Reporting the mods

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by Athol Magarac, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    i'm glad you've apparently managed it twice before, but yeah, please go to rehab and get professional help along with it. even if you don't wind up having a seizure from withdrawals or something, there's still the fact you'd have access to professional help and the beginning legs of therapy as well. perhaps the reason you've done it twice in the past and it not sticking is because you needed more help than you assumed to NOT go back to the bottle again. long term sobriety is a bitch and a half but i think you can do it.
    • Agree x 10
  2. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    What happened the first time is that they kinda cut me loose with no long-term plan. The second time, I wanted my hoarding addressed first and there was also my husband getting pissed at me because I wasn't taking care of him after I got home from daycare, but instead I would just lay on the couch and watch Netflix.
    • Witnessed x 1
  3. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful We shouldn't have to crack the secret code to not get abused. This is a social forum, not Numberwang.
    • Agree x 9
  4. michinyo

    michinyo On that Dumb Bitch Juice diet

    Ftr, I had a former roommate that his mom tried to stop her alcoholism on her own and literally a year ago cause of it. I remember his reaction when he got the call that his mom died. Not getting medical help to help end alcoholism CAN KILL YOU. Seek medical and professional help.
    • Witnessed x 3
  5. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    That's probably not going to happen, being as they're a mod and still have to perform modly duties, including but not limited to wiggling potentially egregious posts. I would suggest you just not mention Spock or refer to any of your interactions. I'm sure she will be more than happy to not have to pop over here every time you ping her.

    Yeah, sounds like Ryn is right. You needed more help than you got. You need an actual out patient program and once you're getting through detox you need a therapist to start working with you right away. And your spouse can fuck off, you aren't his nanny. He's a big boy who can take care of himself and help SUPPORT you. You're SICK. You need help getting better He needs to understand that and actually HELP.

    Honestly I'm not even sure why that got through? Was it the phrasing? Because we have been saying "you're literally too intoxicated to connect with reality" for several weeks now.
    • Agree x 6
  6. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    This is a bit disjointed and missing sentence elements I think? Unsure what is being said in the first half, agree with the latter.
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  7. michinyo

    michinyo On that Dumb Bitch Juice diet

    Sorry, my brain moved faster than my fingers again. I’m saying she died as a cause of trying to quit her alcoholism on her own. Her body went into shock and I can’t remember the exact details, but they said it was result of her trying to stop drinking on her own. So I’m saying as a secondhand witness that’s a real danger.
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  8. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Yeah about half a year ago my neighbor’s boyfriend had a fatal siezure like a day after trying to go cold turkey. It is so important to have help and medical attention through the proccess.
    • Witnessed x 6
  9. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    My maternal grandfather was a binge drinker rather than a constant drunk, but that killed him anyway. Grand mal seizure.
    • Witnessed x 6
  10. Musarex

    Musarex Active Member

    [citation needed]
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  11. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

  12. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Hi I'm an addiction counselor and work at an inpatient facility.

    The more times you detox yourself without medical supervision the more likely you are to experience life threatening adverse symptoms. They're not just there to give you librium, they need to monitor you. It only takes 5 days to detox and they medicate the shitty symptoms away so there's no reason not to do it. Boredom isn't an excuse. Go to the groups if you're so bored, learn something.

    If you're worried about being turned lose without aftercare then request to go to CSS after detox. It's a slightly longer program and is focused on aftercare planning and recovery education.

    After that, find a group. AA, SMART Recovery, Save Our Selves (SOS), etc. (not Al-Anon that's Scientology). Go to a therapist and an Intensive Outpatient Program specifically for addiction. You need people in the real world to help you and hold you accountable everyday. A forum cannot help you.

    You wanna know why I always wiggle your posts without comment, and have engaged with you the least out of all the mods? Because I don't like wasting my time. You're not understanding reality because you're drunk. We're not understanding your words because you're drunk. Even when you're not actively drunk you're sick and in pain and likely looking for a fight.

    You get upset/triggered easily, and get ptsd-like symptoms easily that go away. It's because you're drunk and all the emotional input in your brain is fucked up. Who knows what you'll think and feel once you get sober. And I mean REALLY sober, not just completing a spin dry.

    You're sick, and you're GOING to lash out, and you need to go somewhere where people are trained and paid to handle that.

    @ the rest of the forum, you're not here to be her punching bag, so while I'd fully expect her to lash out exactly like this, don't put up with it. At work, sure, I'll put up with clients calling me all manner of names and throwing tantrums because they're sick and trying to get better. Athol isn't trying to get better, at least not the way it'll work, so don't.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
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  13. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I must have gone to some shitty programs. Well, the one was just a holding facility, not rehab. Wouldn't let me have a book that I wanted to read, no one got to watch tv, nothing to really occupy time with if you didn't like jigsaws, just a lot of nothing.

    The second place, I went to all of the groups and there were people who wanted permission to have downtime instead. I still did all of the jigsaws they had that were in my piece-count frustration threshold at least twice each, and that was with free access to the movie room.

    Both times, they really didn't medicate me since I didn't feel I needed librium. The second place, I finally got their doc to write me a prescription for the ginger candy I brought. And what they were feeding me was contributing to making me sick. I loaded up the freezer on processed food mostly for hubby, I need the option of eating "safe" foods.
  14. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Edit: Oh, also in the second time, they were yelling at me to go to sleep, and they wouldn't let me have melatonin. It was either some heavy drug that I didn't want or nothing. (Just, the way I react to some cold pills, I didn't want to take an actual tranquilizer.)
  15. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Okay, so. Concrete suggestion: That sounds like it would suck, but I think it would suck less than being under the influence of a severe depressant that makes it much harder to keep your cool, and much harder to understand things. Especially because the problems you're having are so strongly associated with alcohol. And I think maybe you should do rehab, even if it seems like a hassle, and stick with it, and come back and stay sober, and try shit again from the top when you're in a better position to do it.
    • Agree x 8
  16. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Again, not going to work so well unless I get this place cleaned up. I just ran into someone else on reddit that had the same problem.

    It was pretty expensive with military insurance.What's it like when insurance sucks? Otherwise, whether I want to go or not is a mute point.
  17. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    can i ask why it's so important that you address the hoarding before getting sober enough to better effectively approach that therapy as well?
    • Agree x 4
  18. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    I can take a stab at answering part of that, tho Athol likely has other reasons and this may not match her experience

    but basically part of what rehab needs to work and stick this time is for the patient to come back to a house w/o any alcohol. this is hard enough in a clean house, bc a lot of alcoholics have stashes of booze that are hidden away in places other than their liquor cabinet, but in a hoarder's house this can be all but impossible for anyone other than the alcoholic to find every place they've hidden alcohol

    also, living in a hoarder's house can be depressing af, and can drive someone to drink or otherwise self-harm

    basically it's a cyclical thing: this house is such a fucking mess I can't deal so I'll drink -> I can't clean bc drunk/hungover/feeling awful from my liver trying to tell me to stop drinking -> this house is such a fucking mess

    personally I'd recommend that Athol find someone willing to clean the house completely while she's at rehab, but that's expensive and I got the impression from a few posts up that cost was a limiting factor here

    eta the actual cycle that happens
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
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  19. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    It's the depressing AF thing. For a while it was clean the kitchen every day, sweep when it was still clean enough to sweep, not be able to deal with the rest of the mess satisfactorily enough to do something fun that didn't involve the computer... eventually it got to where I would just plop down in front of the computer and try not to look at anything.

    I've had people come in to help, but I think it needs to be more aggressive. Or I need to get my husband involved more. When I was at my mom's house, I didn't have to ask my husband if I could get rid of something or worry about him being able to find it. Other than a suitcase full of broken Atari, the only thing that was left was a bunch of books that he didn't want anymore. The cleanout was me and my mom and there was very little there left that I want. (Volumetrically, it's probably about two carloads and I could probably get it down to one if I had to.) Her house was mostly filled with dead-people things and she was making most of the decisions. I could suggest getting rid of something and she was the one who's opinion mattered. Here, there's a lot more stuff that I want. And I have to ask to get rid of anything that isn't garbage, or worry about storing it so that I can remember where it is when he needs it. Plus he insisted on keeping both dinette sets, the recliner, and a huge filing cabinet. There was no room to move around for 6 months because of the way he let the movers put stuff anywhere they felt like.
  20. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Yeah, your spouse is being an active deterrent in your progress and also a spoiled man child. Throw shit out. If he doesn't want it thrown out HE needs to pick it up and find a place for it. HE needs to take care of HIS things. He's not a baby, and you aren't his mother.
    • Agree x 19
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