can y'all get around to modding my posts through quicker please

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by townghost, Oct 30, 2019.

  1. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Dude, when you find yourself saying "everyone else is wrong I'm the only one that's right", that's your cue to think "maybe I am the one who is wrong"

    (Quotes are not direct quotes, but to show what's being 'said'. I know you have not said those things in those words and I am not claiming that you have.)

    ((Edited to fix typos))
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
  2. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    there is no seuality in my words. consider this my rejection:
    chiomi, i do not want to have sex with you.

  3. rigel

    rigel in a line of late afternoon sun

    no one is saying youre into bdsm, or want to be sexual with anyone. its just weird and uncomfortable to have those words ascribed to people who are unfortunately kind of your captive audience on this website.

    edited for clarity; i mean "captive audience" kindly and in a bad attempt at a joke. we arent being held captive or against our will, we just have to read through literally everything you want to post before okaying it.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
  4. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    define “weird and uncomfortable”

  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    nobody here ever thought you wanted to have sex with them. nobody has ever claimed that thing, if you read the words they have actually said.
    • Agree x 2
  6. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    How am I off the mark?

    I am explaining where everyone else is coming from, and I do not comment I your intentions at all. So I am not trying to tell you things about yourself which only you could know.

    I am telling you things about what I and others (based on what they have said so far) feel.

    None of that is "fanfiction". I don't even understand what you mean by that.
  7. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    D6235907-1829-4C60-9DF9-D55A7ABEF223.jpeg reality check:

    here’s the first mention of the word “sadistic” on the thread, which is what caused me to use it. notice how maya is not accused of being a sexual freak
    i’m not even gonna touch the mention of diapers being sexual because that’s just. a whole mess
  8. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    If anyone here is "writing fanfiction" it's actually you, because you continually ascribe motivations and feelings to people that are verifiably, factually, 100%, false.

    Have you tried not doing that?
  9. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    Imagine citing a definition which specifically mentions the "pleasurable" aspect of sadism and then claiming it doesn't have a sexual connotation
  10. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Like, fuck, dude, you claim that you always say what you mean and we're all just ascribing meanings to you that don't exist, but then you turn around and do the exact same thing. Anyone who disagrees with you or expresses discontent with the things you say is automatically "triggered", anyone who is even slightly snarky with you is a "troll", anyone expressing genuine concern is clearly just speaking out their ass and trauma. You're being a raging fucking hypocrite and it's getting real old.
    • Agree x 8
  11. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    to me it’s “weird and uncomfortable” that people literally associate a baby’s garment with sexuality. that’s an uncomfortably close leap to make with sex with children. i don’t associate babies and children with sex. i’m incredibly confused and honestly uncomfortable with the pedophilia. i’m not a pedophile. i do not associate babies and children or the garments they wear with sex. i officially denounce all associations with pedophilia or sexual practices between adults that imitate pedophilia. i would never engage in ritualized abuse of any kind, pedophilia-imitating or otherwise.
  12. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    224030D1-20C1-4395-ABE1-F42683A09BD8.jpeg i can reality check you again.
    this is literally google dude. come on
  13. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    Fuck dude, Wittgenstein and Pierce can get owned, we've solved the problem of connotation - it doesn't exist at all!
  14. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    Imagine saying the word pleasure and thinking it doesn't have a sexual connotation
  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I just fuckening posted the google autocompelete for sadism this morning, so kindly don't act like the definition for 'sadistic' is such a different thing

  16. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i do not participate in bdsm or adbl. i am trans. just because i am trans does not mean i participate in sexual perversion. i literally just wanna be me dude.
  17. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    cool, so dogpile maya because i didn’t say that.

  18. rigel

    rigel in a line of late afternoon sun

    can you engage with what's actually being said to you, instead of what you think is being said? multiple people now have told you that you dont need to want to be sexual with someone in order for the words you say to have sexual connotations. its fine of you cant see it and no one blames you for that. but at least acknowledge it instead of telling everyone that their interpretations of your actual words arent reality.
  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    We are just discussing the literal meanings of the words you literally use.

    I mean, ffs. Never even mind this forced ambiguity.

    If you want to stop sexually harassing the mods, stop accusing them of wanting you to be raped, stop accusing them of identifying with rapists, stop telling them to rape you, and stop discussing their genitals. There's a START.
    • Agree x 2
  20. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    It's literally in one ear and out the other. Imagine being this obstinate about the concept of connotation.
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