
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by raginghearts, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    well. a lot of the testing you'd have to do to find out exactly what it is, involves trying to scratch it and shit.

    so i dunno exactly how you'd find out unless you drag it to someone who is extremely well versed in that stuff hahaaaa

    it is pretty tho
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  2. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    That is definitely not kyanite.

    Identifying minerals from photos alone is hard-to-impossible, especially if they've been cut, but my off-the-cuff guess would be labradorite
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  3. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    @Wiwaxia It might be that. It looks pretty close at least... hmm

    I guess my gemsona will be the mysterious no named stranger. :P
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  4. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    ...the dramatic person who just shows up and contributes to plot, then disapears before they can answer any questions.
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  5. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I drew it, so people can see the patterns a bit better. I couldnt get the shine right, but the lightest markekr is basically the colour of the shine.
    debating using the blacks streak things as patterns on her skin, and i could use then as an eye mask type of thing and she'd look all mysterious and stuff
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  6. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I vote you do the thing.
  7. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Ive done the thing, now to draw arms and then done!!

    She looks a lot more adorable than intended, but oh well

    hmm. was going to put gem on knuckle, since I have a scar (funny story) on there, and then she could use knuckle busters as weapons....
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
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  8. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    Yeah I kinda had a feeling I'd be wrong but I figured I'd throw that out anyways |D Can u tell I am not good at identifying gems
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  9. An Actual Bird

    An Actual Bird neverthelass, Brid persisted, ate third baggel

    @Imoyram do iiiiiit knuckledusters are so cool
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  10. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @Imoyram Just talked to my geologist friend and she seconds the Labradorite guess! Her other guess was that it's not actually a gem but an Abalone shell or something, though she says it's hard to really tell because of the stone's cut and size. Hope that helps!!
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  11. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Strictly speaking, that would still be aragonite (well aragonite crystals in a protein framework, but eh)
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  12. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    spam of pics incoming
    yes her eyes are fucked up dont ask me why they look nothing like the show's eyes
    Outfit: black tank to under greener teal shirt, tucked into seafoamy green skirt, with black sweater tied around waist. sneaker in greener teal with black laces (also she probably doesnt wear leggings, it just looks like that cause I messed up her legs)
    I fucked up her arm too but oh well
    she is supposed to be somewhere between pearl and amethyst for height, but its looking a lot closer to ruby and sapphire.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
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  13. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yooo lake superior agate reporting for duty


    too busy eating ice cream to draw anything but luka promised to draw her (i'm going with the 'gems are female' convention because idk i just am)

    white skin (like white-white, not caucasian white), rusty hair, baggy stripey sweater, gray camo pants, big half-unlaced hiking boots. her weapon is a shovel.
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  15. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    I'm safe for another few months without my birthstone being canon, fueheheh! THE HIATUS IS BENEFITING ME A LITTLE!

    I feel like I want to redesign them/her (if Topaz encountered a society with genders other than female, they'd be more comfortable being they, but if she's in space with only other Gems, she'd be she), but I also still like this design. Their weapon is probably a hammer because that's what I usually pick when I need a weapon for a self insert.

    I don't have a set back story, other than maybe "died in Earth war" or "in space somewhere, studying alien species". Topaz doesn't really like or dislike exploiting the hell out of planets for Homeworld, but like, biological diversity is neat. I want to imagine that other planets don't have the biodiversity that Earth does, and maybe Topaz was kind of taken with Earth. There was so much life, so many different KINDS of life. That's what made it so interesting as a Kindergarten planet, that's a hell of a lot of power there. But, but, but what a waste to destroy that diversity! So if they ever saw Earth and the diversity on it, they'd probably want to preserve it somehow. And probably die stupidly, because they're tough, but not a warrior.

    Their gem is on their solar plexus, because I was googling associations for Topaz and something said something about the chakra on the solar plexus? And I thought of, "Slap her on the back and punch her in the solar plexus!" from Azumanga Daioh, which made me laugh, so it stuck. That is how I make the majority of my decisions. :P
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  16. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    If I was going to pick a weapon for myself I'd go with a sword or a polearm of some kind, but the strontium is too much to pass up. Since I really like Pearl perhaps one can be wielded by a Pearlsona.
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  17. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    I can't do sonas without a voice in my head getting mad at me for being uppity but I do have gem ocs! I relined and colored two I drew a while ago and drew a third, but I still have like 9 more, not including fusions.
    amber2.png Amber
    coral2.png Coral
    jet.png Jet
    Fun fact: None of them are real gems! They were all part of the rebellion on earth- Amber and Coral were very close bbfsies/moirails, but Coral was in love with a higher up Celestine who was not convinced to join the rebellion. Eventually both Amber and Coral were shattered and their shards were saved by their friend Spinel, who was also part of the rebellion but ran away from the war along with Chrysoberyl, who had been on the Homeworld side but also wanted to escape, and Cassiterite, a fusion of Jet and Milky Quartz.
    Jets, in my headcanon, are very low down manual labor gems. Jet was working on Earth and joined the rebellion, where she met Milky Quartz, who was a high ranking soldier....except she had terrible anxiety and mental health issues that she kept secret. She and Jet very quickly became a team, but Milky Quartz couldn't take the fighting and started to go corrupted. In order to save her, Jet fused with her, forming Cassiterite. Cassiterite keeps some of Milky's shy temperament, but she is mostly Jet's drive, ambition, and compassion. Knowing that she couldn't take the fighting any longer, she ran away with Spinel and Chrysoberyl. The three of them are now in an old gem ship travelling the galaxy as renegades and having adventures.

    EDIT: Forgot to say! Ambers, Corals, and Jets all work in terraforming- Corals underwater, Ambers in forested areas, and Jets retrieving resources from the planet being harvested.

    EDIT2: To add Chrysoberyl!
    Chrysoberyl.png IDK what she did on Homeworld, except that she's fancy. She defected with Spinel and Cassiterite and she has a giant crush on both of them, doesn't know what to do, please advise.

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    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
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  18. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    so a question: how do people decide what gem their gemsonas would fuse into? like, are peeps picking something that embodies the two(+) of them together, or something that makes some kind of mineralogical sense, or just something that they think looks cool, or what? is there a protocol (protocol as in "here's stuff to think about" not like... rules-rules. or maybe rules-rules i doubt there are any of those however.) or should i just pick something i like?
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  19. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    OH ALSO my gemsona is pentagonite! (i'd had no idea what to pick but i finally came up with something and i am v pleased.) i was at the natural history museum a week or so ago and saw it and it was smol and blue and i fell in love instantly. i will post pictures of her eventually, but i'm still futzing with the design and i don't have anything post-able anyway. but yeah. she is blue, obvs. her gem is on her inner forearm (i think i picked the right arm? i keep waffling actually). she wears a swishy and/or ruffly dress, but also limb enhancers (she is tiny and would prefer not to be, and has a thing about "must be STRONG").

    she's a technician of some sort, probably something to do with spacecraft maintenance, though she is inclined to read technical papers for damn near anything even if it's far afield of her actual discipline. her weapon is just a big club. her fighting style is smash the bejeezus out of it, or blast the bejeezus out of it if she's using her limb enhancer guns. her fusion dance is a waltz, or something waltz-like.

    she ends up on earth bc she was doing maintenance work on an uncrewed spacecraft which somehow ended up getting knocked off course while she was still on it and they ended up crash landing on earth.
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  20. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I'm not aware of any actual guidelines or rules about what to make the fusion gem, but what I usually do is try to find a gem that's either somewhere between the two(+) gem colors or that combines the two(+) gem colors somehow. *shrugs *
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