Reporting the mods

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by Athol Magarac, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Yeah, I shouldn't have let myself get so frustrated. I forced Snitch to keep yelling at me and then tried to do what I thought he wanted even though it seemed strange.
  2. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    " if I'm not up to having you talk to me."

    This is the quibble I have, right here. I say one thing, people insist I'm saying something different.
  3. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    Not engaging with that, and super fucking not in the mood for this considering the words you said at this particular moment in time in my life

    Apologize to spock, immediately. No weasel words.
    • Witnessed x 1
  4. Artemis

    Artemis i, an asexual moron

    I debated this since last night when I saw what got said in the wiggler in the TCHGB thread, and I want to make it clear:

    As someone who has been suicidal and is getting a tattoo in the next week specifically to commemorate not succeeding, and whose self-injury of choice was exactly that?

    You are a fucking awful, vile person, Athol Magarac, you are going on ignore, and may someone have mercy on you because it won't be me.
    • Witnessed x 15
  5. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Bold of you to assume you can make me do anything.

    I don't yell.

    Given your track record with 'understanding what people want', I think maybe assuming you've got the right end of the stick is a bad assumption.

    Fun fact: despite the fact that I generally accept any pronouns from anyone, I still feel like you're being rude with that choice of pronouns.

    And yet you continue to post demonstrable untruths about Spock.
    There is a simple solution to this, and yet you fail to grasp at it.
    • Agree x 4
  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Snitch might have said it too, but I've said it more, and I guarantee I was the one to introduce how we can't read your mind to the conversation.

    And guess what, if you can't be assed to be specific here, nobody can read your mind about this either. Is this deliberate? Is the POINT to be so unspecific that someone guesses wrong and you get to smugly correct them? Or do you just not care enough to bother being specific in the first place? You've made it clear you had someone in mind from the start, your vague-ass description applied to both of us, why not just be specific

    Communication is not a one-way street. I've been clear that I respond to you when you talk to and about me. You initiate those interactions. Saying I should ignore it when you talk about me continues to be completely fucking ridiculous.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    • Agree x 5
  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    yeah I'm just gonna... not touch any of that with a ten foot pole. what the fuck. I am so sorry Spock.

    Ohhhhh that makes so much more sense, thank you. I must have missed the anti-trigger bit or parsed it entirely differently.

    I weep for the quality of english education in the US /jk Real talk, I understand not everyone grew up with the grammatical hellscape that is German, but that sentence was rly only confusing bc I kept jumping what subject I refer to in order to avoid referring to Athol in second or third person. That's why we usually have pronouns and use the actor as sentence subject. Passive sentence structure like that clouds the actual involvement of actors. It's confusing and also kind of dishonest. There's a reason that this style is favored for many political things.

    HOWEVER, If I have got this right Athol prefers being referred to in the third person singular then, by... neutral-object or feminine pronouns? Bc I don't like doing the 'it' thing for people it gives me bad brainwasps, but I can try referring to Athol as they/them I guess if they prefer that?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
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  8. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Okay, this was in substitute of a snide remark about how many socks Spock had. The other idea was a bit disparaging about how even if I did stop talking about Spock at all, she'd still think I was talking about her.

    I couldn't find anything elegant that wouldn't set off another not!yelling about... I need a word that means "a point that I wasn't trying to make."

    Right, sorry, I came up with the word not!yelling last night and forgot to start using it. Habits are slippery when new.
  9. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    Yeah I don't really wanna see anything else from you that isn't an apology and a breakdown of what you actually did wrong and i'm not going to drop this.
    • Agree x 5
  10. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    life's too short to learn german
    • Witnessed x 4
  11. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    You get overwhelmed any time there's a single specific concrete thing that you aren't willing to confront. Which is every single specific concrete thing.

    Your responses when someone points out a thing you did that was bad are limited to (1) denying it, (2) admitting to a completely different thing. You can only admit to a criticism if you've exaggerated it so it's ridiculous so it doesn't feel real.
    • Agree x 6
  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I 100% agree and it's my native language :P
    • Winner x 11
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Not really coherent, but what do i expect these days. As always, we can't read your mind enough to follow jarring leaps in topic either. You can go ahead and TRY to be snide about my supposed legions of sockpuppet accounts, but LORD am I interested in seeing you try to substantiate ANY claims.

    Oh no. A bit disparaging. Perish the thought. I don't know how I could possibly deal with any sort of negativity from you. How could I ever have seen that coming.

    And let's just repeat the point again that the tchgb thread probably wouldn't exist if you were willing to stop talking about me. Whatever happened to hating vagueblog culture? MAN has that talking point been forgotten XD
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    • Agree x 4
  14. Ysbrand Frost

    Ysbrand Frost Winter's Blood |18+

    I don't where you got the idea kintsugi mod spockandawe has any sock-accounts whatsoever.
    And I say that as someone with more than 60 subaccounts for the purpose of RPing
    • Agree x 2
  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    -hello darkness my old friend plays in the background-
    i forgot i had to scroll back up after counting to not accidentally post as a sub
    that was me, sorry
    • Winner x 4
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  16. rigel

    rigel in a line of late afternoon sun

    spockette and her spockpuppets
    • Winner x 14
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  17. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Here, let me try to explain again. It should be really simple. Ah, good old TV tropes.

    In order of pronouns, I prefer "she," "he," and then "they." I'll work harder on calling other people they.
    • Informative x 3
  18. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    There are no actual users on Kintsugi, we are all spockpuppets /sarcasm
    • Agree x 7
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  19. rigel

    rigel in a line of late afternoon sun

    not to beat a dead horse but tv tropes dont like.... apply to reality,

    but spooock, its not vagueing if she's saying your name!
    • Winner x 5
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  20. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Truly, the mod hivemind is gigantic.
    • Informative x 4
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    • Winner x 1
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