
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    does anyone on here know the first thing about redstone? cause i am in need of help D:

    i followed a vid tutorial for this door:

    i tried to modify it by switching out the observer for a flip-flop gate from another vid tut and now the actual door part's pistons won't work:

    flip-flop gate at left, now non-working sticky-piston door at right[​IMG]

    the modified setup looks like this:

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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i have never been any good at redstone devices so i'm just gonna shake my head and try to look wise
  3. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    its okay. i fixed it...somehow

    still not sure how :/

    tumbler post on my attempts here and here
    with pictures of course
    • Winner x 2
  4. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    the worst part is i did all that for goddamn singleplayer rp

    its for a playthrough of regrowth where i liked the look of the little abandoned farms that sometimes show up and decided to convert one into a secret cloning facility where all my infinite lives come from

    hence secret door to "cloning vat" where i'mma relocate the worldspawn

    i plan on keeping the graves that spawn from my no doubt many deaths and making my own graveyard of my failed "clones"
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i love this more than i can say
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  6. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    so since people seem interested here's some progress shots:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    so far got 2 rooms of the lab laid out. im thinking one for where "experiments" were kept and only bones remain, one for the computer room, and one for the "cloning vats" themselves.

    might add more as the decorating mood hits me
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  7. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    oh hell this modpack has actual laboratory blocks
    i might have to redesign the whole lab now
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

  9. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    it is indeed so cool
  10. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    since my old minecraft skin wasn't really something you jump out of an oversized test tube in i changed it

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    aaaa trolll skin bros

    Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 12.01.36 AM.png
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  12. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    hell yeah *fistbump*
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    things i learned today:




    it's a thing. :O

    (kinda unplayable without JEI and HWYLA, so i added them, as well as tinkers and pams because i find living on meat slabs and going through stacks of tools depressing and annoying. and veinminer because i have arthritis. and torchmaster because paving the world with torches is unsightly, though that turned out not to be needed actually, since there are no non-pokemon spawns, and pokemon don't care about light level.)
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  15. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

    that is...slightly unsettling
    seeing more "typical" game models in SquareBlockMcSquare game is hitting my uncanny valley and its honestly hilarious
    • Agree x 3
  16. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Pokecube does remodel them! I thiiiink it has less pokes overall then pixelmon- idk, pixelmon seems more popular but pokecube is the only one I've ever fucked around with
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok frankly that looks like way better minecraft play. but i find pixelmon's dissonance oddly charming. but pokecube's crafting recipes make sense. hmm!

    reckon i'll keep on with pixelmon for a time because i named my mareep Sweaterator and you can't just abandon a mon after giving it a name like that.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    alas, i cannot try pokecube, because twitch is now completely broken. it won't download anything, it can't find my previously downloaded modpacks, it's just dead. i'm giving them one more week to fix it and then i'm uninstalling it. :(
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  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    fixed the farm pit. (turns out browncoat doenst equal browncoat. had to off the armorers and spawn in farmers) so now there's a steady stream of carrots, potatoes, wheat, and beets being harvested. and added the two missing melon stalks further up, oops.
    also moved the cocoa farm to where the old cactus farm was, seeing as that is now automated and part of the farm pit.

    and because taking the waterfall down and a bubblevator up every time i wanted to get to the pit, i also built a bridge:
    the strange structure that looks like it should break any second is our sniping tower. the half-visible glass dome is the roof of the farm pit. (items are transported via waterstream, and i connected the kelp farm to it, and once the turtle farm is ready i'll connect that as well)

    and i put a block swapper under the bubblevator -- it now goes down by standard, but if you step on the pressure plate downstairs itll switch in the soulsand and go up long enough that you can go up.
    i also built a well around it. who can tell me which anime/manga i consumed a lot during my weeaboo phase? xxD
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    why are modpacks inalterably tied to a particular launcher? can anyone explain it to me?
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