Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I can see if I can hunt something down, although for all three games a summary is going to be a novel in and of itself. There's a LOT of story. You may just want to browse the wiki; it has a lot of summaries and most, if not all, codex entries from the actual games.

    If you ever do have spare money, however, sometimes they go on very big sales - I think the first one is currently on sale for 6€ for the PC version, and it will run on an older computer pretty well.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  2. Scheherazade

    Scheherazade It's a story fractal

    No, no, I just mean a summary of what's happening in the Trespasser DLC. I know enough from other people's let's plays to have drifted into the fandom, but I can't buy the DLC and the hints of new stuff are driving me nuts.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  3. Carcosa

    Carcosa Member

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
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  4. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Ooooh I see! Haha, sorry, I'm not the quickest on the uptake when I'm sick. :D

    I'll do my best to make this coherent--

    It's 2 years after Corypheus is defeated, and the leaders of Orlais and Ferelden have called for an Exalted Council to determine the fate of the Inquisition. Having an organization that's answerable to nobody but has their own standing army makes both countries pretty nervous.

    It starts off with the Quiz being able to go socialize with their companions. Companions that they didn't have a high enough relationship with may refuse to talk to them, or if they were taken out of the picture somehow they won't show up at all. Cole, if you didn't interact with him enough or do his personal quest, won't be there, for example. Various things can happen depending on relationships and romances.

    The real meat is when the Council starts and midway through a Inquisition soldier comes up to the Quiz and says Leliana needs to tell them something. They go to see what she wants (which horribly offends everyone) - it's a dead Qunari soldier. You track him down and find out he came in through an Eluvian, already bleeding out as he did.

    Through investigating the crossroads and the other eluvians there, the Quiz discovers there's a Qunari group that has somehow gained access to the mirrors and is traveling to the places they lead to to study magic and how to contain it - their leader being even more anti-magic than the usual Qunari. They also have it out for the Quiz, and keep calling them an agent of Fen'Harel.

    The Qunari turn out to be making a thing called Dragon's Breath, a weapon they intend to use to take out the leadership of the southern countries. They've also been placing gaatlok barrels - that's their version of gunpowder - in every major place of leadership, with intentions of mass assassinating the leadership of the southern countries. They wanted to use more peaceful means, supposedly, but the activities of the agents of Fen'Harel have led them to believe swift action needs to be taken, and one of those actions is to take out the leader of these agents, as well as the Quiz.

    Meanwhile, the Quiz's Mark on their left hand is going increasingly nuts and causing them a lot of pain, they find out that the elven gods weren't gods at all but indeed just powerful mages, and if Iron Bull's personal quest was not done, or the Chargers were sacrificed so that the Inquisition could have an alliance with the Qunari, he turns on the Quiz when the Qunari leader orders him to, and the Quiz is forced to kill him.

    Later the Quiz finds out there really ARE agents of Fen'Harel... they're working for Solas, and both Solas and the Qunari have double agents in the Inquisition. Solas discovered the Qunari plot because his agents stumbled across their agents. After some discussion, where Solas confirms for the Quiz he is indeed Fen'Harel - Solas is actually his real name, Fen'Harel was a derogatory title - it turns out Solas was the one who originally put the Veil in place, and has plans to remove the Veil and return things to how they were before he put it up, and that might kill anyone not of 'his people'. The Quiz can vow to stop him or change his mind.

    The Mark is also close to killing the Quiz; before he goes, Solas does something to make it go away that also dissolves the Quiz's hand and forearm, but leaves them alive.

    Fade to black, and fade in to the now one-handed Quiz confronting the Exalted Council to declare that they will either keep the Inquisition together or disband it, regardless of what the rulers think. The choice to keep it notes that efforts against Solas will be stronger, but the organization will be prone to corruption, whereas disbanding it means efforts will be weaker, but safe from corruption.

    I... am probably glossing over a lot but that should get you the basic gist! I know there are youtube videos up already showing the various cutscenes.
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  5. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Still haven't gotten that far (have to trade off with my matesprit because I'm a good person).

    So you can elope with Cullen in your first conversation with him. omfg he's so cute. He's all: "i had a plan, and there wasn't a dog... but still, marry me?" and it's so sweet because there's a: we don't need marriage to have a wonderful loving relationship, a Hell Yes!, and a Hell yes... wait, can I use Dalish vows, yes? then Hell YES!

    Ren never really wanted marriage, but she's worried that she's dying and it's clearly important to Cullen. So woooo! They eloped right there in the Winter Palace. Under the nose of all the stuffy noble who've been pursuing Cullen. Which gives him great satisfaction. And if you do this before having your cut scene with Cass, you can tell her that you eloped and she squees over you and it's so precious.

    I also watched Matesprit play Iron Bull's romance cut scene and we were rolling on the floor laughing. When the Chargers are moving into place, the romance dialog is "So... Sex Toys?"

    Also throwing pies with Sera. God. Every conversation was gold. Then comes Dorian and suddenly angst. Like he does. The brat...

    Also Varric is Viscount! I can't wait til Hawke here's about this. She should be out of the Fade by now, yes? :'D
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  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Origins has been beaten. Alistair is king. Kom'rk's people have a home. He left with Zevran and the faithful hound Cú Chulainn to go and search for Morrigan. Morrigan and their old god baby child. Damn that wily woman and her disappearing to do mysterious Morrigan mom things. But at least she said that she didn't regret their relationship. Which is about as close to an "I love you" as Kom'rk's ass is ever going to get. Well that or the calling him "my love" bit. Oghren was a fucking boss and Sten has left to be Sten. Where Leliana is Kom'rk does not know nor does he really give a shit. Genitivi committing suicide is another case of not giving a shit.
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  7. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Re: Dorian--

    The angst is even worse if your Quiz is in a romance with him. My Lavellan looked so heartbroken when he walked in on that toast Varric was making to Dorian's new appointment as a magister, and it only got worse as the conversation progressed. He actually made a sad puppy look at Dorian at one point (and Dorian told him to stop pouting, haha).
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  8. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    I really want Inquisition to continue into a trilogy a la Mass Effect (have the same PC and many of the same companions returning). Ren is NOT done, and I want her to build and develop equipment that she can use one handed. Like a wand, or small talismans she can activate. Also the prosthetic possibilities *shiny eyes*

    Teifi, my little mechanical genius elf, would have a brain party with Dagna and Varric and remote Dorian to fashion the most kickass prosthetic. Ren would have something simpler and more magically based. Perhaps a glove that she can control with spirit magic. She can't do much with it, like lift or grip, but she can use it to draw sigils and spells in the air. Plus not looking at her stump is probably more comfortable for her. Lysander would has his "utility stump" that he can put different attachments on. Like a hook, or lockpick, or knife. Grace probably creates a masterpiece of mechanics and magic with Dagna, and while the installation is probably very painful, is actually probably more useful than her real hand was.

    There is more sperging to come. I have sooo many thoughts running through my head.
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  9. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    So I'mma keep sperging because I don't care, I'm a bear. I was thinking about prosthetics and it would be so awesome if they went the direction that Fullmetal Alchemist did with prosthetics. For those unfamiliar with FMA, the main character and several side characters have "auto-mail," an advanced metal prosthetic that can replace or augment limbs. For the most part, the main character's (Ed's) automail lets him function just as if he had normal limbs, but there are occasional bits where it's /really/ important. For example sometimes his arm breaks leaving him pretty much useless in battle. He has a designated mechanic who keeps him working, and she gives him tune ups and fixes him when he breaks. He has to take special precautions in the cold because the metal can cause serious frostbite where it's attached.

    Basically there are so many interesting story elements that can be done while still having a fighting inquisitor. I'm now having a lot of fun with Ren's magical glove. She can control it just like her hand, but it's only as strong as an empty glove. So I imagine some noble or someone grabbing her hand to shake it and just ends up squeezing an empty glove and then it's awkward. She also stuffs it full of cookies and sweets when she things no one's looking so she can take them back to her chambers and eat them later.

    I've been thinking about what the team does next. Ren and Sander disbanded the Inquisition. Since Ren is a Lavellan, she needs some time to get her head back straight after all the revelations about her gods just being what amounts to powerful magisters. She and Cullen spend some time with Cullen's family and Lysander joins them after seeing Dorian off to the Waking Sea back to Tevinter. Ren briefly experiments with Andrasteism, with Cullen and Lysander (who was a Chantry Brother for about 8 years) being SUPER SUPPORTIVE and then both sighing with relief when she decides its not for her. Eventually, Ren, Sander and Cullen make their way back to the Frostback Basin to stay with Stone-Bear Hold for a while so Ren can learn about spirits from them. Cullen is eventually also made kin to Stone Bear Hold by decree of Strovaker, the bear. Who /really/ likes Cullen.

    Eventually she decides that she needs to tell the Dalish the truth about their gods and Vallaslin. I think she tries to encourage them to claim the future instead of being tied to the past. She encourages the clans to make their own Vallaslin patterns and reclaim the markings as symbols of values and virtues. She leads by example by making her own Vallaslin pattern that is still recognizably based on Falon-Din's pattern, but clearly of her own design.

    As a side note, while Ren is designing her new Vallaslin she and Sander manage to convince Cullen that she's gonna get a pattern that is basically her face covered in dicks that are stylized juuuuuuust enough that Cullen isn't sure that's what's he's supposed to be seeing. So he's trying to be supportive husband man while panicking about whether to tell Ren that the pattern is a face full of dicks. And Ren is the master of wide eyed, innocent stare. Then Cullen walks in on Sander and Ren giggling in the corner and just shouts, "You two bastards! It /was/ dicks, and she was never going to put it on her face!"
  10. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful


    *insert flaming red puppet gif*
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  11. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    omg omg I'm so excited for you to be able to play Trespasser :D
  12. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    ........ I may have forgotten to bring a wireless adapter, or a long enough internet cable.

    fan. fucking. tastic.
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  13. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    *hugs witchknights*
  14. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    marlon's mom's wireless adapter is a piece of shit and refuses to stay connected for more than 24 seconds *sobs*
  15. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    apparently i will never be able to play the dlc, because now either my monitor or my graphics card just exploded, and my boyfriend is being a total ass, so now i'm sad and angry and tired.
  16. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Aww shit D:

    Virtual hugs if you want them.
  17. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    good news: i am currently downloading the dlc... while sitting on the living room, with my computer attached to the television, since marlon's HDMI monitor isnt working with my graphics card AND my old monitor apparently commited suicide in the 5 seconds it took to change socket adapters.

    i'll have to buy another monitor, but at least its better than another $2000 on a graphics card i still havent finished paying.
  18. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    and now it simply won't load. i hate everything.
  19. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Me: I don't think Idrilla is the marrying sort, she's Dalish, her heart has been broken by her former fiance and her ex-girlfriend, maybe she'll just live in sin with Cullen, they don't need a wedding to be happy
    Also me, five minutes later:
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  20. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @witchknights that was basically my reaction too xD

    Congrats on the happy couple :P
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