Flight Rising/that dragon game

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by siveambrai, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Hobo


    Yeah, I tend to avoid it unless it's a 100% guarantee, like blacks position. I could probably afford to place white (between antique and moon) and ice (moon and orca), but ehhh. That extra slot being added makes me wary. Whites position could feasibly have been changed to go between maize and antique (though I doubt it).
  2. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I'm laughing so hard tho, in Magenta it looks like Lisa Frank genes XD
    • Like x 3
  3. Hobo


    Yessssssss. They look amazing! Just wish I could access the scrying workshop right now >:(
  4. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Stonewash and Steel are 100% as well, the only new-color space between Sky and Denim is already Overcast. There's a green that's that way as well, I forget which one.

    :o they finally went live?

    #but where's my points
  5. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    Aight this has been confusing the heck outta me and maybe someone has answers. . . Why are there old colors included in the new colors released thing?
  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    @rats they have to redo the old colors to work with their new system, so they're releasing old colors as they finish them.
    • Like x 1
  7. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    eyyyyyy, Poison and Toxic :D though mind you I am reasonably shocked that they did a content update the day before the Riot of Rot starts

    time to stare balefully at the pages and pages of people scrying how the genes look ;3; the one disadvantage of not having an account! and I particularly want to see how all the genes look on each color for this one ;o;
  8. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    @rats @Mercury - to clarify, since I've been stalking the color wheel update like a loser from day one- the COLORS are all done, new and old- what Undel's been working on is updating every gene template for to be in a new system that will make the creation of new genes a good deal easier. There are a LOT (a female, male and hatchling for every species on EVERY gene), so to mark progress and increase hype, every time she gets 10 done (or 9.5 I guess since the latest expansion) she releases a color; most new, but some old. (but hey the old ones appearing means we get to see where they'll be on the new wheel!) But I do think they're also fixing a couple color bugs on the way, too.

    Also apparently some of the gene templates Undel has to work with have been FLATTENED, so she pretty much has to redo em. *shudder*
  9. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    That's horrifying. D: Poor Undel.
    • Like x 1
  10. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Oh no I love Toxin and I need 20. Guess I need to start leveling Baldwin again.
    Also, does anyone here know how accent commissioning works? I wanna commission a night sky/starry accent for one of my snapper girls but I am shy and don't know what to do or even what subforum.
  11. Hobo


    Hello I did a colour wheel! I'm debating adding the belly/spiral colours for each colour as well, but I am also incredibly lazy so yeah. Wheel's updated to moss, so far. Also @Starcrossedsky I did a search and it seems like at this point all of the old greens have already been added to the list. Aqua and spring/goldenrod haven't, but their positions aren't really set in stone either.

  12. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    lor' bless the kind user who posted this and this in the announcement thread ;3;

    also hey, Riot of Rot tomorrow! Praying fervently that there won't be so much drama over the skin winners as there was last year, especially with all this recent screeching over the admins tightening up the rules on what can and can't be on a skin or accent.

    Course it'll probably be a while before I see the winners, since nonmembers can't preview them as of a few festivals ago ;3;
  13. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    :D :Happy dancing from Snot Mother land: HAPPY RIOT ERRYBODY.
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  14. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    oh my lord those are gorgeous
    • Like x 1
  15. Vmaprie

    Vmaprie hlaf mermade too

    Right now I'm working on recreating my rando progen, since even though she was fugly, I regret exalting her. Tundra, female, sunshine, stone, coral. So if you end up with some dragons that are in similar ranges on any of those, let me know, I'll possibly want to trade or buy them off you.
    • Like x 1
  16. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I exalted my progen as well because it was way cheaper just to specifically buy what I wanted than scatter her to hell and back once I understood how badly I'd fucked her up lmfao.
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  17. Vmaprie

    Vmaprie hlaf mermade too

    AH! one of my kinda-fug despite having good colors dragons was born to have cherub:


    She's one of my level 25s so I've had her for ages.
    • Like x 2
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So this festival is pretty great, my GHB got to pick up some new attire, and I found an accent that works nicely for my Kurloz, especially playing up the whole young!GHB side of things.

    1-03.png 2-03.png

    I'm not suuuuure I'm leaving that apparel on the GHB, because it does disrupt his accent a little, and the bone tones don't quite match, and this does mean I had to sacrifice Kurloz's other accent, but on the whole, I'm pretty pleased!
    • Like x 1
  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    The new color wheel is so exciting, I've been steadily changing up some of my breeding pairs to take advantage of it. I didn't like one of my new dragon's tert, so I bought a skin to dress him up...


    The darned thing ended up costing 2000 gems, but he looked so good that I ended up naming him after one of my OCS. One of these days I'm gonna get to 10k gems without spending any! This is my dream!
  20. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    @spockandawe thanks for posting those images! I hadn't been able to see the festival apparel or any of the skins/accents yet.

    Usually I rely on the FR wiki, since in the past they've posted all the skins and other festival-related stuff shortly after it appears, but no one's updated any of the festivals this year since the Thundercrack Carnivale so I haven't seen most of the skins/accents from holidays since ;3;

    also ugh I can't read the announcement thread anymore, SO MANY pissbabies complaining about the winning entries ;I plus a bunch calling for the users to be the ones to decide what wins. do they not realize that if that were to happen, it'd just turn into a massive, completely ungovernable popularity contest? My mind fucking recoils at the thought of the drama that would ensue.
    • Like x 5
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