Comic Artists Support Thread

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by Codeless, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    Done with side project, back to Maria, this page has to be ready before Wednesday and I need a reference for one pose and it's hard to find references and I'm sleepy, ugh.
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    what kinda reference do you need? idk maybe I could take a picture of myself unless you need amab anatomy?
    unless it's some super acrobatic shit I might be able to help for afab pose ref, I'll tell you if something sounds too hard to do for my crippled joints
    (also no hand pose ref cuz my hands are all kinds of weird and effed up rn and unless swollen joints and weird hand claws are what you need i won't subject oyu to this)
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  3. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    I'm done with it now, but thanks for offering! I wound up looking at a bunch of different references that were not quite what I wanted (a front view of someone hitting the ground after tripping while running) to get a sort of general idea, and then tweaked the composition and zoomed waaaaay in so I didn't have to worry about much foreshortening.
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  4. mrozna

    mrozna bloodthirsty hussar fuck

    Started to draw the first page and can't decide what I wanna do more: to continue drawing, or flap my hands in excitement :D
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Continue drawing. Handflapping does not make comics.

    I have drawn one panel today. Had three days straight of All Of The Things and still not recovered.
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  6. mrozna

    mrozna bloodthirsty hussar fuck

    Tfw you draw a character who dies in the next few pages... and you end up liking their design way too much ;___;
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  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    proposed solution: if at all possible have their ghost appear! or maybe flashbacks? Or a long lost twin?
    Disclaimer: mostly silly dumb suggestions not really serious
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  8. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    Multiple days of fog/0 spoons, and ten hours of struggling against brain-weird later, and I've got 3.5 pages sketched out. It's nothing monumental, but I will take my mole hill mountain and do the shimmy of success atop it till the cows come home because it's -something-. :Cue booty dance:
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  9. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I feel you and also congratulate you.
  10. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    I'm doing a Undertale comic as a tentative dip into seeing if I can work on something long form. I have a plot for the longer one percolating.
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  11. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I googled "lute player" for pose reference for a bard character and got a bunch of Caravaggio paintings. ok.

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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    @Enzel looks fine to me tho i gotta say the people I know who legitemately have learned to play the lute hold it a tad more vertically even? it's no biggie and most people will probably not even notice.
    then again this is a small lute not one of those ten stringed monstrosities I'm used to that you legitemately can't hold like that because of the weight of the neck and the difficulty in reaching the lengthened.
    what you drew in fact looks similar to a mandolin? it lacks the 90° bend at the end of the neck that is sort of characteristic with lutes
    here is a few lute pics and one mandolin for comparison
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  13. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    @IvyLB ooh! Thanks for the info. It looks like a mandolin is more what I wanted after all. Google has failed me yet again. :( I wish I knew where to look for pictures of real people playing, because I know paintings are supposed to look dramatic.

    She's supposed to be tuning it rather than full-on playing it but idk if that makes any difference.
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    well tuning is a bit different from playing and actually tuning an instrument can be sort of goofier than the already goofy positions of playing.
    cuz like. You're trying to hear the notes so you're gonna bend closer to the intsrument and hold it more towards your ear sort of, especially if it's in a more noisy environment.
    A mandolin is held kind of like a guitar but it's relatively light and has eight strings that get pulled in four sets of two (mandolin are tuned exactly like violins if that helps? for all purposes of tune and play a mandolin has "four" strings, those strings are just doubled for the characteristic mandolin sound and you pluck both strings of a set while playing.)
    here is a bunch of pics of people playing a mandolin
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    also excuse my terrible rambling on the topic i'm a nerd about baroque and rennaissance instruments and the mandolin is legitemately the only stringed instrument I've ever even considered to learn so i'm a bit passionate about it. Super great instrument really pretty sound. Needs more love :3
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  15. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    nooo I love infodumps because I hate when stuff I know about gets portrayed incorrectly in fiction, so i'd hardly want to inflict it on anyone else. this is all v interesting! :D If you have more resources or links I will totally be all over them.
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  16. mrozna

    mrozna bloodthirsty hussar fuck

    I re-sketched a sequence like five times and I still can't tell if it makes any sense or not. Why are comics so hard.
  17. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So I have a question, as someone who has a comic she wants to create: How do y'all go about scripting things?
  18. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I err...take an RP log and remove anything that drags or distracts from the story. Basically, I cheat.
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  19. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I treat it like writing an rp as well, but only as far as the early planning stages go. Usually I'd set out some things I wanted to happen in plot with my partner early on in an RP. Not even "oh we have to do this" more like "These things sound -really- cool plot wise, how can we get those into the story? Do you know anything that'd fit well with it?" and if so we'd parse a loose line of "So we want A and B to happen, but switch these out for dramatic effect" and so on and so forth, but no step by step details on how to get there.

    For fics or trying to do this comic, I just remove the partner from that equation and sit there daydreaming. I write down the plot bits that make me go "Ooooooh shiny!" so I don't forget them and... kind of thumb along as I go. In some parts I know I'll do better at scripting if I try, and it'll save headaches. But this early on I can play it by ear without too much thought.
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  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Thanks, guys! <3
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