And he didn't go into the monster candy or toy knife rooms either. It's bugging the shit out of me to an unreasonable degree. I wanna micromanage him across the internet -_-
Meanwhile the Game Grumps guys dropped random items and tossed out the dog residue. I was sad... but I'm sticking with their playthrough because they do Skeletor's voice for Papyrus and it's enjoyable.
Yeah, when I play games I always have to go down every possible path, at least exploration/location-wise (that is to say, I am not a completionist as far as story paths go and will prob never finish a No Mercy run, but I explored every room in the game except for 1) the room that you have to dodge all the backer names in the credits to open and 2) any rooms that require messing around with fun/Fun values and stuff like that) so seeing other people not check out every room kind of makes me go ??? but whatever.
Yeah, I tried to go everywhere, and I definitely did my best to collect all of the scattered Kid Items. This is because I figure that after the good endings Frisk leaves the items with their respective coffins, or gets the other monsters to bring the coffins up and properly bury them on the surface world with the items left as... memorials? I guess? Some way to use them to pay respects, anyways.
Spoiler: Erm. You know. In hindsight. I know things in reality get dusty from disuse, because dust just settles. But in Undertale, where dead monsters dissolve into dust... every time a surface or item is described as "dusty" i get suspicious. like, the tutu is dusty how many monsters did tutu kill why is alphys' work bench covered in dust am i over thinking this ._.
Spoiler: Actually, considering that with... (LEGIT SPOILERS, DO NOT READ IF YOU DIDN'T COMPLETE ALPHYS'S EVENTS) The lab bench (and science books for that matter) honestly make even more sense after completing the True Lab section. It's hints of what Alphys' has done, hidden in plain sight (like her depression, the dog food and the letters). Her research revolved around adding DETERMINATION to bodies that were close to dusting. Of course there's dust, even if it's just some small bits that had sloughed off before the DETERMINATION took hold and led to the creation of the Amalgamates. And even if not... She was working with the Yellow Flowers from where Asriel died. It could be likely that dust, if nothing else, is his. I honestly just love that entire part so much. It's just... Hidden very well, to the point where I thought the avoidance was due to her depression, and she was eating dog food partly out of self-loathing and partly out of ease with the instant-noodles. But no, Endogeny (and I suppose some of the Amalgamates would be okay with kibble?) and the letters were all from grieving family members. It wasn't the depression that was the cause, but another result of the horrible events that have happened. I would have loved more little horror moments like this in the game, where you look back on something with one mindset and find out "I was wrong. The truth is much more complicated than I expected." There are some other moments like this, particularly Mettaton's history and the royals, but I feel like True Lab was the most well done. That being said, Tutu Kid was a stone-cold killer. I don't think any of the other pieces are covered in dust, even knives or the empty gun.
Spoiler: tutu kid spoilers That makes the description of the ballet shoes making you feel more dangerous (or whatever it was) make a LOT more sense. o_o
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Spoiler Tutu kid killed a lot of monsters. Although, in her (?) defense, I'm 90% sure none of the other fallen humans since Chara and until Frisk could save, since if they did they probably wouldn't have, er, died like that. That makes her a freaked out kid of undeterminate age in a hostile landscape where the people you kill don't even leave behind blood or the sort of bodies that might make you give pause. Not saying killing a lot of monsters is the RIGHT thing to do, but it does seem from the runs we see with Frisk that it probably at least started as legit self-defense.
Spoiler actually i don't think chara was capable of saving on their own i have a hunch frisk's ability to save is related chara's influence
Spoiler: sudden game-changing revelation if you think about it, chara isn't too different from asriel at the time of their deaths chara's consciousness is revealed to have shared control of asriel when asriel absorbed chara's soul, so it isn't too much of a stretch to say that since asriel's consciousness was found in the dusted flowers in the royal garden, chara's consciousness could be found on dusted flowers as well of course, asriel needed to be injected with determination to be reborn as flowey this leads me to believe that asriel's dust revived chara as well of course, chara lost their determination while combined with asriel, since monster bodies can't handle having much determination, so chara would have lain dormant until the dust containing their consciousness is spread on something containing determination which leads me to believe those flowers in the ruins at the start of the game contain the dust with chara's consciousness after all, what being filled with determination lands on these flowers at the start of the game, who is revealed in the genocide route to have become possessed by chara somehow? where is asriel found during the true ending, shortly before he speaks directly to chara?
Yeah my main problem with the Game Grumps playthrough is at least up through the episode where they fight Undyne, Ross at least had some experience with the game and kind of back seat drives which can be annoying, especially in the Waterfall levels, because he kind of pushes Barry forward instead of letting him take his time because he was weirdly terrified of the lantern puzzle?? Which imo is weird because it.. wasn't that hard in the first place.
Spoiler: Adding on I'm fairly certain Chara is suffering from the effects of being soulless just as much as Flowey is over the course of the game. Canonically, they were a 'not very nice person' even BEFORE they killed themselves, and they DID have a grudge against their village in specific and humanity and general. But that, while... not very good, isn't outside the realm of normal human behavior, imo? Especially if they'd been abused. It's not good, but it's more understandable. It's only after losing their soul and being half-revived through the act of their name being said that they go the full genocide route, literally.
Oh, whoops. Knew there must have been something I was forgetting... No, I haven't gotten in there yet - didn't think to do so on my last pacifist run, but when I get to the last corridor on this run, I'll be going for that.
@Bel Capricorn Well, I haven't played the game myself, but iirc, you need to stock up on a LOT of healing items and try to last until the other souls start healing you. The damage Flowey deals is isometric, so the lower your health is, the less damage he does. That obviously doesn't mean he can't KILL you, but. Something to keep in mind. Some tips from ppl who have actually played it.