GURGLES I LOVE BLACKGRASS. makes frantic fanboy noises at u. blue is an absolute babe and i love him ok thank u.
on an unrelated note i am actually going to get some sketch pages done today. i'm debating moving the whole mess over to traditional sketching though? i seem to work faster that way. hmmm.
Panel layout for shapes and sorting scenes continues to be fun. Sorting out angles of view in panels continues to be very, very difficult for me. Slowly plowing on.
*bookmarks Blackgrass for GREAT JUSTICE* Yeah, I like doing the actual thing digital, but it seems to work better if I sketch it with an actual pencil first and then redraw it digitally. Sometimes if the sketch is great I'll scan it and trace it, but usually it works better for me to just redraw the whole thing with the sketch as reference.
@kino I don't see any problem with you being here as long as you meet your monthly quota of screaming-about-comicking like the rest of us. That is a joke there is no such quota. Also hi I like your comic, I love ghosts and comics about ghosts a lot.
hooooo shit here we go Today is just the chapter cover, actual comics start going up Monday. *wheeze*
I'm looking through the archive of my webcomic and I can't wrap my head around how I made eight - eight - pages plus cover in November. What is your secret, past me? :T There's no way I'll beat this record until July ends, but I can promise myself to at least try the next month. For now I'll just continue coloring the existing pages. *cracks knuckles*
does anyone have any tips for cheating backgrounds because they are the worst thing about comics imho
For interiors: Sweet Home 3D is free unless you want to pay $15 for the "support the dev" edition on Amazon that comes with a shitload of extra furniture and stuff, build your room and render and trace/reference as desired. Morguefile has photos of anything you could possibly need, use as ref or just apply filters and slap that shit right in there because everything there is public domain. Dunno what software you use but try a search for "landscape brushes" "scenery brushes," or the like for your app of choice
Thank youuuuuu! ;o; I finally have the new page all sketched out and check out this nervous Ukrainian nugget nibbling on a stale cracker: Nature is incredible
I'm really pleased about the look of those crackers for some reason. Damn though I hope I'll finish this page tomorrow. The lines are almost done, yay!