Reporting the mods

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by Athol Magarac, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Look. You can ASK for people to do a thing. DEMANDING they tailor their entire communication signal around an experiment you want to do is not a good look.
    • Agree x 9
    • Witnessed x 1
  2. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    Is this desire linked to your feelings of not counting as a person and feeling uncomfortable when your personhood is addressed as you explained to me in the dm?

    And do you mean you don't want to be spoken too at all, or spoken around? As in, we still respond to the things you are saying, but like we're talking about you rather than too you?
  3. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    That doesn't happen often enough, and not about the right things. I think it was just today that I had an infuriating interaction with someone who I think denied being a mind-reader a bunch of dishwasher-loads ago.
  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Yes. That was me. Because people can't actually read your mind when you write down something different from what you want to communicate
    • Witnessed x 2
  5. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Hey, whatever you were feeling just then... very non-triggery. Like, I actually untensed to the point where I believed that maybe we can have a civil conversation...

    The next slip where I read your post as really aggressive is going to be very bad. Could Spock stay out of this thread for 24 hours and then the next weekend? I would have liked to say until 10:pm New York tomorrow and then not during the weekend, but tomorrow is Friday. I'd like for Snitch to be under the same rule, but it's not as important.

    Use a mediary/translator, please, if you really need to say something. Alyssa, Kathy, Pal, they're really good at phrasing things that don't trigger me. There are other people that I haven't noticed, and please take that as a minor compliment. I'll even put up with seebs saying it because I forgot why I was once annoyed with seebs. Or seebs' roomy-person that I talked with on discord but didn't bother to learn anything about except that they're nice.
  6. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I've also seen apologies retracted, and assertions that they were "forced" or "required" and that if they didn't immediately produce Desired Results, there's no point in having offered them and the best thing is to go back to doing whatever the apology was for. I've seen enough angry denials of actually feeling sorry for things that I'm not really comfortable taking them at face value until I have new data.
    • Agree x 3
  7. 3strim

    3strim Professional Accidental Rater

    Totally fine, I got what you meant by it, and it's something she's certainly expressed before in the thread. And I think the last time I was mentioned was like, five pages ago, and while I know some concern was raised on it, it was actually within what I viewed as fair guidelines (hence me not piping up plus I was at work) because she's totally fine in referencing the fight. Her saying she was burning emotional resources in her fight with me is cool, because that's not putting her spin on a documented and receipted story. That's her saying how she felt about it, which... I can't dispute. Fights drain spoons, burn matches, etc.

    Back on topic, and WRT Seebs' post, it was actually the bit just after what you had quoted that caught my eye as relating to me (The 'apologize for things that never even happened and were never said'), but I do still appreciate the caution that we should be mindful to not do more harm than good in stating our assessments of the situation. Definitely something that I know I have issues with at times.
    • Informative x 2
    • Agree x 1
  8. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    this is from a few pages ago, and I know @Athol Magarac won't actually pay attention to this, but I'm going to try anyways
    it's been suggested many, many times across several threads that you find a therapist.

    therapy will help you, but only if you do your part and actually be willing to change

    unfortunately you're not going to find a therapist who can help you while you're still drunk, so please get sober
    • Agree x 3
  9. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Not linked to my not wanting to be a person... not directly.

    Just, I noticed feelings when people step in and talk to someone else about me, and my feelings isn't bad. It might be because at that point someone's actually saying things that are close to what's on my mind, so we'll see what happens if I could be indulged in my declaration of desire "demand" and negative things are said in that way.

    That sort of thing where you hear people talking about you happens all the time to children, and children are people. Right?
  10. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Hopefully this is the right vid... It's also available in print. "Sequences" from "The Night Bear Ate Goomba."

  11. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    @Athol Magarac if you feel like you're being punished, then maybe step back and ask yourself "do I feel this way for no reason, or is it because people are refusing to let me push my version of what I want other people to think?"

    Which I doubt will happen, but, hey, pretty much feels the same as talking to a brick wall anyways.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    • Agree x 3
  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Literally, nothing has changed. That is the same tone that I have used many times in many places. And oh my god, after what I just caught up with in the wiggler (and got to discuss in tchgb), what the FUCK makes you think I am interested in ANY kind of civil conversation with you???

    No. I've already said that I refuse to pretend to be deaf while you refuse to stop talking about me. If you can manage to do that, you probably won't see me in here. But if you keep dragging your pet grudges into every single conversation ever, I'm not letting you talk shit just because it would upset you to be challenged.

    You are initiating the interactions. By discussing me. If you don't want me to respond, don't initiate.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    • Witnessed x 4
    • Winner x 2
  13. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    Athol, are you for fucking real? Demanding Spock stay out of things while you shit talk about her? Absolutely unreasonable. If you pull this fuckery in real life, I almost want to know how people handle it, and I'm beginning to feel real sorry for them.

    You're acting like an extremely entitled toddler, Athol.
    • Agree x 6
  14. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    After seeing the wiggled content in spock's thread I am 100% categorically going to refuse to engage with you anymore Athol unless you immediately apologize for what you did and can make it clear to me without using manipulative language that you understand what you did wrong and regret it and will not do it again. Full stop, line drawn hard in the sand, I am not tolerating that.

    I would also like to know if things of that nature are the sort of things being regularly wiggled out because that strongly effects whether I am willing to keep engaging at all.
    • Witnessed x 9
  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    What you saw in my thread is probably all of it. Things don't escalate that far often, and I think it's always been pointed at me, though it's harder to do a quick skim of the wiggler to make sure.
    • Witnessed x 7
    • Useful x 1
  16. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Um... ?
  17. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I cannot go into that TCHGB thread. I get overwhelmed. So I cannot see what you are talking about unless you would be so kind as to show me the smallest chunk that's useful.
  18. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    I think you're trying to say we're giving you conflicting instructions.
    We really aren't.

    On the previous page of this very thread, Spock made a post explaining one of the most recent ways in which you bend and misrepresent what actually happened.
    We can lead you to your own objectively terrible behaviour all we want, but we cannot force you to acknowledge it.
    • Agree x 3
  19. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    Yes, I can.

    You said this. This is absolutely unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.
    • Agree x 8
  20. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Oh yeah, that too, for even more recent things.
    Honestly, I kinda forgot. All the awful things you keep saying kinda blend into one, after a while.
    • Witnessed x 9
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