whooops. i am also late to the game, but i'm #22782 cantrip! :) i almost never have the patience to sell my dragons, but i don't breed mine constantly, so when i price things i don't follow the market--i have to look at specialty stuff. like, i have very specific breeding pairs for very specific niches and can turn a small profit that way. triple whites are still going for 40k with the right combination of genes. i will say, shinier = more value. everybody loves shinies. if you don't advertise you really do have to just use the AH to get a feel for it if you're trying to sell to forever-homes and not just trying to clear your nests out. there's an element of dumb luck to it, too.
I'm ingloriousheist (69846) on FR and tumblr, too! I don't have any advice on selling that hasn't already been said, unfortunately. We have still yet to make an electronic free market that works (not counting whatever's up with bitcoin, which I don't think is an economy within itself but idk).
Really my dream is to try and start a communist revolution within some game like this. Destroy the Dragon Capitalist Oligarchy!
does anyone here run a hatchery? i've heard that's a good way to sell niche dragons for a higher price and was thinking of starting one myself once i got my breeding pairs going
i can try to remember to ping you! i'm already keeping an eye out for the next window for some friends, so it wouldn't be too hard
Eugh. Dragon selling is the bane of my existence. Though, lately I haven't had time to relist all my dragons, so there is that. (Though, if anyone wants a dragon that's up for auction, just gimme a PM and I'll send it your way free of charge. Just get these bug and fish vacuums out of my lair!)
Same with me- anyone who wants one of my hatchlings can have one, free of charge! (And it's even the same food types I'm constantly in need of...)
Speaking of lair space, the last six dragons in my lair/ page 8 are free to good homes. All I ask is that you don't get them just to exalt ouo.
Whoo! #70661, GiddyExcitement, here. I'm a little burned out on it at the moment because I used fire's recent last dom to save much more intensively than I usually do and then got distracted by reality, but I'm still keeping everyone fed, mostly. Currently trying to maintain having zero free lair space until I have acquired a decent amount of genes because I have too many gene projects just sitting around. One day I will finish everyone's bios, too. Probably. Unless I viciously purge everything, which I keep getting vague urges to do but don't think I'm actually capable of. xP
Alright, it sounds like there isn't a concrete answer for how to price things. xD Or at least, not as clear as I want. I'll figure it out. xD Thanks for the advice, everyone! Oh, and same as everyone else, feel free to ask about unnamed dragons at the end of my lair... All though I only have two pages thus far. xD
okay guys but this dragon. this is what he looks like as a baby right now (he's a day old) he's so beautiful. let's see what he looks like as an adult... holy crap that's beautiful. and the other dragon from this pairing- hm... skydancer female who is equally beuatiful and adult... Spoiler: tangent related to a pretty dragon that isn't the one i'm trying to deal with (this is a tangent hence spoiler but the spoiler automatically generated this dragon omygod it's awesome) and as a hatchling okay that's awesome. wow.
oh my gosh, normally i'm not a big fan of eyespot as a gene at large, but those are some lovely dragons
So if anyone is interested I am selling dragons from the last page of my lair and the last row of the second page. Many of them are quite pretty just not what I'm trying to breed.
@Valerie Hey, you mentioned wanting to join, and there's going to be a registration window on the 8th, next wednesday 0u0