made brainbent less visible

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by seebs, Sep 22, 2024.

  1. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    people were browsing it and complaining and just as an immediate slowdown of things i'm making it private for now. this shouldn't affect logged-in people, if it does, let us know.
    • Useful x 3
  2. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    So far, as far as we know, it's really just been one user's threads that were being browsed, but we thought it might be better to just make the whole subforum private anyway, just in case.

    Tbh, I had thought it was private already, but apparently not lol
    • Agree x 2
  3. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Just to point out if you go on profiles, posts can be read. Noticed this, don’t know if that can be edited in the code?
  4. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    i think, at least in theory, it should show only posts which you would have access to? like, if you go on someone's profile, you won't see their posts in forums that are private and you're not in.
  5. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    The thread in particular is the moved one, and if I click the title it goes to the mind and body deconstructing sub forum (braains or whichever way it’s spelled, sorry, I mobile post so I can’t reference it as I’m typing). If I find the post by the profile it will take me to the moved posts, and I’m not sure I should be having access (then again I haven’t looked to where it was moved to).
  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The thread I took over is in the brainsss subforum! It's there because brainsss is open to visitorsI used that one because when a thread is moved, it retains the same url as the original thread. My initial snap response to being contacted about it was to shove the relevant thread into holler closet, where the url was the same, but it was successfully bouncing testers who tried to access it while logged out. The copied version of the thread is still in the holler closet (with a new url), so it should be protected from any visitors who try to get extra nosy. And all of op's words and name are removed from the copied thread, because I'm not going to make things easier for anyone trying to rummage.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024
  7. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I can see OP’s posts from OP’s profile when I click through, is what I am saying. Like as in: if I click OP’s post, or search a keyword (in this case the person in question’s name), I can click it and it brings me to the thread before it became moved. sorry, I am trying to be helpful but I think my intent is getting crossed with confusion! I’m trying to be vague in terms so no one specifically searches for this issue but I can send DM proof?
  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    If you think there's a problem i ought to fix, go for it! I'm also on a six mile walk as we speak, so my articulation and reading comprehension might be compromised. I think that someone without an account might be able to see that posts exist, but wouldn't be able to click through to read the meat of them, if that makes sense. There's also a chance i accidentally left a temp one-day redirect in place while moving something (it's the default setting), and it's just not showing up in my interface
    • Witnessed x 1
  9. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Oh, that might be it then? Seems I might actually be the wrong one here, sorry! I know I can see the posts when searching but I wonder if hiding the profile to logged out users might be smart too?
    • Like x 1
  10. prickle

    prickle Member

    if its going to stay private can '(private)' be added to the forum description, please, like the other private forums have?
    • Agree x 3
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