Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by Belatu Kadros, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "Well, who really understands custodians, anyway. So, and I've been dying to ask this, how'd you meet up with Kadros, old thing? Planetary marines? Earlier?"
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Oh, we played war games together as kids. Reenactment Society. They take a historical battle and re-fight it with period gear and everything, it's fun. A few of us kept in touch, and when Deuce heard I washed out of Academy and ended up a noncom, he pulled strings until he got me on his team. Fleet had me teaching first-years how to do pushups, suddenly I'm on Valdi 4 smoking giant rodents with a fucking RPG. My soul got whiplash." He laughs.
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  3. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    Your minor case of wistfulness has upgraded to a significant case of gutwrenching jealousy. Fighting great big monsters out under an open sky, your lusus by your side...

    "I say, do you want to get drinks?" you ask abruptly. "I think I need to not be sober right now."
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Hell yes, lead on."
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  5. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    It isn't a good idea to drop by Lainey's for a bit, so you go off to the kitchens, poke your head in, and see who knows anyone who's got anything on offer. After a bit of fetch-questing you wind up with an armful of homebrew shandy bottles off a junior lieutenant in the makespace and a decent amount of something in a big can that smells absolutely lethal from Eli in the greenspace— potatoes? maybe? cullditch potatoes.

    "I love you, Eli," you tell him, after taking a sample and discovering it to indeed be hazardous to your health and probably sanity. He swats you with a shovel and sends you on your way.

    "Right, you've got a choice of pickling yourself in one of several nice fields, or you can come along and risk drowning in my tidepool biome, I haven't been spending enough time in my quarters lately and need to do some tidying," you tell Murfey. "Too much algae, too much shrimp, the crabs get aggressive."
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "I want to meet these aggressive crabs of yours," Murfey grins. He samples the moonshine himself and gives an impressed huff and low whistle. "If this shit's what y'all have been drinking, no wonder Deuce asked me to open a bar. I was like, 'bro, everything's gonna be so overpriced by the time I get it out there,' and he was like, 'you don't understand, these guys will drink floor wax if you pour it over ice with a little umbrella.' Hey, you think there'd be much interest in a mechanical herdbeast? I've always wanted to run a bar with a mechanical herdbeast. Watch lil' teal cuties try and thigh-clamp it into submission all day long." Wistful sigh.
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  7. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "Mechanical herdbeast?" you ask, interested, and trade him one of the shandy bottles to get the moonshine back. "What, like to fight?"
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "To ride! It tries to buck you off, you gotta stay on. Some places sharpen the horns for extra fun, but I don't wanna gouge up your crew, boss. It's funny enough watching cocky assholes get that suprise face on when it goes into the fast spin phase of the program." He wags his eyebrows, grinning, and takes a swig from the bottle. "Hey, this ain't bad. All right if I ask that guy to brew this in bulk? I can order in what he needs so he doesn't have to gank official supplies."
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  9. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "So long as it doesn't interfere with a crewman's regular duties, you can ask anyone you like," you say. "They're free to tell you to get bent, of course— I'm sure Kadros will give you an earful about it, but we don't let bluebloods run wild around here. If I'm alerted to any coercive methodology on your part you're going to be subject to, hm, review." You take a sip from the can, level your best Cold Fish look at the man. "A review of the other side of an airlock."

    He seems to get the point. You add, "Anyway there's a local Craeig'slist for business and romance postings, as well as a realspace-pegboard by the kitchens for comestible-related trade. Post to both and you should have no end of applicants. Fermentation's a popular hobby."
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Relax, boss, I've been on both sides of the power imbalance and I can put myself in the other guy's shoes. I got a code." He thumps his chest with a closed fist to emphasize the seriousness of his code. "I can bounce troublemakers in my own bar, though, right? Deuce warned me not to boss folks around outside my own space, caste or no caste, but he said he reckoned you'd be okay with me keeping order inside it. I know crewmen need to let off steam but I won't have anybody breaking bottles or fucking on the tables, and if I need to put boot to trousers to get the point across I'm gonna go ahead and do that."
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  11. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "That's quite alright, Sergeant. You can work in conjunction with Kadros-- why do you call him Deuce?-- to make sure my crew stays respectful, and I'll give you your head in dealing with docked crews. Some of them can be nasty sorts, and I have to lean on visiting captains enough for too many things already-- if you send any jumped-up ruffianihilators scurrying back to their ships with black eyes it's not going to be any of my lookout. Oh, here we are, this is me."

    You thumb your hive's lock, scrape field- and aviary-muck off you feet in the mudroom, and lead him into the kitchen.

    "It's all salads and things," you report, peering in the hull. "The commander's too good for gardening so I've got to stock my own icebox with his preferred rabbit nibbles. It's disgusting. Do you want any?"
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "No thanks, I had a sandwich just before we docked. That freighter's cook is a monster, you oughtta try and hire her off it. I ask her for a tuna melt, I get like an entire loaf cut in half and dripping cheese and fried onions. I might not be hungry again for a week." He kicks his boots off at the door and rolls up the bottom of his jeans so he can wade in the tidepool and pester the crabs with his toes.

    "Too good for gardening, huh? Lemme guess, he gave you that 'I'm a specialist, let me do my specialty' speech of his. I guess he's kinda got a point on one level, but sometimes you just need another warm body with an entrenching tool, you know? I used to just keep bringing him a shovel and going 'bro you dopped this' until he threw a tiny shitfit and then came and helped us fill sandbags or whatever just to make me shut up. Folks used to ship us pale for that, but I've met his moirail, whew, she's a sledgehammer. She'd just be like -- 'Bel, quit fucking around.' And suddenly Deuce is all obedience." He chuckles at the memory. "We call him Double Deuce cuz he used to always say he could get more done with .22 caliber than the rest of us could do with long .50, and he was usually right." Tilting his head, he studies Aspera with a smile. "You pick up any interesting Academy nicknames, Cap?"
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  13. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You're laughing as you shove through the doors to the tidal biome and usher Murfey into the cool, damp expanse of sand and rocks and toe-nippy crustacians.

    "Oh, I'm sure I would have had," you answer his last question. "But they bunged me up here right off the mark. 'Mad Aspera' seems to be all I've gotten, and it's hardly creative."
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Hey, it's better than some I've heard. I got 'Waffle' by bitching about my boots. You can't boot-slide in combat boots, though. It was cramping my style." He looks around, delighted. "Hey, this is nice. You did all this?"
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  15. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You grin proudly and sit down at the edge of the wide pool to dip your feet. "Four meters deep at high tide-- enough for a decent bit of splashing around. Well, for me and any number of high-intensity hob-knobbing events. Us violets don't tend to be built out of spare assault vehicles like you landlickers, I've seen officers that'd hardly get their knees wet in this."

    A crab tries to pinch you. You knock back a good measure of hideous moonshine while the crab aggresses your trousers, then eat it.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    Murphy sits down beside him, and proceeds to try to get one crab attached to each toe. They're not as cooperative as one might think. "I love all the green spaces and shit you have going here, not just this one but all over the ship. Makes me kind of want to do one as part of my bar, have it be kind of a pretend open-air thing, but I've got a black thumb. Maybe if the place makes money I can hire somebody to do it."
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  17. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "Talk to Eli," you say. "It isn't so hard to keep things going once you've set up irrigation lines, timed lights, and a fertilization schedule. He has so many apps. I do the initial terro-- terraforming. Though. Captain's perrogative."

    You slide into the water and rest your elbows on the pool's edge. Slurp more godawful toxic waste.

    "Open air, though," you say, a trifle sadly. "Good luck with that."
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Bet we could get a real good illusion going," Murphy says tentatively. "Double high ceiling? Deuce said that's a thing we can do. Paint it nice and dark and install tiny fader lights on a randomizer so they twinkle, then do bushy trees so they mostly obscure it. Route in some nice strong ventilation so you get a breeze. Uh... you probably draw the line at importing fireflies and crickets, though, huh?"
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  19. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "Hmm? Oh, no, any amount of organisms are, are fine. Submit a list to me or Eli for approval, and you'll need either double doors or a gleet biolifter- biofilter, for the area you intend to populate. If they get out and, and, and chew up anything they shouldn't you're liable for the rept-- repairs."

    You nibble the edge of the can thoughtfully. "I like fireflies."
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Me too, man. I miss fireflies like hell. None of the planets I got sent to had anything like 'em." He drains the last of his shandy and sets the bottle aside, then leans in a bit and tries to catch Aspera's eyes. "Hey, so, what's going on in your quadrants? You don't seem to mind me flirting, but I don't wanna overstep, and I figure the best thing to do is just ask."
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