Enzel.txt (art/mmo screenshots/babbling)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Enzel, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Also I went ham w copics and leveled up in the past few months!!

    the beans

    old ocs of mine I redesigned ffxiv style

    Halloween doodles of our kids as kids

    Ardbert, 2P & Noctis fishing


    Alisaie as a tank (inspired by the Crystarium armor)

    Me & Aki's Garlean OCs


    Imry in what was my healer glam for a while

    the 14th


    Exarch pouty face

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
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  2. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag


    this goes in its own post bc I'm immensely proud of it
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  3. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    DANG, YOU SHOULD BE! The light on their armor is so good *_*

    I enjoyed all of your drawings, but the one where Aki'va gives a certain rat grandpa a note make me wheeze. XD
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  4. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Ahhh thanks!! I've been playing around with different ways to color metal, and I'm very happy w the results :D

    (A fastidiously embroidered note, at that...he should appreciate it since he loves drama and all :smug:)
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  5. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I still have even more to post...lol...I'm gonna do increments

    FFXIV-ified ocs again. They were from a story I made up way back when I was a preteen, one was a necromancer and the other a cleric (and the antagonist). They were rivals but I've decided they're girlfriends now.

    I dusted them off bc of an idle thought process I took too far as usual...

    Basically my static's GNB (previously WAR) has her main on Balmung, & when the server split happened she and our Monk (previously SAM) made alts on Aether to keep playing with the rest of us. She made a copy of her main and eventually decided it was the First Shard AU of her and came up with a whole backstory for why she's a tank (instead of an arcanist like the original version) and I just thought it was neat.

    I offhandedly joked that maybe that meant that there was an AU of Imry somewhere that is a healer (since I raid as WHM but Imry's IC class is basically a Paladin) and then I found myself seriously considering it...

    (Obviously it wouldn't work with any universe where she's the WoL but hey.) & decided that this one gets a tragic backstory where she lost her family to sin eaters and was raised by lesbian forest witches.

    Bonus tank!Akiv'a, with both arms. (for now)

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  6. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Akiv'a things

    we have a running joke debating whether Miqo'te are unsettled by Krile's hood or not lmao.

    I had an image in my head of the DWT aether looking like breath clouds on a cold day

    The fluffiest of tails

    G'raha vs Akiv'a body type comparison

    Tama the emotional support weasel

    Fishing w. Ardbert (which turned into a discussion of "how does he fish w one arm" & my suggestion was Titan-egi)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
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  7. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    WoL/Exarch stuff


    He found the tail...


    I imagine being made partially of rock makes him a bit heavier LOL
  8. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag


    our most beautiful branch

    they're up to no good

    Skaetswys from the kobold quests

    Gaia, Ryne (and Strelizia from KHUX as comparison)


    NB form Omega

    Exarch making sandwiches

    expressions + a rule 63 G'raha

    An artist I follow did a "design clothing for him based on your WoL" thing so I combined Akiv'a and Imry's end of Stormblood outfits
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  9. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Wein stuff (cw for extremely stylized blood)





    Titania form (I wanna do a full illustration of this at some pt)
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  10. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Keten & some Imry

    Every time an NPC calls them "lass" I just picture them making this face

    I was doing MSQ and when prompted to select a quest reward from a choice of several food dishes I was struck by the image of Vidofnir handing the WoL a nice basket of freshly baked apple strudel

    do dragons bake. I mean they don't have thumbs and can probably eat their food raw but like. Just let me have this

    Hair hair hair

    Imry hairstyles (yes I made a timeline of how fast alt/lone WoL Imry's hair grows after she cuts it post-Vault) I just made up how long the expansions lasted going by what felt about right

    The fireglass leather vest (ok_hand)

    I wanted to draw them & Arua (Akiv'a's Esteem) all in punk outfits but I gotta go get some actual references

    In Pla Enni


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  11. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Laelius and Acantha [stylized blood again]




    Some friends' characters:
    Ex-Garlean infantry w horrific burn scarring and her girlfriends (one angry gremlin, one sexy arcanist)

    Depiction of a friend of mine who always seems to attract a polite crowd while crafting
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2020
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  12. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag


    w/ Omega minions

    My brain: lol what if doomed timeline Omega switched to one of the M or F minions and figured out how to talk. Are they still around by the time G'raha wakes up???

    Raiya annoyed at her work being interrupted/Raiya and Etienne (a friend of hers from the Ironworks)

    repairing an Allagan node of some kind

    A letter & some tomestones Imry sent her from Othard/Raiya explaining something, probably

    Taranis leaving a recording/Raiya stimming w/ her necklace while she thinks.

    Imry & Akiv'a find Raiya's necklace in the Tower on the First, along with Taranis' message, indicating that Raiya survived the Eighth Calamity and worked on the project that eventually brought them there.

    Bonus: Imry minion
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  13. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Hi I moved and am going thru all my stuff and I had a revelation I can finally display my ROCKS


    Brb I need to find a way to shrink the pic size on mobile for close ups...
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  14. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Hokay unfortunately I'm p rusty about identifying stuff but

    1. Idk
    2. Heart shaped prolly found it on a beach
    3. chimkin nugget
    4. Some perlite?

    tumblr_f96866c3b7536d0bf040d140f11c36d8_de269fe1_1280.jpg 1. Touristy souvenir from Arizona or sth, beach rock, "agate" that may just be glass but eh I've had it since I was tiny and it was my first shiny thing I collected, some rock candy amethyst
    2. Beach rock, idk shiny smooth colored ones I've hoarded over the years, very flat rock too nice to skip, beach rock

    tumblr_32f333446e514a2b63478ad794daa7af_311c997f_1280.jpg 1. Buncha beach quartz and idk I think the very last one may be sandstone or something. It has visible layers from the side
    2. Polished quartz, a couple fossils. And I think the tiny black one might be obsidian?

    1. Granite p sure, probably quartz that i cracked open w a hammer one time, unsure, some geode fragments
    2. 90% certain this is petrified wood, I've had it forever and have no idea if it was legally obtained, hope I'm not cursed, more quartz
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  15. tentaclegremlin

    tentaclegremlin i'll drop the freakin' moon

    god your art... so good...
  16. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Roommate cat pics

    20200915_105225.jpg 20200915_104957.jpg 20200915_104807.jpg 20200915_104832.jpg

    she has warmed up to me now, which is wonderful except now she meows pitifully at me when I have to leave for work...
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  17. tentaclegremlin

    tentaclegremlin i'll drop the freakin' moon

    oh my goodness what a baby...
  18. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    apparently my binder fits me again
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  19. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag


    I spent a while on this...I think she's happy. Once she figured out she could climb up she started meowing excitedly for everyone to look. (She completely ignored the treats put on the shelves to entice her too LMAO)

    Other cat is doing a little better now too, she's not too afraid to come out while we're standing up, which is progress!
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  20. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I love this cat tho...her normal face always looks mournfully serious or concerned bc she has those marks in her fur that look like little eyebrows LMAO
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