I would like to direct everyone to the subreddit /r/mildlypenis. Sorry if that was posted before but right now I don't have much time to read backlogs of threads
ok to be honest I was having a hard time not naming that file something impossible like robobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobo ner
There are so many subeta items that look like dongers that one of my subeta pets collects them (he also is a reborn telenine who likes dragons, hence the first 5 items, and the 6th item is the seed for the item right next to it.)
If you have access to any kind of photo editing software, even Paint, you should be able to rotate the picture to the proper orientation and save it.
It's a known issue with the forum software. I believe the solution is to open the image in an editor, rotate it, save it, rotate it back, save it again, and reupload it (a.k.a. the Dark Ritual of Image Rotation).