my grandma's orange tom kitty liked to nap on one of the scarves I made.....on top of wood counters..........regardless of the fact that it would be slowly sliding off at the same time........ so stupid. so cute. love him so much, what a fucking doofus
Val (as Pumpkin Spice): You know that cat meme you saw like five seconds ago? That's his quote. I don't care what cat meme it was, it's his quote. He's Baby.
I'm bad at Real Quotes so a fair few of these are actually screenshots of game chat with the names swapped, bUT Mathias: Spoiler Lukas: Spoiler aaaand Group Participation: Spoiler
QUESTION EIGHT: Pick a title from this list that fits a character from your story's ~aesthetic~. Either click the link or search the title, and copy + paste the best plot summary/outline/description of the story you can find. If the plot doesn't agree with your character, put down what you think the plot to a movie of that title staring the character you picked should have been If it does, explain exactly how your character fits into the story Feel free to do Both
QUESTION NINE: What would your character smell in a love potion? (I'll to the first example I thought of, if anyone has a different suggestion for what to use, let me know and I'll use it)
aiden: light cologne, gun powder, the smell of rain before a storm first breaks jordi: fresh baked goods, well-oiled leather, mulled wine
Mathias: fresh hay, leather, that just-after-rain Green smell, sea breeze/salt air Lukas: woodsmoke, cedar, old books Gulrauðr: warm iron, blood, dark honey
CAIRE: Under the Autumn Moon Summary: While visiting a dude ranch that is a potential acquisition for the outdoor adventure company she works for, an eager candidate for a big promotion discovers what matters most when she reignites her passion for the great outdoors. hm that's...not quite right, but I could...see it fitting? Caire would be the visiting eager candidate, and Lilia would be the owner of the dude ranch (which would actually be a farm with some ranching aspects, because she's more growing-type), Val works there and is the "rival" who ends up being the third corner of the triangle... feat. horseback riding and romance and possibly some hay rides and harvest fest type dates Caire: The scent just after a storm's left the ground fresh, pine, and fallen leaves with snow Lilia: Apple cider, maple syrup, bright things Val: Metal, rough fabric, flower-scent
QUESTION TEN: Without checking the meaning, find a flower that you think suits your character—this can be based on look, color, scent, feeling, whatever about it speaks to you the most in relation to said character. Write this connection up, then research the meaning of the flower. Does it still fit? If so, why? If not, why not? QUESTION ELEVEN: The standard four seasons are a pretty easy to get a basic feeling for a character's vibe and personality, but they're not technically the only seasons out there. Check out some of the other seasons that exist and decide which ones you might expect to see in the world of your story. Are there other seasons in that world that ours doesn't have? From there, ascribe some basic assumptions, meanings, or stereotypes that people in your story's world would tend to associate with those seasons (you can pick one or two, if some of them aren't vibing right in your head), and based on that list, decide what season you would associate your main protagonist and your main antagonist with, respectively. If you'd like, feel free to do this in reverse—assign a season to a character, then build the assumptions and stereotypes for that season based on your character's personality. QUESTION TWELVE: Names are one of the key cornerstones of character creation, which might explain why we tend to get so attached to them. Detach yourself for a moment—if any of your characters could choose to rename themselves, what do you think their new name would be?
QUESTION THIRTEEN: Design a mocktail (or cocktail) for your characters! You can also pick one from a list, but the goal is to come up with a drink that your characters would either A. Drink and enjoy, B. Drink to fit their particular aesthetic (or the aesthetic they claim to have) or C. Fits them based solely on their personality.
I'm on mobile so wiki'ing will have to wait, but preliminary answers.... Mathias: Red poppy. Big, dramatique, and in his color scheme. Lukas: I have no idea what the actual name of them is, so wiki'ing is gonna be A Quest, but where I used to live there were these tiny little blue wildflowers that came up in early spring and ran through the warmer months. Gulrauðr: I'm torn between dragons' blood tree and bird of paradise, both for the obvious reasons. Matt and Luke are actually the only characters who appeared fully With Names, I didn't research them at all (and Mathias is actually... etymologically disconnected from his setting, whoops) Lukas has actually chosen his name IC, but I never actually..... made a deadname for him bc it's irrelevant.......... Gulrauðr I'd have to do some more translation fidgeting with, but probably something less decorative and more bloody in meaning
...crap, I meant to include actual links :| those are from my own doc where links don't work quite as well, let me edit up the questions also do y'all not like the hallmark one as much? because if there's a suggestion for something to change it to I'd be super game, I mainly needed a VERY long list of seemingly ridiculous titles
alright, having gotten to the desktop I'm not procrastinating you're procrastinating, let's do these for real Mathias: Red poppy. Big, dramatique, and in his color scheme. -- "Pleasure, sacrifice, remembrance." Yeah, this suits; he's very much torn between his own pleasure-seeking habits and shouldering his duties under various titles. Lukas: I have no idea what the actual name of them is, so wiki'ing is gonna be A Quest, but where I used to live there were these tiny little blue wildflowers that came up in early spring and ran through the warmer months. Apparently these are Speedwell! It...... is usually seen as a weed, has no known horticultural uses, and is not listed on Wikipedia's symbolism page :') Gulrauðr: I'm torn between dragon blood tree and bird of paradise, both for the obvious reasons. Dracaena, being a tree, isn't included, but the resin has a bunch of traditional uses and is generally considered to have healing properties; BoP is listed as "Liberty, magnificence, good perspective, faithfulness." Gull is...... not a healer, but she is fairly magnificent and faithful. Win some, lose some. Honestly haven't thought about it, but the southern parts of the continent probably do get polar night (and, therefore, polar day). They'd be associated with the world-spirits of... hm, probably Water? and Fire respectively, with balancing ceremonies during each. Matt is definitely a summer boy and rowdy with it; Lukas is a more stereotypical winter. I'm definitely going to be associating Mialdryg with polar night, and if the current tentacle crisis becomes more widely known it'll probably become associated with that as well. ngl I'm not big on hallmark movies, but I don't have any suggestions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my evil plan was to make people decide purely based on "this title sounds ridiculous, I would never watch it I'm sure, but let's see where this goes" but also, valid the other option I could think of was a list of romance novels but I'm not sure where I should start looking for one of those
aiden: poppies general - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination red - pleasure, sacrifice, remembrance white - consolation, dreams, modern, peace yellow - wealth, success i think red and general fits, white a little bit but not so much, yellow not at all lmao jordi: lime blossom (this one was cheating because i remembered it from Blowjob Demand In Flowers fic but the meaning is 'fornication' and honestly, it fits) aiden: GOOD QUESTION? in game he seems inclined towards generic names for his aliases whenever possible, but he also picks a names outside of the jail segment so... adam, i think jordi: anything that starts with 'j'. he keeps his initials consistent where possible. aiden: diesel fuel - 2 oz grain alcohol, 1 oz vodka, 1 oz honey whiskey, 2 oz lemon juice, literally exists to punch you in the face with alcohol jordi: old fashioned - 1.5 oz whiskey, 1 sugar cube, bitters, orange peel, classy and basically the only kind of cocktail he's interested in honestly, it was mostly the length that deterred me, so i don't know if a long list of any titles would be something i'd answer? i'm... anal retentive, but i'm sure someone else would enjoy the mental challenge--it was just one of those "i'm already not writing, do i really need another thing to keep me from writing here?"
thank you!! and you are super valid, honestly it doesn't always jive well with the brain—I super recommend breaking standard rules and finding a way to make it work for you? I topload, some people exclusively write via word crawls, others do half nanos, like, it's an event that is supposed to be 100% for you and your writing, and the second it turns into more harmful it's failed its purpose