HABITICA: Your Fridge Is Stinky. Roll For Initiative!

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vast Derp, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I don't know if that's hypothetical or not, so I'll just hope you were actually asking-- you can choose a class at level 10! If you like pets, I'd say choose rogue, which gets the most item drops.
    • Like x 1
  2. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    I was genuinely asking, thanks! I should probably go to the wiki more often, but that would be the smart thing to do. XD
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bluh i wish there was a button that would cross off a daily without giving you credit. for stuff that sometimes gets canceled and it's not your fault so you shouldn't get punished, but you didn't do it so you shouldn't get credit.

    i don't want to make physical therapy a gray task, since i do want to be prompted every day, but there will be several days a week when i just hurt too much, or i used up my spoons on other shit, and i should not push myself to do it anyway. :/
  4. @jacktrash Maybe make it a habit? If you remove the negative direction it'll refresh each day. Do you ever want to be punished for missing it?
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, i want that penalty to be there if i skip it just because dun wanna. i mean it is a super unpleasant task, so i want to be pressured a little, and also when it's done i want it to gray out and have a big fat check mark on it. i find that satisfying. so a habit's not great.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i just wanna brag a little bit!

    Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 1.42.11 PM.png
    this checklist was so long it wouldn't fit on the screen. each of those sub-tasks was making a to-do for that particular knitting project, each of which had its own checklist. it took me 3 hours and now my whole knit pile is spread out on my bed. but i did it!
    Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 1.42.32 PM.png
    i'm proud of me! i'm gonna claim my 'buy arcade tokens' reward, spend some money on one of my tappy games. AND have a big glass of chocolate milk. :D

    Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 1.51.02 PM.png
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
    • Like x 13
  7. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    I've snuck in as my personal.
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  8. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    I've been using Habitica on and off for a while now, it's been great for keeping track and moving me to do basic every day stuff >u< It's great to see it here
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm cautiously optimistic. organizing systems/sites have never worked for me, even if they seemed to at first. habitica looks like the kind of system that might be sustainable, though. fingers crossed!
  10. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    It's been useful for a year or so for me to remember things to do every day, but now I see what other people are doing I wanna do more complicated things like checklists and stuff on alternate days and whatnot.
  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm finding checklists SO USEFUL for my fifty million textile projects, each of which has umpteen steps. so far i have managed to finish and block two hats and a scarf without leaving anything in the sink so long it mildews! go me!
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  12. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    I sometimes drift away for a bit, it stops motivating for a bit, but I tend to come back anyways if only due to my completionist tendencies for the bestiary that I want to fill. I hope this keeps working for you!
    Also, I've had to adapt it since punishments/losses discourage me greatly and losing too much health for, say, breaking a habit and pressing that minus sign, I don't want to spiral into negative feels, so I focus on what I did do and basically only lose stuff for my dailies.
    • Like x 2
  13. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Is it possible to give people spare eggs? Because dang, I'm flush with every form of everything, and have completed both my beastmaster and petmaster thingies.
  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I got another hatching potion so I was able to hatch my wolf

    Look how ferocious


    >:( grrr
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  15. I want to but I can't seem to find a way. I think it would basically undermine their virtual economy to be able to do that.
  16. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    About habits: is there a way to keep clicking them? Like i have positive/negative self talk as a habit but obv its a thing i do more than once a day...
  17. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Yep! You can click as many times in any direction that you want.
    • Like x 1
  18. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Im a dumbass, thank you
  19. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    I sometimes get confused about easy things of any website. We all have our moments of overlooking stuff that we end up feeling should have been obvious! ^u^
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  20. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    welp, reading this thread has induced me to resurrect my account. :P debating whether or not to join the guild. (what benefits would doing so confer? i never looked at guilds before so i'm a bit fuzzy)
    • Like x 1
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