@Imoyram I will mentor you! Black and dark violet and possibly some kind of dragon-related thing, idk, accidentally scorched hair maybe?
aesthetics: tentacles/ catlike. I don´t think i count as a mentoring type but well interns need to do research right?
@littlemissCodeless since i was the reason a demon started occupying the library, I think everyone else probably told me I had to stick with you until they were sure you were okay @OnnaStik Cool! will do!
@Imoyram so far basically your only requisite would be to wear business formal. you don't have to match me - just look like you belong, i.e., all business, generally terrifying. if you get to intern under me you had better spend the whole time praying to whatever god you choose and also knowing what i want at least five minutes ago. :P
also Imo, if you get a ... request ... to intern under me, be aware that everyone you know will assume they will never see you again, and possibly throw you a going-away party that doubles as a funeral.
@Kaylotta I dont even know if I would intern under you, considering you're kinda the nick fury of villains, and terrifying in supervillain verse
assassin at the party: "it was nice knowing you. just be glad she didn't put out a hit on you. that would've been uncomfortable."
it's probably the cliffhanger to, like, the finale. and then the network starts three different spinoffs and no one is quite sure which one is supposed to be you ...
but wasnt the finale gonna be me turning into a fully fledged villain by taking bits and pieces of what i learned and smushing them together to do something eh whatever :D
"I'll steal you some nice flowers for your funeral!" yeah, that's it I'd say working for Kaylotta is the midseason final like, we go on break and then when the show comes back on...
oh gosh though imagine if the intern kept losing shines as thing in story happened, starting with then meta show *shudder*
imo finds out two episodes before midseason: the next episode is everyone mourning/wishing well/giant party at henchman coffee shop. midseason finale is first day at work