Oh god I just came in here to complain about this very thing, posting on here with SwiftKey is almost nightmarish. I used Gboard for the first time in four years becsbec of this.
Chrome is insisting that Kintsugi is not secure. I get https (with the strikethrough) highlighted red.
The favicon browser tab thingy? (I don't like that name but nobody asked me.) It's still there for me on desktop chrome but I haven't recently restarted my browser.
ye i don't get it either, has been gone ever since i had the little hiccup with kintsugi not being reachable for like an hour or so
using firefox here, the favicon's been showing up fine without any problems whatsoever on my end do chrome users get this issue on other sites as well? it's possible it might be a browser-specific thing (though I've got no way of knowing that myself)
I've had favicon issues on and off on this site in Firefox for a long time now. F'rinstance, the bookmark for it decided to use the Tumblr favicon ages ago for no discernible reason, and I've never been able to get it to switch despite my efforts.
On the laptop I have, the favicon doesn't show up in Chrome--but on the desktop, it does. Both are Win10 machines.
when i copy-paste things from other sites they do the following: at just means I should open a Magic EXPRESS Card instead!’ and i cannot make the line break go away even after removing the random numbered list it just stays there
Remember when I said this? Closing and opening chrome again made them disappear. What are computers, how do they work.
Not sure if this is just my phone maybe needing a full reboot or an actual site problem. In the past week (or maybe two?) I’ve noticed that if I play an embedded video then most of the site’s touch interface options become extremely unresponsive. I have to try multiple times to rate posts. Even the site banner, which I usually use to navigate back to the main page, is touch and go. (Well technically touch and don’t go. Touch and stay.) Reloading the page fixes the problem. I’m on an iphone with safari.
I don’t know for sure but I’d guess it was cached by your browser as a way to speed things up by not having to request an image over and over when it’s already got it from the server as part of a previous request. Restarting the browser may have wiped the cache, and so if it’s not being transferred properly by the server, you no longer see it because it’s not in storage on your machine.