@raginghearts sorry if this is an annoying ping but this is the girl I got from you- That accent works so well on her and I love it + her dragon girlfriend because I LOOKED HARD FOR THAT ACCENT AND I WANT TO SHOW HER OFF
-crosses arms- I resolutely refuse to find any more colors pretty until they give me my cream and/or pastel orange >:| (jk Pearl looks amazing)
Awww yiss, I just found a GORGEOUS mom Lalonde dragon. Same breed/sex combo as Roxy, which is kind of perfect, but I don't know if I want to sign myself up for that for all the guardians. She's going to have the new black and white contrast great, and she even has arcane eyes, and I love her a lot. And my god tier Rose got a new breed and her accent, and I think she's looking great Plus I have a new god tier Feferi, with the right breed and sex to work an arcane accent that I've had in mind for a possible Peixes accent for ages. So I'm pretty pleased!
S-so, uh... Aside from all those blue babies, I've also got these adorable little shits cramming my lair. ohmygodmydragonsaretoofertileimoverrunwithcuteness. Spoiler: So many babies.
Mmmm, derg hell. I feel all alone, because I actually hoard familiars and festival apparel, not dragons. XD So if anybody pines for coli stuff, lemme know, I'm always in the coli. (Although my Electrician's Power Pack has straight-up disappeared, I am so displeased. :E)
I LOVE your dragons. But y'know, I don't have breeding projects. I just sorta throw stuff together for the hell of it.
I tried that for so long but holy christ some of those early ones are beyond what I'd ever be able to afford. @W@ i also wish that once you max out a familiar, it would. y'know. REMAIN IN YOUR BOOKS.. instead of disappearing into the void as if you never knew them. :old crow yells at clouds:
Sure thing. Mind if I friend you for convenience? Here's what I've got dups of right now: Black Iron Creeper x1 Citrine Cave Jewel x1 Cursed Bat x1 Deadlands Disciple x1 Deadwood Boar x1 Death's-Head Stag x1 Dodo x1 Dwarf Truffle x1 Emerald Webwing x1 Shellion x2 Sprangyroo x2 Southmarsh Podid x1 Stardust Scholar x1 And I've got Baldwin to lv9, so I can make those familiars as well. I know, right? The beta familiars look like they're going for 10-20 thousand gems, which is... not as bad as it COULD be, I guess. But it's fun to have a quest!
Exactly! I'm sure I probably won't get everything, but it keeps me hanging around the site. I'm not sure what familiars I'm missing right now, but I can check later.
Ok but I'm so annoyed by the Baldwin familiars, the skinks look really cool and I have everything except the food parts, because those drop once in a blue moon.
I know, right? I never bothered to train hunting before, because I get all my food out of the coli, and now SUDDENLY HEY YOU NEED LV25 TO EVEN START GETTING STUFF. Sob.
I'm starting a legacy challenge because I'm bored of how I was playing! I also exalted a bunch of my dragons. I'm not doing the scoring, but I am sticking to the rules about purchase prices and the heir being the first offspring and so on. Here's the dude I started with: And, after some deliberation, here's his mate: Their tert range is much wider than I'd like, but it was that or a wide secondary range and a much-less-likely-to-be-inherited tert. Fifteen days until they're both rtb :|