Reporting the mods

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by Athol Magarac, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. lex

    lex + 0.2% luck

    wrt the runes, i have an inkling she thought she was being sneaky and getting wiggle-worthy content past mod filters

    my only evidence is her asking afterwards in the tchgb thread for her and grief if dead baby joke references are acceptable tho

    edit: missed a key word there
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2018
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I think it's meant to function like spoiler tags, except you have no idea what the hidden content is, have to go off-site to google up a solution, and have no warning before being hit with what she wants to say. I was moderately sure that was what she wanted to say before I let it through, but had to go double check before i published the translation, because this is really fucking inconvenient on mobile.
    • Agree x 3
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  3. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    These seem like pretty good thoughts. I think it's important to distinguish between outcomes you can reasonably anticipate, and outcomes you can't. It's also important to distinguish between goals and side-effects sometimes. My diabetic cat dislikes being stabbed. I can totally explain that the insulin is necessary for her to live, but that doesn't mean that she has to like it, even if it means it's not obviously evil for me to continue stabbing her. So I'm choosing to stab her in order to protect her from harm. Stabbing her for fun would be significantly morally different.

    Triggers can get into weird territory. There are absolutely people out there who are genuinely triggered by gay or interracial couples, but we don't generally conclude that gay or interracial couples have a moral obligation not to be seen in public, lest someone be triggered. If the boundaries necessary to protect you from distress are unreasonable boundaries, that is generally your problem, not a requirement on other people.


    Reasonable: "I'd rather not have reaction images to my posts."
    Unreasonable: "I'd rather this person not talk to me, even if I am talking about them and saying things about what they did that are false."

    One of these does not impose an undue burden on other people. One of them does.
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  4. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    I would have put a lot of back-end energy into composing an apology except I had to go and fucking ask how it's done because I learned how to do it from bad people.

    The song Hero lied when it said "the hurt she can't handle overflows to a knife" because actions aren't tied to emotions. If someone is self-harming, they shouldn't... I forget the way Spock put it, but "positive enforcement" "acknowledgement" I think it related to someone expressing discomfort so you have to stop confronting them and soothe their feelings. You should just ignore their drama-queening if they're hurting themselfs.

    And yeah, it was wrong because I was trying to express hurt and try to engage Spock's sympathy to control her and make her stop talking. All I had to do was stop telling lies like how her continuing to talk to me after I asked her not to was upsetting.

    And no-one is responsible for the actions of another no matter how much provoking there is. If I tell someone the raunchiest DBJ I know, they can't come back and blame me for missing their shift at work.

    There's more, but people are griping at me and won't fucking lay off because only entitled people ask for breaks.
  5. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    Except people have, like me, actually gone way out of their way to find those resources, tenderly hold her hand by linking that shit, and got called worth less than the thought of common household chores.

    People can throw things into that endless black hole if they want, but at this point, do it at your own peril, knowing @Athol Magarac already has those resources given to her, and I personally think until she goes "I've tried these and here's what happened, I need something else", giving her more is just encouraging her shitty behavior, because it teachers her that she can be as fucked up as she wants to other people and still receive rewards for it.
    • Agree x 6
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  6. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    And you continue to thoroughly miss the point.
    I will restate.
    You sent Spock graphic threats. You tried to use self-harm to control someone. That is never acceptable.

    Yeah, pretty much.
    You sent Spock graphic threats.

    You have been told repeatedly that those were not what she was talking about.
    There is an entire thread composed of your lies and bad behaviour.
    You simply refuse to read it.
    Because you cannot own up to your own absolutely terrible behaviour.
    You sent Spock graphic threats.

    You were not provoked.
    You sent Spock graphic threats.
    That is not a proportional response, even if someone was 'provoking' you.

    We are not 'griping'.
    We are quite rightly disgusted by your consistently terrible behaviour and craven attempts to avoid responsibility.
    Lest I remind you:
    You sent Spock graphic threats.
    • Agree x 13
  7. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    So close, and then you botched it. No one ever suggested that that was one of the lies. The lies are the things you say she said, or the things you say she didn't say. We all agree that her continuing to talk to you is probably very upsetting, but all you have to do to stop it is stop saying untrue things about what she did. It really is that easy! Don't say Spock did things, or didn't do things, unless it's true. Not "unless you feel that way". Not "unless it sort of seemed that way". Actually look at the history, look at the facts, and make sure it's true, or don't say it.

    That's true, yes. It's not your choice that they missed work. It might be your choice that you were a jerk to them.

    No, only entitled people ask for only the other party to take a break.

    If you want a break, take a break! Stop posting for a day or two. Do other things. Come back when you feel like it. You're 100% allowed to do that. What you're not allowed to do is keep attacking people, and then demand that they stop so you can have a break from being disagreed with.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2018
    • Agree x 6
  8. Jove

    Jove [ destination defenestration ]

    Okay, first, fuck your entitled attitude, no on said you couldn't take a break. You can walk away at any given moment. What the actual fuck. We've told you this tactic isn't going to work and you don't get to call it quits when you hurt someone else just because they refuse to let you get away with it.



    Kathy already helped you on how to apologize, and I don't buy the having to look it up because you learned it from bad people. At this point, I personally feel like you are incapable of apologizing because you don't hold any actual remorse for it, and other people saying the same say it because of your shitty behavior.

    Not that you've been listening to a single thing people have been saying that hadn't been patting you on the head and telling you "oh, you poor baby". Knock it off, it's an ugly look, and I'm sick of seeing it.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2018
    • Agree x 6
  9. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Just use a fucking spoiler tag, for the love of god. Putting in random fucking runes doesn't translate to 'you shouldn't read this' it means 'athol's done something fucky again and and now I have to go through five hoops to figure out what the hell you say and no way of knowing beforehand if it's gonna be something terrible or naw. Use. A. Spoilertag.

    Or find a better way to say the things you wanna fucking say.
    • Agree x 4
  10. Grief

    Grief ...

    Close the browser.

    Do something else.

    Stop engaging.

    Nobody is stopping you.
    • Agree x 7
  11. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    One of the things I was going to do tomorrow was pull up one bit of solid proof that Spock has at least once reversed the meaning of what I was trying to say. I think it got ignored yesterday? The last meaning-reversal was me saying a thing that could be interpreted 2 ways. A lot of my complaints are about being misinterpreted and if past comments add to the meaning and they're wrong, it just keeps snowballing especially when people are hell-bent on not listening.
  12. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    She's lashing out and catastrophizing because she Feels Bad.

    She has not linked the fact that she Feels Bad to having Harmed Other People, and trying to do so probably makes her feel worse, so rather than face up to the harm she has done to people she would rather make them into antagonists to explain why she Feels Bad.
    • Informative x 4
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  13. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Do you want me to squack "you sent Spock fraphic threats." like some g-damn parrot? Spock said something about giving an indication of understanding.
  14. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Did I not ask for help? I should have said something more of the lines of "could I have a bulleted list that I can check off?" nut the answer is "we're not going to do your homework." I'm sorry that I didn't Google "what does Kint expect from me"
  15. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    You want to be talked about like you're not here, Athol? Fine.

    Her behaviour has been absolutely unacceptable, consistently. I have not received an apology for the incredibly blatant attempt to manipulate me yesterday, and regardless of how funny I found the attempt after I calmed down, it does not make the behaviour acceptable or something that does not need an apology.

    She's got no theory of mind to speak of, regularly admits that she doesn't bother to read entire posts, so many of which contain all of the information she keeps asking for, forgetting she's asked for, ignoring when she gets it, and then asking for again, and deflects away from anything that takes Work in favour of catastrophizing over everything being impossible because she'd prefer to just accept her situation and lay down and rot because:

    - hearing she has hurt people makes her Feel Bad but as outlined above she cannot seem to identify correctly why that makes her feel bad an instead attributes it toward having received abuse instead of experiencing the emotions of regret and shame toward her own behaviour.

    - it hurts to get hopeful and put effort in and risk perceiving being rejected because it isn't good enough.

    She is not going to get better while she doesn't consider the work to do so worth it.

    I will say I do consider some of the responses to be edging into cruelty in return and would prefer personally to see less of that but understand why it is happening.
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  16. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    I mean, it'd be better than this.

    And yet you show none.

    You did. Help was provided. You ignored it.

    You have been given several bulleted lists.
    You have ignored them.

    We have already given you the help you claim you need in various forms.
    Oddly enough, we can't somehow psychically force you to actually take our damn advice.
    • Agree x 3
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  17. Athol Magarac

    Athol Magarac I prefer reading posts without a lot of topics.

    Did I not ask for this thread to be locked and for people to stop pining me? Surely the stop pinging me part was reasonable and the locking something that has been done without my having requested it but needing it.
  18. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    You have been asked, repeatedly, not to say false things about what people said. For instance "all I had to do was stop telling lies" would be true. "all I had to do was stop telling lies like how her continuing to talk to me after I asked her not to was upsetting" is false. (Emphasis added by me to show you the false part.)

    That really is the thing you need to do before anything else can work: Stop saying untrue things.

    Possibly because you've been given multiple such lists, and always refused to read them or engage with any item on them. You won't even look at the first item on a list. You just don't do any of it.

    And you did it again. No one asked you to Google it. It's that you've been told, and you just ignore it.

    You have been asked, repeatedly, not to lie about what other people said. You have been asked, repeatedly, not to apologize for things that are not what people told you was wrong.

    And you keep doing it. You keep substituting in different claims.

    And that is your problem. All your other problems come from that. Fix that, and the others become much, much, easier to solve. Keep doing it, and they are impossible to solve.
    • Agree x 3
  19. TheSeer

    TheSeer 37 Bright Visionary Crushes The Doubtful

    Responding to @Grief and @seebs ' discussion

    It's also important to note that specific actions are not really what social rules are about. Fundamentally, what's going on underneath all this talk about blame and responsibility is that people want to know that other people will try not to hurt them. That's why causing deliberate or easily avoidable hurt is such a big deal, even if the actual hurt inflicted is small: it means you weren't trying.

    It's also why, for example, it's not okay to expect certain people not to appear in public to avoid triggering you. Society judges setting that boundary to be more callous about others' well being than breaking the boundary would be. Therefore, the boundary is condemned or ignored.

    Social stuff can be confusing because people will talk about specific actions (like saying "sorry") because that's easy to talk about, but fundamentally what you need to do is persuade people to believe something (like that you'll try not to hurt them.)
    • Agree x 4
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  20. Kathy

    Kathy Well-Known Member

    Also people are listening to her, we're just not saying the things she wants to hear. In a DM Athol made it clear to me previously that when she asks for advice she usually has a specific answer that she wants to receive. It is possible to get her to consider a response that is not what she wants to receive, but it's only been possible via the sort of strategy that Beldaran posted in the excerpt about toxic parents - I have had to constantly, consistently reassure Athol even when talking about her most vicious actions that I recognize she is experiencing pain. If I do not do this, she reliably ceases to fully pay attention until I do again.

    I have been doing this as a deliberate strategy, as it does not cost me many spoons to write lengthy posts about cognition and rewiring faulty distortions, I enjoy helping, and honestly I don't have much going on in the rest of my life right now. I have extensive experience in managing this exact sort of behavior.

    However I will stop engaging directly and refuse to budge past whenever she does something unacceptable. Right now I'm going to refuse to let the subject progress past the sexual threats and suicide baiting she directed toward Spock. Do not allow her to redirect the conversation. I know it's easy to get lost in the weeds to the meandering thought process but as more time passes the less she is willing to consider her actions still important - see the recent bemusement over people still caring about the *first* round of threats against Spock.

    The conversation does not move on here.

    She needs to recognize the harm she has done, understand that it was bad, why it was bad, that it was not in any way spock's fault, and that there are better strategies for managing her emotional state than lashing out with threats, insults, and childish attempts to get around the extremely basic barriers put in place for the protection of other forum users.
    • Agree x 6
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