Kintsugi: The Breakening! (ooc Chat thread)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by NevermorePoe, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    I think that a lot of big cities not on fault lines would be unprepared for the earth shattering, and there would probably be a debris field floating around a place like (the area formerly known as) New York, for example, where buildings not designed to deal with earthquakes would collapse and then the debris would sort of just...float around
    • Like x 2
  2. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    okay nearly done and then I'm going to basically say "okay, good luck out there," and that will be the point where I think people can jump in.
  3. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    alright! if you want to jump in, all the setup is done!
  4. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    right i've put a basic rules thing down and anyone is free to jump in. while i love writing story for this world it does need people in the world :/
  5. Kodachi

    Kodachi Well-Known Member

    I've always thought thermodynamic magic would make things cold, by taking the thermal energy that's there and repurposing it. This would explain why it's often said that it gets cold when ghosts are around; they're using that energy to exist and do stuff.
  6. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    I thought it was more taking an internal energy and transforming it into another form, thus generating heat.
    • Agree x 1
  7. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Should I put the recap in the op?

    [Edit:] Removed the quoted post, that wasn't supposed to be there. Oops.
  8. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

  9. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    one moment, I was writing it and forgot to post it. It just had the lore thing you wrote for the old breakening post, with the stuff I didn't see before added on really.
  10. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    ...has this died again?
  11. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    sorry, I haven't had the energy to do anything with it yet.
  12. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    I've posted what's hopefully an okay starter? I got stuck for a bit on "wait, how do I enter" because I don't know how to use a radio for broadcasting purposes, IRL, and I don't think anywhere I'd live would actually have the necessary equipment just sitting around for me to poke at. And it feels like cheating to gift that sort of tech or knowledge to my self-insert; I'm just barely giving her/me the sort of stuff that I would plausibly have if we'd actually gotten a house built on Matesprit's family property by now.

    (Also, I think I'm going to go with "green thumb" and "Disney Princess" for how the Breaking's changed me. I can't magically get just anything to grow - I still need the right environment and materials - but I can do a lot to keep something alive in an environment that shouldn't work, and I can coax things into growing faster / longer or producing more if I put the effort in. It takes whatever energy we're using for magic-casting, though, to speed up or boost output. And the Disney princess bit is that animals are more likely to be friendly towards me, and I can usually get them to cooperate with me on stuff; they may or may not talk to me, and I don't know whether I'd be able to understand them beyond the sort of understanding that a practiced animal handler might have IRL.)
  13. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    and apparently it does not work to stop excited puppies from tangling you up in the lead

    that was adorable by the way
    • Like x 1
  14. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    I'm borrowing from how Bear actually behaved IRL. :D He was my father-in-law's dog, and he actually would circle around people while you tried to walk him. It was amusing, but a lot more difficult to deal with if there were two people walking with him; he'd bounce around in a circle, trying to make sure the slower person didn't get lost or go off the path.
  15. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    that sounds hilarious but also frustrating
    • Agree x 1
  16. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    It was both, yeah. More frustrating was training him out of jumping up on people when he was excited to see them, because at the age I'm depicting him ICly? He was waist-height to me (I'm 5' nothing if I'm in sock feet) and he wasn't full-grown yet. Berners get big. But dad-in-law didn't get visitors often enough to make it easy for the training to stick, so we'd have to do a dance of "nope, no jumping" every time we visited because he was big enough to stagger me if I was braced for it and to knock me over if I wasn't.
  17. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    okay that is a great start, and also absolutely adorable :o
    • Useful x 1
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