Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok if i sort of go "and they talked a while and it was cool" and move bel along to seeking cake?
  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yes please!!
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hmm so should the cake be good or no? bel is good at following directions, but that doesn't always make a good result...
  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    cakes tend to taste good if the recipe is highly rated and closely followed! i don't know about galley's personal preferences, though.
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    the one incident i recall, he licked the frosting off and left the cake. but that was the galley whom lu had been plying with grubcakes for sweeps.
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    [​IMG] ok i sketched out what i was thinking of and daaaaang that is a lot of cords. also i am actually not sure how galley lies on his back in a hammock with cords in his spine like that without the cords being plugged through the hammock but uh maybe he lies sort of on his side.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Hmm, how much does Bel know about Galley's minder in this AU? has he done research? otherwise, he hasn't seen Galley punished by it, I don't think, outside of minor pauses or awkward phrasings. And in this AU Galley's got a lot of work-arounds in place, plus the thing isn't sent to Defcon Brainfuck levels by a paranoid captain who's also diddling him. He killed that guy ages back, and Erskin's scaled his settings back to the level of a willing and active participant/partner, rather than a dangerous kamikaze-inclined chattel slave.
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    all he knows is what's standard for helmsmen, and what galley's mentioned. which was some vagueness about zaps, i think. bel is probably imagining something like a dog-training shock collar; it's the dehumanizaion (detrollization?) of it that upsets him most.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Okay so assuming trolls and humans have the same standardized time units as humans cuz why not, that makes 12 hrs night cycle and 12 hrs day cycle to make a complete calendar day. Though in a lot of 'fleet' settings there's three shifts, staggered by 8 hours, so it's always one shift's rest period, one shift's recreation period, and one shift's work period. In human terms this is often alpha, beta, and gamma shifts but idk what trolls would call them. Pink, lime, and white? I'm inclined to have Erskin's ship function like that, since there's good indication that alternian seasons produce hugely variable daytimes and nighttimes, so it's pretty ridiculous to have everyone on a ship be sleepy for the same 8-12 hours as well as wanting to eat and play all at the same times. Since Erskin works round the clock and sleeps erratically, he ends up familiar with crews from all three shifts. Bel is probably encouraged to do the same, or at least change up his shift assignment at regular intervals.

    ANYWAY, whatever shift Bel is at, everyone who's infected is dealing with 4 hours dialysis, 8 hours work/play time if they're up for it, 4 hours dialysis, 8 hours rest time.
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    do you want to run through the second dialysis bit? i'd imagine it would be significantly less upbeat and chatty and more like STOP POKING ME I WANNA SLEEEP. also murfey could be at a different stage— or not even started in on the fever part— and be kinda worried? or at a worse point and bel could be worried. IDK. tossing ideas around.
  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, bel is going to be a bit of a whiny baby inside his head, but very stoic on the outside right up to the last. what if we sort of summarize/fastforward to where bel starts showing aggression?

    btw, a fabric store trip has been planned, not sure exactly when i'm going but if i vanish for a couple hours that's why.
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    would you like me to summarize that somehow? it's bel's symptoms and feelings and all, so it seems to me you should, but i could probably think of something.

    eta: okay also bel is not going to be allowed to roam loose once fever symptoms show up, or even go back to his quarters. his sweat poses an infection risk, he'll contaminate all his stuff, plus quarters are pretty defensible from inside which is not a great situation to let a sick troll into, especially tolls who are going to be feeling various antisocial tendencies ramping way up on an unpredictable timescale and are also highly contagious. all infected trolls are getting briskly herded into quarantine and locked in after their first 'get packed up' shift, while they can still be bullied around without exploding.

    that could be something that dismays/upsets/ticks bel off? he can understand why the rules apply, even to him, but GRRR, he'd be careful, he wants his lusus, he wants his library.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh, i misunderstood the explanation. well, i guess he misunderstood it too. :D

    he'd probably clamp down on his upset fairly quickly, because it was his own fault, and just ask someone to bring him his toothbrush and jammies and tell his lusus what's up. then later when he can no longer repress his anger he'll rant and howl about it, but by then no one will be listening. *shrug*

    anyhow, yeah, i'd appreciate if you'd summarize, cuz i am a bit swirly eyes just now, sorry.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i went to the fabric store and got far too many blacks and grays for the crows, and cotton embroidery cloth, and many other items! including a tiny iron OMG ITS SO TINYYYY i didn't know they made them so small but i am delighted by the discovery.
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    You could do a brief little check-in/reaction post and i could sum up more. If he's tanking this hard on night one he might be snappish by night two, from being fucking physically miserable if for no other reason.
  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    nice! in weird fiber news i snagged about 12-15 milkweed pods and shucked 'em yesterday. yielded a smol bag of INCREDIBLY SOFT downy white-silver fiber. very interesting. very fluffs. poked around for more milkweed today but it was all either rotten or pre-popped or i put it in a bag that had a hole in it and it fell back out. slightly demoralizing.
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    interestingly, i saw many fluffs by the side of the road on the way to the fabric store, and thought of you. :D
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    so i wasn't planning on having bel get sicker faster than everyone, i just lost track of the schedule. but now i'm thinking how to explain it, and i had an interesting idea.

    maybe it's not blood color/temperature specifically, but rather, the bluebloods are huge and muscle-dense, so they must metabolize pretty fast. so it's not the whole cool end of the spectrum that's getting sick first, it's just bel and murfey, two seven-foot-tall martial arts freaks built like chris evans and jason momoa respectively. even with a cooler blood temperature they've got to metabolize like cheetahs.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    sadly, it be sleeptime. seeya tomorrows!
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah, i wasn't planning for that to happen either but it DOES make things interestingly dicey! also yeah, without any link between 'highish olive' and 'cobalt' there's a lot of guesswork going on! it might have been better if Lainey had been infected, but if it's the metabolism thing, she's chubby and kinda sedentary, so she'd be down with the greens and everyone would still be freaking out about Bel and Murfey. Though they're... really going to be doing their best not to let on. Bel's just pretty damn defeatist, so his 'assume the worst case scenario' thing is kind of accurate here.

    Man, it's good that Erskin is kind of a relentless oddball weirdo, though. I mean, he gets discouraged, and he's not the clearest on what his options might be, but he's definitely resilient and determined and chews away at problems until something happens.

    Maybe by night four or five Erskin could make the call for Bel and Murfey to just be on blood filters continuously in their quarantine blocks? just burn through 'em and build more, since the lowbloods are right on track and can still swap out and share seats in the medical block, plus they're easy to muzzle and push around. Erskin gets the job of wrestling the bluebloods around on his own.

    ...maybe by the time Whitey shows up, Erskin is just too fucking tired to override his instincts, and goes and curls up right under the guy's arm immediately, and Pancho is like 'okay, the guy is a douchebag, but whatever, this is not my shitshow right now, Bel chewing the furniture is my shitshow'. And then they can deal with Erskin later, or Lainey and Arguus can fight the guy on their own. It's not a proper AU until the poor dude falls badly for someone who just wants to use him.
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