I often end up calling some of the lighter oranges pink because that's how they look to me, honestly. It drives an artist friend of mine bonkers. I'd need like an example of what this kind of thing looks like, the blood in the shower thing, to see if it's something that I'd personally parse as being pink. But just posting as a confirmation as sometimes light orange gets called pink because that's just what it looks like to me.
additionally: people are bad at estimating how much something actually bleeds and how much clothes you can ruin with a little blood. Also more for the visual artists but: dried blood is not bright red, it's just not. Spoiler: blood so much blood like, i've ended up fumbling the small 2.7ml vials at work and producing a passable murder scene double that way. If you bleed someone to death in a non-tiled room? The room's gonna be soaked. You're gonna be soaked. even just the half litre the red cross siphons from you makes a fantastic mess, exsanguinating someone makes a giant damn puddle. A sticky puddle.
yeah, i once scratched open a skin bump in my sleep and woke up in a puddle. we had to deep clean the mattress. from something so small it didn’t even wake me up. it’s like what blood wants most is to be laundry.
tfw you discover that a good and prolific writer writes for one of your fave fandoms... but they only write your notp.
how can a writer do such a good job with wade wilson’s fucked up worldview, then turn around and write sexuality according to tumblr? argh. my immersion: it is gone.
remember how we were talking about those patronizing “protect ur self from my content, u presh eggshell” authors notes? i’m dying
I once gave a content warning that bad opinions on architecture, urban planning, military tactics, and effective kidnapping procedure were not those of the author, but this sounds considerably less tongue-in-cheek than mine.
Is "New Jersey accent" a euphemism for "foul-mouthed", or are we just an inherently terrifying people?
Maybe the author has that as a trigger themself, or knows someone who is triggered by it, and they don’t grasp the difference between a common trigger and one uncommon enough that warning for it is unlikely to do more than annoy people? ... That said, “Trigger warning: (marker of cultural/ethnic/economic background)” is a pretty egregious thing to be throwing around. (Trigger warning: offensive trigger warnings.)
What’s baffling to me there is that, as someone who knows someone with an accent trigger (my mom is triggered by Hawaiian accents due to some INCREDIBLY nasty bullying she underwent in college—she’s not happy about that trigger, but it is unfortunately there), and as someone who has some frankly bizarre trauma surrounding some specific pronunciations...how would reading about an accent be an issue? Like, I’m pretty fucking certain that someone in a written work being mentioned as having a Hawaiian accent wouldn’t bother my mom at all, for instance. Even putting aside how gross it is to include an accent as part of a general trigger warning, I genuinely am confused as to know an accent being referenced would bug someone with a genuine trigger there. Obviously triggers are weird and vary a lot, but...yeah, I’m very confused.
Maybe they were warning because they write accents like Brian Jacques did and they wanted people to be prepared for eye strain. This gripe is entirely my fault, but it might amuse you; coming up with a troll whose most appropriate-for-the-theme possible quirk is something I cannot write. Specifically, Elwurd likes girls and poetry, so I decided her hypothetical ancestor should be "the Sapphist"; I cannot convincingly write sapphic stanzas, but what other quirk could she have, I ask you?
@Acey do you mean hawaii pidgin? because hawaiian is no longer enough of a first language to generate a distinct accent (thanks, old batshit policies from old batshit white dudes) there's a massive difference between "from hawaii" and "hawaiian" and most of my gen from there is trying to work against native hawaiians getting their space trompled over via linguistic mixups
hawaii is a distinct enough region to have a noticeable accent, the same way minnesota is. i don't have to have a different first language for ppl to be like dude you sound like 'fargo'.
This was in the early 80s, but that’s quite possibly what she meant, yes. They were from Hawaii, for the record. It sucks, because she really doesn’t want to have a trigger like that in general, but these specific girls were fucking horrifying to her (we’re talking rape threats), and it’s amazing what even one bad apple in a broad group can do if their actions were genuinely really fucked up—my weird pronunciation triggers (namely a VERY particular pronunciation of “orange,” which I know is incredibly hyperspecific but is something I do struggle with) stem from my abuser, for instance. She’s known plenty of wonderful people from Hawaii since, but she quietly gets incredibly uncomfortable when she hears anyone who speaks like those girls, and that’s really sad on all counts. ...Still fucking baffled by that warning though. :/ EDIT: And yeah, regional accents are very much a thing, as @jacktrash said. In fact, my weird orange thing seems to be the typical Jersey pronunciation of the word (my abuser was from NJ, and her accent was only really noticeable on specific words—she refused to acknowledge my pronunciations of them as valid, which is probably part of it too). So it could go either way?