Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Aw you poor dude! Hope you feel better soon.
  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    This isnt to nag, just to say, if you're stuck and want me to add/edit/summarize anything im down w that. Hope your nasty mouth hole's feeling better!
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hm, i think perhaps if you give me a thing to respond to i can play? i'm in a lot less pain, but still have a short attention span and am full of terrible ideas and confusion. i think living on soft food for a week has done my cognition no favors. :P

    i miss our trash babies tho and i want to play. i just can't seem to wrap my head around what is happen. so if you tell me what is happen, i believe i can write what bel is do.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Ok yeah i was thinking my last post was kinda open ended. Ill do a thing when i get back to my computer!
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    cool, thank you! i'm watching cosmos and working on practice quilty things, i'll check in every so often.
  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i've lost track, is it paranoia flipout time yet, or is this still 'blubbering about explosions' night?
  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    This is end of night 3, middle of night 4 is flipout time! This is 'uneasy and emotional' time. There's this round and night 4's first round of dialysis, and then night 4's second round is when he goes berserk.

    I think get well soon or else cards are a known thing, no one means the threats, its just friendly troll manners.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    should we skip to the next evening's session? when the sabotage paranoia really takes hold? i could sum up stuff till then. but tell me how murfey's doing so i can say erskin fussed over him too when he's in. because he definitely would be!
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes pls! let's say murfey's delusions take the form of body horror and parasitosis. he is imagining all kinds of bad things happening to his body. his beautiful strong body that he worked so hard on is falling apart before his very eyes! eyes. eyes in places where no eyes should be. and his teeth are falling out, look at all these teeth *cupped hands containing no teeth* and so forth. poor bastard. i just made myself shudder.

    bel is becoming more convinced of a hostile presence on the ship, but so far has not been hostile toward any of the crew. rather, he's been extremely protective. he might have been texting people to check up on them and make sure they're taking the proper precautions. against the things in the walls. which are not squirrels, and what they're hiding up there isn't candy. he's so sorry. he tried to hide it behind a reassuring fiction but it's time you knew the truth. please check the bulkheads for acid burns, and never be alone.

    edit: btw i feel like staying up a little, it's been a while since i stayed up late. :D
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    btw, i figured out what bel will eventually settle on as the threat in the walls. the two things he is irrationally afraid of:


    why is he afraid of owls? and moths with eyespots? he doesn't know. he just is. they're creepy. he's generally been able to laugh it off all his life, but now his fevered mind is bringing him images of misshapen owls with faces like emotionless carnival masks hiding moth cocoons in the vents, ready to unleash a flood of soft, silent, fluttering horror upon the defenseless crew. in what way are the moths going to harm anyone? they're moths. with eyespots. obviously they're evil.
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yyyrrngh ok those owls genuinely scared me.

    also obviously the moths crawl into all the holes in your head and die there. and you fill up with soft dusty moth bits, until you can't breathe or see or hear. and then after you die the caterpillars crawl out from between your bones.
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes. they pupate inside your skin bag, so you look like a lumpy puppet. and then moths fly out from where your eyes were.
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    personally i love moths, i think they are fuzzy buddies and the only time i'm not happy to have them around is when they keep flying distractingly at my computer screen or when they land on my glasses. but owls do creep me the fuck out.
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i adore owls! and moths. but i sympathize with murfey about tooth rot, i have nightmares about that kinda thing. having to peel my gums off and stuff, yuck.

    what i'm scared of is: the dark (bwah!), mirrors (what if you spot something that's not supposed to be there and it has to kill you for it), closets (the back of which are doors where bad things come through), round analogue clocks (windows where something cold and awful has their eyes pressed up against) and that there could be a floating thing behind you watching you but the minute you look back and see it it'll GET YOU.

    i... am scared of a lot of things, haha. a lot of it seems to have to do with ambush predators. that's something for the next therapist to chew on, i bet!
  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm scared of the northern lights. i have no idea why, they're beautiful and scientifically interesting and absolutely harmless. but they make a noise. and they can see me.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh yeah, and seaweed. seaweed wants me dead.
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hmm, i know to be a bit cautious of seaweed in the surf, because it can trip you up. it must be extra freaky if it does that maliciously.

    also re: troll delusions, it would be interesting if a lot of trolls, when sufficiently nuts, have a big AHA! moment and think 'wait, the dark is bad... we just thought it was good... BECAUSE THE DARK TOLD US SO. ACTUALLY IT'S THE LIGHT THAT'S GOOD. THAT'S WHY EVERYTHING IS WRONG WE'RE NOT BEING IN THE SUNLIGHT LIKE HOW WE SHOULD BE OH GOSH IT ALL FITS.'

    i wonder how many alternian movies have the heroes heroically scuffling with a crazed teammate, trying to get him to stop fucking heading for the light.

    i've been reading a great series, Zones Of Thought, and there's a species of spiders that make it through centuries-long winters by burrowing deep, then freezing themselves in pools. and so these coldnaught spiders are pioneering waking up in the middle of the winter to do military maneuvers against a sleeping enemy, but one of their members has a flaw in his suit, and starts losing his shit and scurrying into every depression he can find, like 'we gotta dig, guys, we gotta go deeper, we can't stay up here, we gotta get down, we gotta dig' until finally he breaks loose from them dragging him and throws himself over a cliff because he just needs to go down so badly. poor dude.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    dude, that is so cool. i need to read that.

    i think bel has too strong a sense of 'normal' to convince himself that dark = bad, light = good, but his hypervigilance is dinging him here, he needs to SEE, he needs to see every detail. he needs to make sure no moths are crawling into his people's mouths.
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i can toss you the ebook copy of zones of thought, i think? it's technically a 'trilogy' but so far halfway through the second book it just seems like a set of stories in the same universe. incredible aliens, though. the first book has HIVEMIND DOG-RATS that are only sentient in aggregate, it's fucking awesome. i was hoping for more dograts in the second book but instead it's spiders. spiders where the dads take care of the babies! and grow 'paternal fur' for the babies to hold on to. so so cute.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

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