Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    i got Peridot! <3

    "Clever and calculating, you know how to use your vast intelligence and quick wit to your advantage. You’re a determined and ambitious individual who will go far to accomplish what you want. Let’s just hope those pesky Crystal Gems stay out of your way!"
  2. I'm almost offended they didn't say Crystal Clods
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  3. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I got steven :D
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  4. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Me too! :)
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  5. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    No spoilers but after today my Peridot love continues to multiply vastly.
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  6. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    around when peridot first decided to tell steven about the cluster in this ep, i worried she was gonna betray him and the crystal gems. it seemed like going to the kindergarten would work as that kind of scheme. i was so glad that she didn't.
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  7. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    whoa i got rose quartz.

    "Caring, protective, and unwaveringly optimistic, you’re the person everyone turns to in times of trouble. You always find the right words to put people at ease and your unshakable leadership skills make you well liked and admired. Out of all of your special qualities, your most treasured is the ability to see the beauty in everything."

    huh. yeah okay i'll take it.
  8. Choco

    Choco Duke of the Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

    i know what you mean!! this show consistently surprises me by not taking the obvious route. every time i've seen a set up for what in another show might've been something embarrassing or a moment of betrayal this show instead goes left and does something sweet and kind and genuine and endearing and i love it so much. it's consistently pleasant to watch, and it's so rare to see people be so good to each other and even when they mess up the show never punishes anyone. i remember once in an interview rebecca sugar was talking about how she wants the show to feel like "spending time with your favorite people, and it doesn't have to be mean" and you can really see that ethos in how the show handles its characters.

    it's so nice & it means so much to me.

    ALSO PERIDOT MY ANGRY LITTLE SLICE OF PIE OH GOD i am so 100% invested in steven/peridot friendship, them having mischievous kid adventures is so goddamn cute.
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  9. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @Choco yep.
    i recall i was especially struck with that before when watching the end of ocean gem, when steven healed lapis and let her leave earth. 'cause, like, in some ways, lapis' thing with the mirror and being stuck on earth reminded me of norm the genie from fairly oddparents and how he's trapped in his lamp and has to grant people's wishes.
    and well. i just get the impression that fop has no real sympathy for norm the genie's situation, that it only ended up being a sympathetic backstory to the viewers by accident. and timmy hasn't set norm free and probably wouldn't. and just yeah... su and steven's approach to lapis was just so different from fop and timmy's approach to norm the genie. so yeah...

    the funny thing is, as i was worrying about possible betrayal, i was also thinking, like what you were saying, "steven universe wouldn't do that. su wouldn't have peridot betray them. i mean it seems to be leading that way but... it doesn't fit the show's nature."
    also this ep made me wanna see peridot's weapon.
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  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I'm honestly not sure, from what we've seen, if Peridot has a weapon. If she does, it's likely (IMO) that A. it's a really shitty weapon, B. she has no fucking clue how to summon her weapon, or C. both.

    Also, Steven is precious and he's so adorable with Peridot, holy shit.

    I liked the episode a lot, but the ending felt super abrupt? I get that it's a cliffhanger, but it seemed to cut off oddly. Probably because they did the cut-to-black thing rather than the iris-out.
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  11. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'm thinking B. or maybe C. just a feeling, really.
    and yeah, it sure was abrupt. didn't really feel like an ending. there are quite a few times when this show ends like that and this was definitely one of them.
  12. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I got Garnet! For the quiz. Still working on that "loving all aspects of yourself" thing tho =/

    In other news
    #i had to it was bothering me
    garnet's ilu killed me. i am dead.
    and then peridot!!!! "Steven don't!" YOU CAAAARE ABOUT HIIIIM~
    it's so cute that she thinks he's super smart/knowledgeable just because one thing.

    also, idk why but the "he did what he was told!" thing just like. my heart. i feel like that was a way to try to protect him? not that he needed it, but still
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  13. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    This is pretty much the reason I'm still watching SU. Most long-form shows with this kind of format give me anxiety spikes because they always go that kind of route, and backstabbing and secrets and those things set me off something fierce.

    (I got anxiety-struck by Mean Girls so badly I couldn't stick to the end and had to leave my friend's livestream. ok. it's bad.)

    With SU, even when I get that kind of anxiety (which I have! [flatstares at the Sardonyx plot]) I still know that it'll be okay eventually. It chills my shorts a lot and is the only reason I can watch a lot of episodes like this.
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  14. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Is it just me, or

    Was Peridot crying when she managed to step out into the rain?

    Like with Lapis, patience and kindness seems to go a very long way with her. And I'm with "Doesn't know how to use her weapon" - her gem is shielded by her glasses and she hid behind Steven when the gem monsters attacked. I get the impression that she feels useless without her limb extensions - like she was never taught to use what's inside her, or that she's deficient without external sources of strength.

    I also think the Crystal Gems constantly telling her they'd make her 'crack' was super upsetting to her - we know what happens when gems are cracked! And with her gem physically shielded, hmm...
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  15. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member


    This is like An Indirect Kiss or The Message, we have some new piece of information and things are progressing and there's about to be a big double episode showdown and I can't wait. :D :D :D
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  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    garnet making a heart with her hands and telling steven she loved him slayed me the first time.
    Steven telling Peridot she had to hold his hand and her agreeing slayed me the second time.
    This show is so great about showing the characters being silly and affectionate with eachother love every second of it.

    I hope that, if Peridot really can't summon her weapon (maybe she's too young to have learned it? Maybe because of her class no one thought to teach her how?) that eventually steven will teach her how to, kind of as an extension of him learning from the crystal gems. circular symbolism and all that junk :P
    And I really lowkey hope Peri's weapon ends up being a badass big fuck-off-gun simply because tiny people with big huge guns is one of my fave aesthetics lmao
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  17. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I got Pearl. Seems legit.

    I think the gems might only have weapons if they are used in fighting. Yes, Pearl has a spear, but it's possible she gained her weapon when she decided to fight for Rose. Given the technical class would mainly be used in research and operating tech, it wouldn't make sense to teach them how to use a weapon they wouldn't need. Though this is also assuming peridots are just Pearl 2.0's

    Also Lapis can control water and her wings are her weapon, it's possible for "magical" gems like that to be cracked or damaged on purpose so they can be used as a powerful source of magic/energy without having enough of an enough of an identity left to feel bad about. After all, things like love and compassion don't really exist on homeworld.
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  18. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Yeah, I think she was.

    OH MAN. "crack" is a really bad choice of word there. Do you think the Crystal Gems realize/did that on purpose? Or is it just an Earth slang thing they picked up and don't think about anymore?
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  19. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    My personal theory is that Pearl's weapon was originally her wand - you know, the shorter version of her spear? And she could fire laserblasts out of it but it was basically meant as a weapon of last resort/laserpointer. And then the War happened so she started using swords because well it works, then eventually got into a fight where all her swords were broken so as a last-ditch effort she figured out how to turn her wand into a spear and used that instead.
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  20. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Technically Jasper's also a kind of quartz, just more removed than Amethyst or Rose, and I think it's safe to say she's not a kindergarten gem, though. I think it's more likely that that comment originated from Jasper constantly going ROSE QUARTZ at Steven than anything about Steven himself, though.

    Though if we assume Amethyst is a typical specimen of a quartz, they have a similar body type - thick and small - that could also add to that impression.
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