Okay why did all of you lie about Arcane being good I'm up to episode 11 of 16 and there are still major characters whose names have never been said on screen.
For a show that looks this good the script is just. Unforgivably bad. Truly direly bad. How the fuck did this ever get through production bad.
And also while the show looks good on the production design and colour side, the animation is.... Look, once you start seeing the overanimation you cannot stop seeing it because it never stops. To quote my friend on discord, "put at least half of it back".
Me: Arcane is bad. People: Yeah Season 2 was such a disappointment even though Season 1 was so-- Me: You misunderstand me.
Okay I'm done with Arcane. This show was very not good. Masterpiece of animation? I can give it that. Good??? Absolutely not.
Once again I think that people going after Patty Taxxon for not being perfect is fucking abhorrent and people turn to easily accessible transfems as people to victimise at an alarming rate but, like they do this to other people too. This is exactly what happened to Ang Handsomehugs.
Arguing with her is pointless about it but I want to keep reminding people that pedojacketing campaigs, doxxing and and smearing people over distasteful fetishes can and has happened to people who are "TME".
I can't believe it's 2025 and I have to cover up the smell of cigarette smoke from my neighbour with essential oils like I'm a city hippie living in the commuter town in the nineties.
Randomly saw a picture of one of my friends for the first time in a while and now I'm just sitting here congratulating myself for having a Perfect No Miss taste in people I associate with forever until the end of time. Once again I am winning because all my friends are hot
Took me so fucking long to get to Revue Starlight but everyone who told me this would be exactly my shit was super correct. Came for the all-girls school highly competitive performing arts school drama, stayed for the magical girl battle anime.
"Why don't you, A Woman who Loves Women, center your hatred of men when you're discussing Loving Women?" and other such stellar peaks of Intellectual Discourse on Tumblr dot com.
Am I exaggerating a little bit? Yeah. I don't really even try to be unbiased when I post here where nobody can see it. But it's just like. Wow you don't like men, cool. What does that have to do with loving women?
"But I'm a lesbian all the trans women I've shared queer spaces with have tried to hit on me!" a) Doubt.jpg b) oh wow a woman who knows you're into women whose gender you validate developed a bit of a crush on you? Truly terrible. Surely this is a thing that is only ever done by "men" to women. c) *sips coffee aromantically from an "alloromantic tears" mug*
It's particularly cruel from so-called "trans-affirming" lesbians to paint the act of "feeling good around someone because they're supportive of you" as somehow masculising. The amount of sad little queer girls who have gotten crushes on me because their taste is bad and I'm a compulsive bunnyhugger and also a cold-hearted aro bastard playboy would blow the minds.
Mind, I also think people go way too hard complaining about having a friend who is a guy having a crush on them and how uncomfortable it is to be "relationship zoned" a lot -- like, yeah, when a guy has few friends and you're like the only person he's ever capable of being emotionally open with, that's a really easy moment to develop romantic interest or just get the wires crossed. I sympathise to the fear of having to turn someone down who might harbour some entitlement towards you but you don't get to pre-emptively condemn someone for having feelings, a thing which we all have and have only tenuous control over.
Anyway the problem is that alloromantic people are all fucking annoying about feelings. They're not fucking gravity, get a grip.
Like as far as I can tell is that the problem from every direction is a belief that unless the specific person someone has feelings for responds them, then nobody ever will. That you, the poor recipient, feel pressured emotionally to respond because the burden of the confessor's feelings have now intractably been placed on you. When the reality is that those feelings were never your problem in the first place, and a confession, every time, is supposed to be a gift, not a demand. The existence of feelings themselves is not entitlement, it's literally the most normal-ass thing about us, a social species of ape that survives largely through our ability to cultivate social bonds with others. Similarly, the problem of "my crush didn't/my crushes have never responded to my feelings, guess I'll die alone" seems to almost always come from the people in question only knowing like a dozen people. You think your emotions so tiny and insignificant that a handful of people can carry them without any burden or fear of hurting you. You dense motherfucker. This is what we mean when we say you have to love yourself first, to value the act of caring for your feelings first. Everyone else sees a terrifying responsibility in what you're presenting as basically a part-time chia pet or a tamagochi, especially because you are so clearly completely fucking ignorant to the vastness of your being. When you confess to someone you're giving them a gift. Caring about you is a privilege and if you don't treat it as such then everyone else is going to treat it as a burden. Feelings aren't gravity, but your low self-esteem especially is not a fucking antigravity field.
I'm sorry but if you say "uncomfy" in your supposedly serious post about serious behaviours, I'm just never gonna be able to take you seriously.