake married for some reason? I've heard that they're using the Citadel DLC as a but of a guide (less in tone and more in the shit tons of companion interaction). And that had a bunch of delicious silly tropes in it. So maybe I can dream?

    As for the swimsuit... uhHH... I'm kinda terrified. Like, is there gonna be a Thedas's top model or Sports Illustrated: Thedas?
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  2. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    "One last adventure as the team gets back together two years later…‘this might be our last time together as friends’ - we played with that as a theme. As the tension and threat escalates, with the Qunari getting more involved and it being more clear what they’re up to,people get more concerned. You start to see people worry abut you,instead of you just helping them, they’re actually worried, are you okay?"
    — Mike Laidlaw [x]

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  3. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Oh hey so today I started reading The Masked Empire and it's actually good?? A little amateurish at the start with overdescribing Celene and Briala, but once it hits its stride it's genuinely gripping and really well-paced. It's also painful - Orlesian politics are brutal as fuck. I'm about halfway through and so far it's shed a lot of light on the clusterfuck you're getting into during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. I REALLY don't like Gaspard, now. :'D
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  4. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I sorta think the best solution for wicked eyes and wicked hearts would be to just burn the entire thing to the ground with everyone inside :') I really don't like Gaspard and I also don't like Celene and I have a lot of trouble deciding who's the lesser of two evils.
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  5. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    tbh I'm really disappointed we didn't get that option. My favorite Inquisitor wanted to do exactly that.
  6. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Nellas would go "nevermind, Corypheus can have Orlais for all I care" the moment she heard someone call her a rabbit. Idrilla has a higher bullshit tolerance, but if we could have a third legitimate candidate who wasn't a complete douchenoozle that we could set up to front Briala (even if it would be really difficult to do so) then she'd grab the opportunity like whoa.
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  7. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Yeah, I think they could have done a better job of making it clear that we actually need Orlais to not implode. Because as it is, most of my quizzies are in team burn the whole place down. Also it felt sort of weird because two of my inquisitors would not participate in The Game--Ren because she doesn't have the guile and Grace because she thinks it's stupid. I wish there were a way to succeed and while refusing to participate in the stupidity.

    Like, we know that Orlais is holding the south together against Tevinter and possibly the Qunari, because we're told several times, but I didn't feel like they were all that important.

    On a different note, I have nothing to do in DAI it seems. Got all my armor crafted. Got weapons ready to go. Slayed dragons. I could go back and fix my choice at the Well (I went back after I beat the game and drank from the well, then decided I didn't want to, but now the save has it as I did >.>). But. That sounds boring. I just want to have the new content ;-;
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  8. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I'm kind of considering starting Yet Another Inquisitor, but I may actually end up playing a different game until Wednesday.

    *from off in the distance, my partner yells, "ABOUT TIME!"*
  9. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    i fucking want my computer table to arrive, but its 18:20 and the stores close at 18 :') I am so skipping class and drinking about fifty two piña coladas tonight, throatache or no, to vent frustrations.
    I'm considering drawing a body types lineup for my warden/inquisitors/hawkes as practice for a more realistic-ish style, or maybe something with my main trio set to this to pass the time. Or for Lis with this? idk.
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  10. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    :OO What game are you thinking? (I'm taking suggestions or I'm gonna go back to Mass Effect AGAIN).

    @witchknights Do itttt. Always draw OCs!
  11. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    *slides into this thread* Heeeeeeey so remember awhile ago I said I was gonna write a fic with an autistic!Quiz who eventually romances Iron Bull? I did the thing. I am not sure if it's appropriate to spruik your own fics here, but >.>;
    Also concrit. I love concrit. Please cover me in concrit. If you want.
    Also Bird is my lovely editor but I feel so bad for constantly harassing him about editing so if anyone else wants to bash me over the head when I use too much exposition, it is always nice to have 2 editors. Ok I'm done being annoying.
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  12. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @a tiny mushroom, this is totally a place to share your fic!

    I liked your opening chapter. Bull's part was a little easier for me to read because it was less blocky. It might be a choice because Ariana processes things in big chunks. I'm a little wary of Cullen's crush on her, because it could easily fall into the tried love triangle and slightly mary-sue-ish-ness. I'm not going to make any statements that you /shouldn't/ have it until I see it played out.

    I really enjoyed Bull's point of view, particularly what he said to Ariana about killing was really insightful. Also this line:

    "(He'd feel bad about thinking that, but then Dalish would’ve just reminded him that she was an archer, anyway.)" made me laugh out loud it was so perfect.
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  13. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest


    I hadn't really planned to have anything happen with Cullen, I think I just wrote it like Bull noticed a thing. I find Cullen really boring so I'm really not gonna write him that much. Also I have him and Ariana having a fight about siding with mages in my drafts. But thank you for pointing that out! I will try to avoid cliche love-triangle shenanigans >.>; I also need to remember when I put in little details like that so I stay consistent! So thank you for reminding me of that.

    I am glad you like those bits! =D Hmm, I didn't consciously make Ariana's bits more blocky, so I'll make sure they're more broken up so they're easier to read! Thank you for that, I didn't notice it!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
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  14. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I started playing Origins a few days back after my last failed attempt. Instead of my dumb elf mage I decided to be a DALISH WARRIOR. I have already wasted 10 hours of my life on this shit. I am invested in a heterosexual romance. A thing that never happens. I actively dread not being able to have some sort of multigame spanning romance with Morrigan. Morrigan who secretly loves my puppy.

    what has bioware done to me
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  15. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I have an absolutely ludicrous number of games thanks to a lot of Steam sales offering things for ridiculously cheap. Moooost of them are indie games, with an overrepresentation of point-and-click adventures.

    So, short answer is: I have no idea. :'D Maybe Analogue: A Hate Story, since it's a visual novel and won't wear out my clickybutton finger before Wednesday.
  16. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Ahh Yes. Bioware seems to do that. Apparently "gay except for Bioware Love Interests" is not an uncommon orientation. I think at least for women, part of that is because it's so clear that a bunch of these characters were written /for/ women. Which is something sorely lacking in videogames.

    Also Morrigan is my queen.
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  17. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!


    Just leaving this bit of concept art here. It was originally going to be possible to set up yourself as Divine. And this is a sort of evil!option I like to see in my RPG. :DD
  18. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Now if I could romance Morrigan as a woman I would. The moment I saw her my first attempt at the game I went "Yes. You. You are the one I want to be gay with". Unfortunately she isn't bi. Which makes me an a friend very, very sad. I do like romancing her as a man. I just wish I could be a woman instead. I refused to be straight in Mass Effect because I didn't like any of the options with the men romance wise. If Wrex had been an option I would have jumped at it but he was not. I just can't seem to play as male Shepard meanwhile. Something about him feels hideously wrong. The only other Bioware game I've played was Kotor and I gave up on that pretty fast because I found the guy hitting on my lady skeevy and wanted nothing to do with this game that I didn't even like how it played very much. Also outside of clones, the Empire, and bounty hunters I don't really like Star Wars very much. So being a jedi made me go URHGHGNGF.

    Morrigan is just that good though. I love her. She's great.

    I guess I will talk about my dumb warden I guess. His name is Kom'rk, named after one of the Omega Squad boys from Star Wars because I really, really, REALLY love the clones. Especially the Delta and Omega boys. Kom'rk is something of a quiet fellow, though he can be a sarcastic shithead quite often and often is. There's also a sort of seriousness to him and he is rather goal oriented. When a goal that he deems needs to be dealt with now comes up he is very dead set on that and has very little patience for fucking around. Kom'rk is really not that hot on talking with strange humans, and does it mostly so he can gather intel. Their various problems he helps with somewhat because he is a genuinely concerned person, though really a good deal of it is to put on a good show of his people's values and what not. A sort of "Look at us, we're not cruel like your people". So while he is rather polite to people unless they insult his people, implicitly or explicitly, he honestly doesn't want much to do with the humans. They're preachy dicks who RUINED EVERYTHING.

    Now with his own people or those who fall into the category of "hated by the humans at large" Kom'rk most definitely gives a shit. He'll do his damnedest to help and he will stubbornly stick by his choices even if those choices are things like "The blood mage is going to be let out" and "This man who tried to murder us gets to come along". A normal human would not be getting that sort of thing. Hell he threatened a reverend mother in her chantry when he got sick of her not giving up the key to let out Sten (yet another case of him doing his damnedest to help an outcast). This is why he was initially drawn to Morrigan, really. Turns out she's also funny and interesting and a caring person despite her furious attempts to claim otherwise and she really likes things like jewelry which is silly and cute. But the initial drive to go pester her was because of the EVIL SCARY WITCH OF THE WILDS perception that people have about her. That and her complete inability to socialize with others.

    With the others he is fond of most of them. Alistair he does honestly like a lot even if he thinks that the man is a bit too stupid and self righteous in his insufferable Maker worshiping way at times. Sadly he does not get on that well with Alistair, who frequently disapproves of how he solves problems. Sten he is curious about but he has made very little progress on getting him to talk. He is happy to see him out and about and see that he seems to like the dog a lot. So at least he is. Well maybe not happy but better off. Zevran he has yet to talk to really, but he is an elf so. Yes. And one that was a slave no less. Got to chat him up and give him a chance. Leliana is the one person at camp that Kom'rk keeps his distance from. Her talk of visions from the Maker disturb him really, and had he known how strange she'd get he wouldn't have brought her along. He's now too afraid to tell her to leave since she feels that this is her Maker given quest. He somewhat fears that he'll be killed in his sleep by the woman. Everyone but Alistair, really. The dwarves he likes but sadly he has not gotten them to talk. Alas. The dog is his favorite person in the camp besides Morrigan though. Cú Chulainn is his name and he is a loyal war hound and huge goof. And that is glorious. Whoever else is brought along Cú Chulainn is always in the party. We'll walk straight into hell with that dog.

    Also Kom'rk totally cried back in camp after seeing the dwarvish library and talking with their keeper (who is not called that but fuck I can't remember what it is and honestly Kom'rk would call him a keeper anyway).
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
  19. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    copy pasting it from tumblr,

  20. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Darkspawn bubble up in small numbers every now and again even when it's not a Blight, and Ostagar seems to have had a lot of exit points for them to come out from. I think it's entirely possible there could be some roving bands lurking there in 9:42.

    As for the red lyrium, I think that's a 'do what you want' situation. I don't think there's been much said about darkspawn and regular lyrium (there are absolutely none in the Bastion of the Pure, for instance, but how much of that is the lyrium and how much of that is the Sha-Brytol cutting them down when they get too close?), and since red lyrium is tainted with the Blight and sings, they may well be attracted to it. Maybe with proximity it could overpower the Old God's song (since its singing seems to be different) and draw Darkspawn to it.

    Whether or not they could be infected with it is a different matter, since they're already Blighted, but I say: why not? Hell, maybe the red lyrium has reached broodmothers and now some darkspawn are spawned already partially made of red lyrium. Maybe it shows, or maybe they look like normal darkspawn (awful enough), but with sudden red lyrium powers.
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