have you guys seen My Immortal : the Web Series? the link is to the episode on vimeo, i couldn't find it on youtube. the rest are on youtube though.
oo, aesthetically pleasing presumedly male human. r is still the only dude i'd fuck though (can't post a photo of him because Privacy Reasons and Consent and shit)
I used to read tons of PPC (protectors of the plot continuum) stories where they went and slayed Mary Sues. Probably I was too young to read that much bad smut, but I still have a really strong sentimental attachment to Jay, Acacia, et al.
What I want to know is why is Ducky in there? Also oh yeah I forgot I had this screenshotted: Found back when I was obsessively looking for Homestuck fic. I looked at the first page and noped out but the boyfriend read it and said it was pretty bad. I'm pretty sure she hooks up with Signless.
Because everyone needs John x Mother Grub in their lives: Let's not forget this gem: Also, not technically badfic (?), but the winner of worst lube in WTFFanfiction's Most Implausible Sex Scene Contest is always, always worth a read. It starts like this and only gets better:
Badfic thread! I love me a well-done badfic. I'm going to say, y'all have to read Same Love Lockdown, it is not even optional. It is a thing of glory. We Shall Never Lack The Means of Life is amazing. Spiders Georg slashfic in flawless Victorian prose! It will enrich your life. You will probably regret reading 30 H's but you should do it anyway because there comes a point where badfic transcends awfulness to become some sort of spectacular explosion of absurdist whatthefuckery. Also, contains the most fuckin' highbrow dick joke I have ever seen. I will never not be laughing about "ligature of lingam", okay.
holy crap that's... horrible. (i love the inheritance cycle, okay? i realize it has huge issues but it was important to tiny me)
(Tbqh, the biggest thing about the Inheritance Cycle was that it was very derivative, as I recall. There are a lot of concepts that are awesome the first few times you read about them; it's only the fiftieth time that makes you throw the book. So it's totally sensible for a tiny person to love the first books of that kind they were exposed to; it's just an age/chance thing that decides which books those actually are. I feel the same way about some terrible, terrible schlock.)
Is horrible horrible terrifying smut allowed in here? just as a question before I start flinging hilariously fucked up porn at you