Undertale - Pet dogs and date a skeleton!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Piratical, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    chara/asriel/frisk is my ot3 5evr
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  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster


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  3. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    So, Kris and Asriel's room. Does anyone else think that this is not a room that says good things about the home environment? Can you imagine living in that room? I really can't square it with how Toriel and Ashore were acting, but... Something is wrong there.
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  4. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Actually, remember that 201X was when Chara fell. Frisk is implied to have fallen a hundred years later, in 211X (Undyne and Papyrus were born in the 90's iirc and never knew about Chara, for instance)
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  5. knifecentipede

    knifecentipede guillotine-chan

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  6. knifecentipede

    knifecentipede guillotine-chan

    shit! I'm having an emotion! also, "don't forget"? okay then
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  7. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    Don't forget, you're here forever
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  8. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    i didn't notice til you pointed it out, but yeah... kris's side is shabby and bare by comparison, obvious even with the simple graphics. how long have they lived there...? surely long enough to redecorate
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  9. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    Toriel's embarassing childhood stories imply that Kris has been living there since they were pretty small. Certainly long enough that they had a chance to buy him some toys or a poster or something. Then again, the same story seems to suggest that she likes Kris and wants them to feel like part of the family, so I don't really know what to make of it.
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  10. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    The railroading implied by the lack of multiple endings, along with the general theme of lack of free will, is interesting. I think it might be a way, a bit with the Gaster stuff in Undertale, to extend the narrative beyond the confines of the game itself. "This is the way the game is, you can't change it, you will accept everything that happens from now on".
    Toby used to make ROM hacks. I think he knows exactly what he's doing here.
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  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i hope its because they tried to listen to kris' wishes about interior decorating, and the barrenness comes from kris--

    kris doesnt emote until the very end, gets called a freak, someone whose hand is held, toriel is very careful with them, theyre implied to not be at school all days...
    i kinda read that as severe depression no one really knows how to deal with. so emotionally numb and mute that they come off as creepy. possibly heavily traumatized before they came to live with toriel and asgore.

    the banged up cart might point towards them channeling destructive impulses towards items? or maybe it's red-eyes who did that, seeing as while youre controlling kris, theres no mention of wanting to break things.
    (no mention of wanting anything)

    ((if its only because toriel provides sruff for asriel and asgore provides stuff for kris, im gobba side eye that agreement very, very hard.))
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  12. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

    now, i may not know how it's relevant, but i can't help but notice the doors that teleport you between the field and forest in the Dark have the same glowing-rainbow-light animation as the one that leads to sans' room in undertale.

    and considering the goof where
    entering the room briefly has you walking in a dark void before it's revealed you were 'on a treadmill in the dark'
    i have to wonder if there's more to that door than the anticlimax suggested?

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  13. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

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  14. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    rouxl kaard --> rox drakula

    dunno if that has any significance tho
  15. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
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  16. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    I honestly feel really sorry for her, with how all the other kids (except Kris, maybe?) and...probably a lot of the adults all treat her. The kids in the classroom all pity you for having been forced to group up with Susie, with comments that your grade on the project is going to suck and she won't do her share of the work, and they pity you more when Alphys sends you off to make sure Susie comes back with chalk - they openly expect that Susie is going to hurt you if you're not careful, and Alphys (who's supposed to be the teacher) is openly afraid of Susie.

    And...Susie's getting tired of it, I think. Everything she says, from the moment you catch her eating the chalk, implies (or outright states) that she's trying really hard to be Good and abide by the rules, but she doesn't get what she's supposed to do or why, and she's smacked down every time she doesn't do things exactly perfect. Alphys isn't someone I'd pick to be a teacher - she's not good at explaining things, and Susie feels like she's got a learning disability - she struggles with understanding what she's supposed to do for any of the puzzles, even the ones where the answer is written right in front of her - and I doubt she's getting any support for it.

    It wasn't a surprise to me, when she turned and refused to be a hero. It was an inevitable part of her arc: "fine, I'm not being good enough to make you happy? then fuck it, fuck you, and fuck everything you want me to do, you're going to see how bad I can be when I try." (And even when she goes evil, she's more caring - she worries about Lancer, she's upset when you find her and Lancer isn't there ("don't you know he's really bad at mazes? he's probably lost and confused!"), and her fight with him outright states that she hasn't had any real friends, that she was afraid he'd turn on her - implying that other friends did too. The worst she and Lancer get up to is goofy comedic villainy - "haha, we tricked you into...buying our baked goods, so that we can get money to buy a snack for ourselves!" and making the minions fan them while they lounge.)
    She wants to be liked and respected, and she wants to have friends. But she doesn't get much reinforcement or guidance on how to do that appropriately, and she just gets punished when she messes up. And it's not like any of the kids seem to want to interact with her - they ostracize her hard. So she tries to play to their expectations, except she doesn't want to hurt people or do bad things - she threatens to bite Kris' face off, if she's finally gotten to the point where she's getting expelled, but then backs down because it'd make Toriel sad if Kris was hurt; she fronts, hard, because she doesn't see any options that let her stop.

    Kris and Alphys seem to be social outcasts, too. Kris isn't expected to show up regularly to school, and it's hard to tell if Toriel shows up for work regularly either; she might stay home to look after Kris, on days when they don't get to school, or she might leave them at home on their own. And Alphys appears to be living in an alleyway. (In fact, everyone who was an authority in Undertale isn't doing good - Asgore is on the verge of being fired and evicted for not paying rent because he keeps giving away flowers instead of selling them, and he doesn't have any food in the fridge.)

    I'm not sure that Rouxl Kaard is supposed to be an anagram for anything - I think his name is just a really terrible pun, instead.
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  17. itsAlana

    itsAlana let me tell you about the vorkosigan saga

    you take that back naming the guy who cant make puzzles to save his life "rule card" (everything is laid out for you!) is a delightful pun and also i love him
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  18. emcapi

    emcapi Well-Known Member

    the ending though is literally
    this bitch empty. YEET
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  19. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

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  20. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

    Lil funfact, if ur done with the game and go back to bed after tori wakes u up u get sent straight to the dark world
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