Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    I used up leftovers by making feta and basil dip, and baking gluten free banana bread with the two manky bananas left in the fruit bowl. They were both delicious and I feel very content.
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  2. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Making Rosemary Olive Oil Bread with the fancy schmancy oil I got at the Farmer's Market and thought I should share recipe and Bread Hack!

    This is mixed in an electric mixer, then kneaded by hand, but flour measurement should stay about the same if you do it in a bread-maker or completely by hand.

    1c warm water
    1 tbsp sugar
    2 tsp yeast
    1 tsp salt
    2 tbsp fresh or 2tsp dried rosemary
    1/4 tsp Italian Seasoning
    1/4 tsp black pepper
    2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    ~5c flour
    1 egg + tbsp water (egg wash for top)
    dried rosemary to sprinkle on top

    Water + sugar + yeast, let it sit and proof for 10min

    Add salt, herbs and pepper, then gradually add about half the flour, stirring until it forms a ball and doesn't stick to the sides.

    Turn out onto floured board and knead in remaining flour for about 1omin

    BREAD HACK! If you have a slow cooker, you will never have to worry about finding a warm, damp place for your bread to rise or fuss with bowls of water in a warm oven. Grease the pot, turn it to "warm" and throw your dough ball in for 1hr, or however long your recipe says. Works like a charm.

    Punch dough down, form into round loaf and let rise in a pie pan or on a baking sheet or whatever for another 45min. Preheat your oven to 400 in the meantime.

    Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and hollow when tapped.

    Proceed to eat entire loaf in two days with more oil and balsamic vinegar.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
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  3. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Oh dang. I don't remember if it was this thread or the Low Spoons Food Thread where I babbled about one-pot pasta, but lately I've been experimenting with a Better-Than-Hamburger-Helper cheeseburger mac variation of it. Basically, you brown some ground beef in a pot with minced onions and garlic and seasoning (couple of drops of Liquid Smoke for that extra-special grilled cheeseburger flavor), drain it if necessary, add pasta and just enough water to barely cover the pasta, cook it till the pasta is tender, and then dump cheese in and cheese + what's left of the liquid make the sauce. No powdered orange shit here. Oh, and there are tomatoes.

    I was making it tonight with the slight alteration of leaving the tomatoes out until almost the end so they didn't disappear into the sauce, and realized oh shit, I'm almost out of shredded Velveeta. Don't look at me like that, this is one of a very few recipes where Cheese Food > Actual Cheese. You know, for that authentic cheeseburger experience. BUT WAIT WHAT IS THIS BIT OF WAX I SEE

    Why, that bit of wax I saw was the rind of a slab of Hella Fancy Cheese Food with bits of bacon in it, that I got this weekend and then put away and proceeded to COMPLETELY FORGET ABOUT.

    So I chopped up some of the Hella Fancy Bacon Cheese Food and threw it in. Oh god, it was so good. I meant to nuke some actual bacon to crumble on top, but couldn't be bothered.
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  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    hmmm this sounds like hella food
    might need to buy ground beef liek tomorrow given that I don't sleep til 2pm again ono
  5. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I made pasta tonight even though I was really, really tired :D

    3 sausages (I had long thin ones)
    150 grams of bacon in pieces
    1 onion minced
    150 grams of green beans (frozen)
    200 grams of tinned tomato pieces (that's half a tin, I used the other tin yesterday)
    300 mL passata

    around 150 grams of dried pasta shapes

    Mozarella, cheese

    Fry bacon and sausage. When sausage is brown, put in the onion and take out the sausages. Simultaneously cook pasta.
    Fry onion. Cut sausages in pieces.
    Put sausage back in the pan.
    Add tomato pieces, fry on high heat for a bit.
    Add passata, stir.
    Add green beans.
    Tear mozzarella in pieces and put in separate container
    When pasta is cooked, drain and put in plate. Add as much pasta sauce as you like.
    Add mozzarella on top, and eat. Put more cheese on if you run out of mozzarella before you run out of pasta.

    I added some salt during the sauce making process as well, but that was a mistake as some bites were too salty with the bacon as well.
  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid


    Braided Yeast Bun

    1 egg
    3 cups flour
    1/3 cup sugar
    1/5 cup butter, I used browned
    200 ml milk
    1 sachet dry yeast (if you have cube yeast, double the other measurements, or use half a cube)

    What do:
    Warm milk, add sugar and yeast, let rest for ~1/4 hour-ish. You want it bubbling
    Add butter, flour, egg, and knead.
    Let rest for another hour in a warm place, covered with a moist towel
    Separate into three strands and braid
    Brush some more milk on it, and nuts, sprinkles, poppyseed etc etc of your choice
    Bake at 200°C / ~ 400°F for 20-25 minutes

    Don't eat straight off the tray.

    Take a pot. Some say you want a thick bottomed one for best heat distribution, but you'll be stirring this anyways. Best is one with a beak.
    Dump as much butter as you want to brown in, and heat the stove to medium heat.
    Once it starts bubbling, start stirring.
    Once it starts smelling nutty, take it off the stove, stir a bit more until it starts becoming brown, and then pour it into a heat-resistant dish to cool. Don't forget the brown stuff at the bottom, that's the caramelized milk sugar. Scrape it into the dish, too.
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  7. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest


    Tear-apart cinnamon rolls! Mine didn't end up as large and as fluffy as the ones in the recipe video, but eh they're delicious and my family also loves them! Also you can see that we got into them before I took a photo lmao.

    The recipe:

    There is a text version in the video description!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
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  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    tonight I successfully made and froze:
    • a 9x9 pan of potato pan cake (like a massive latke)
    • a 9x13 pan of creamy hash brown bake (slightly larger potatoes)
    • a 9x13 pan of tater tot casserole (even bigger potatoes!)
    • 4 servings of tex-mex chicken and rice
    • " sauce for baked tortellini
    • " creamy chicken potato casserole
    • " maple balsamic chicken
    • " vegetable base for lemon cream chicken
    • " hearty wild rice soup
    • " beef and bean chili
    • " cheesy beef noodle bake (plus 1.5 servings in the fridge)

    tomorrow I will make 4 servings of one-pot pasta and freeze half
    later this week I will make 4 servings of potato primavera and freeze half

    between these freezer meals, homemade bread, deli meat, cheese, and cereal/granola/oatmeal, J and I should be good for a month. at which point i'll do this whole shebang again. I also have a whole chicken and half a ham in the freezer, for a couple special meals.

    total cost so far ~$200, or $7 a day. not too shabby.
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  9. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    anyone got any good pecan roll recipes? I want pecan rolls.
    Also, gluten free but simple cookies. I have a friend's birthday coming up and MUST BAKE ALL THE T HI N GS
  10. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    @jacktrash you mentioned "overnight cinnamon bread" in the Boat Trolls planner and I am a creepy creeper. Could you share the recipe?
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

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  12. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    I'm experimenting with no-churn ice cream! Or I will hopefully be tomorrow, because of all the damn things to be out of yesterday... heavy cream, Kroger? Seriously? Okay, they weren't completely out but they had one half-pint of the regular kind and then they had a decent supply of the organic shit that's like $5 a pint and well screw that.

    The first batch is going to have a caramel swirl in it. Y'all know how to make the best caramel? Put that candy thermometer away, you don't need that. You don't even need to measure anything.

    You take one can of full-fat sweetened condensed milk (i.e. Eagle Brand and sorry but the low-fat kind doesn't work so well for this). You peel the label off. You set it in your crock pot. Yes, the entire unopened can. You pour in enough water to cover the can. You turn the crock pot on low and put the lid on and you go the fuck to bed. When you wake up in the morning you take the can out of the crock pot and put it in the fridge to cool for a while. Then you open up that can and ABRACADABRA YOU HAVE A CAN OF CARAMEL.

    You can eat it as is or dip stuff in it or put it on ice cream or doctor it further if you like. I plan on adding a little bit of bourbon to it for ice cream swirling purposes.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    dulce de leche!!!

    dip apples in it. roll on the floor moaning with ecstacy.
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  14. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    @jacktrash It's good on everything. Everything. Just. unf. so good.

    I mixed up a "control" batch (i.e. exactly to recipe) of the no-churn ice cream last night, scooped the pre-frozen mix into a loaf pan, put it in the freezer, licked the spatula, and then proceeded to scrape the mixing bowl clean with same spatula and continue to lick the spatula.

    This morning I certainly did not grab a spoon and sample the ice cream immediately upon waking, because I am a grown ass man and--oh who are we kidding here, I ate ice cream first thing in the morning because I am a grown ass man and nobody can tell me I can't.

    Guys, this shit is good. Really, really good. And so easy. I can't wait to make the bourbon caramel swirl batch.
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ooh hey, that's pretty simple, just whipped cream and condensed milk plus flavorings. nice.
  16. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Theoretically you could probably even make it easier by using Cool Whip instead of whipping actual cream but we do not do that in this house, much like processed cheese food Cool Whip has its place, but the ice cream is not that place.
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ever since i got a stand mixer, i've used real whipped cream for everything, it's actually simpler than dealing with cool whip or reddi-whip. just a lil pint carton, dump it in the bowl and stick the whisk in, let it do its thing. boom.
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  18. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    @jacktrash I so very much want a stand mixer, it would make certain things so much easier. Alas, I am a poor student with insufficient funds :(
  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    check thrift stores, they're bulky heavy items and a lot of people get rid of them when they move.
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  20. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Someone I know online just got one that way, but I don't think the thrift stores around here are really high quality like that.
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