Owl Blogging

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by TheOwlet, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    unrelated to literally anything else:

    sex and esp BDSM for character and relationship development is the THE BEST TROPE, GOD

    signed, me

    brought to you by: that's what i spent all day today writing and it's fucking great. the tension! the emotional honesty after fucking all the layers of redirection off each other! the release of aftercare!! GOOD! STUFF!
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
    • Agree x 4
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  2. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    I started page 69 with a sex post good going me
    • Winner x 8
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  3. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    just. [chef kiss] mwah
    • Agree x 1
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  4. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science


    And now!! they're finally admitting to being invested in each other!

    This was the best thing to ever happen to them so fucking therapeutic for them both, goddamn
    • Winner x 3
  5. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    yesssss. there are reasons it is one of my favorite things to write for character work. there is a lot you can get done with it and at a very intimate level. like it can make emotional vulnerability issues or characters feeling like they don't deserve to be happy hit a lot harder via the horror that is everything going great until post-orgrasmic depression hits. you can do so much! SO MANY KINDS OF THINGS. and it is like other kinds of character development scene things. like talks or fight scenes. just with fucking.
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  6. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    'fucking up super bad but it works out for the best' is just. so good
    • Agree x 2
  7. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Matt holding the brain cell and/or emotional maturity in a relationship will never not be funny

    He's a horrible hedonist but SOMEHOW still better at How To Feelings than the people he ends up with
    • Winner x 3
  8. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Recent corona virus covetage can go die in a FUCKING fire

    Our ER is being overrun by people who now treat every cough as a medical emergency, but in truth just enough of them have the flu to instead choke us out on desinfection-soaking times instead and it fucking sucks

    Get your dang flu shot, people, and no you won't due if this new thing but if i get someone else asking about it, i might strangle them.
    • Witnessed x 8
  9. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    500 days of duolingo french babey!!

    my brain is being a dick but turns out that forcibly opening up the serotonin valves for accomplishing this does! improve things!
    • Winner x 8
  10. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Y'know sometimes i see takes on tumblr where my main reaction is 'have you EVER been to the real world??'

    Because i came across someone proclaiming that the concepts of nightshifts/weekend/holiday work was just capitalist oppression

    And as someone who works in a Hospital...pray tell tumblr user do you think the people just stop being sick/getting sick overnight?

    Like, how is that even expected to work. Any sort of healthcare and extended emergency response people need to be there 24/7. that's Hospital staff (cleaning staff very much included!!), other doctors, pharmacies, bloodbanks, firefighters, police, forensics, but Also: everyone who delivers to them, or Monday's gonna be a mad scramble of 'we out of stuff'. Plus all the technical support. If one of our anslyzers in the lab breaks, it's VERY important we get a mechanic in ASAP ideslly on the day.

    Like, even in a communist utopia, someone will have to do the graveyard shift and the holiday ones because you need people to be taken care off 24/7.

    Like yeah you don't really need every Supermärkte and clothes store and office open on but there are PLENTY of places that have to not just be open but supported by other infrastructure

    And i feel like people really getting onto the 'everything is capitslist and therefore automaticslly the worst' forget about that real easy, resulting in takes that hover at a cozy absolute zero
    • Agree x 5
  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i mean i still think those shifts should get paid at like. double premiums and spread out evenly amongst everyone to minimize the pain of it, but yeah. medical and emergency response things need be covered.
    also any artisanal baker will laugh in your fucking face about 'no nightshifts'. bakery shift has always started at 3am so that 6am people can start buying bread. Factory baking included. no one wants stale goddam bread.
    • Agree x 6
  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    and certain agricultural jobs require really really early starts. Saffron is a photosensitive and moisture sensitive spice, it has to be harvested before the dawn dew settles or you lose quality. animals require early starts quite often. a lot of herbs you need to think quick and be out before dawn to harvest too or you risk taste deterioration.
    and if agri is up early, well, vets need to be 24/7 too.
    • Agree x 3
  13. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Also also: other infrastructure like road maintenancd (PLOW SERVICES DEAR GOD), electricity, water, trash removal

    All those people need to be out and about ALL hours of the day, or af the very least have a speedy oncall response team at hand
    • Agree x 5
  14. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    And some people just aren't day birds, they're night owls. Working the night shift is less taxing and more rewarding for them than fucking up their circadian rhythm for the sake of a 'normal' 9-to-5.
    • Agree x 8
  15. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    • Agree x 1
  16. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    there's a lot wrong with the current labour system in most developed countries, but preventing anyone working anything but some kind of like. 10am to 2pm mon-fri shift is not the way to fix it
    • Agree x 4
  17. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    construction too. if you can only be out as long as the sun is out and this road has to get done before winter, well, 40 hours a week just isn’t going to cut it.
    • Agree x 4
  18. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    And when the sun is out is when everyone is using the road, so you have to adjust your construction around traffic and inconvenience everyone even more.
    • Agree x 5
  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Basically: not all Jobs are office Jobs, and people should remember that
    • Agree x 5
  20. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    ...I wonder what percentage of total jobs are office jobs? because it might just be the fact that I don't personally know anyone who works in an office, but I feel like they're the minority.
    • Agree x 3
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